DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: SAFlR: A Small-Satellite Program for Two-Way Environmental Data Collection and Distribution


Technical Session IX: International Programs


A new approach in space technology arises in various areas utilizing small satellites, also called μSATs. Implementing modem equipment especially in the field of electronics and computers, leads to powerful systems which are able to cover wide areas of application. In addition, new launch capabilities, such as secondary payloads and piggy-backs on CIS launchers enables a "low cost" approach for satellite based applications. In this context OHB-System develops the small satellite system called SAFJR. (Satellite For Information Relay) with unique communication capabilities. The major operation is aimed to two-way data collection and distribution of environmental “in-situ" measurements. Moreover, the implemented features are also usable in a variety of other applications where simple communications are desired. The pilot project SAFJR is partly funded by the German Space Agency (DARA).


Sep 24th, 11:15 AM

SAFlR: A Small-Satellite Program for Two-Way Environmental Data Collection and Distribution

A new approach in space technology arises in various areas utilizing small satellites, also called μSATs. Implementing modem equipment especially in the field of electronics and computers, leads to powerful systems which are able to cover wide areas of application. In addition, new launch capabilities, such as secondary payloads and piggy-backs on CIS launchers enables a "low cost" approach for satellite based applications. In this context OHB-System develops the small satellite system called SAFJR. (Satellite For Information Relay) with unique communication capabilities. The major operation is aimed to two-way data collection and distribution of environmental “in-situ" measurements. Moreover, the implemented features are also usable in a variety of other applications where simple communications are desired. The pilot project SAFJR is partly funded by the German Space Agency (DARA).