DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: TEMISAT: A Microsatellite System for Autonomous Enviromental Monitoring Service


Technical Session IX: International Programs


TELESPAZIO is developing the first professional system program using TEMISAT micro-satellite. The service offer will be dedicated to Enviromental Monitoring for data collection and distribution from autonomous Networks. The system is composed by two microsatellite units with low cost satellite based TDMA/SCPC scheme, a Mission Control Center and two different types of terminal; Collection Center terminal and User terminal. A brief description of the satellite subsystem is outlined.


Sep 24th, 11:00 AM

TEMISAT: A Microsatellite System for Autonomous Enviromental Monitoring Service

TELESPAZIO is developing the first professional system program using TEMISAT micro-satellite. The service offer will be dedicated to Enviromental Monitoring for data collection and distribution from autonomous Networks. The system is composed by two microsatellite units with low cost satellite based TDMA/SCPC scheme, a Mission Control Center and two different types of terminal; Collection Center terminal and User terminal. A brief description of the satellite subsystem is outlined.