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Thursday, September 16th
10:45 AM

An Adaptable Frangible Separation Joint

Gary Harris, Orbital Sciences Corporation
Steven Renfro, Ensign Bickford Aerospace Company

10:45 AM

10:59 AM

Small Satellite Mechanical Design Experience

Stewart Meyers, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

10:59 AM

11:14 AM

Overall Programmes at the University of Surrey

M.J.M. Moerman, Surrey Satellite Technology Limited

11:14 AM

11:29 AM

Structural Design, Development and Testing of a Small Experimental Satellite: SATEX-1

R. Peralta, Lab. Ing. Aeroespacial, Instituto de Ingenierfa-UNAM
Y. Fairuzov, Lab. Ing. Aeroespacial, Instituto de Ingenierfa-UNAM
M. Navarrete, Lab. Ing. Aeroespacial, Instituto de Ingenierfa-UNAM
J. Aguirre, Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas
F. Serrania, Lab. Ing. Aeroespacial, Instituto de Ingenierfa-UNAM,

11:29 AM