DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: Structural Design, Development and Testing of a Small Experimental Satellite: SATEX-1


Technical Session IX: Smaller, Cheaper, Faster


A 50 kg. satellite is being developed at the University of Mexico as an engineering test bed. SATEX-1 is programmed to be launched to polar orbit early in 1995 by Ariane. The satellite structure comprises aluminum sandwich panels and composites in the form of a cube made with two matting U-shaped parts. This solution was selected for simplicity during assembly and testing. The s/c body is further stiffened by an internal panel which supports a pressurized gas tank and other hardware. All panels are joined by standard corner and edge close-outs and splices. At present, a finite element model for the validation of the design, regarding static and dynamic behavior is being conducted. The paper presents numerical results for quasi static and dynamic analysis, such as eigen-values, free vibration and sinusoidal vibrations. The testing program follows closely launcher agency requirements and is supported by previous similar experiences in our laboratory. Also, a general description of the project is included.


Sep 16th, 11:29 AM

Structural Design, Development and Testing of a Small Experimental Satellite: SATEX-1

A 50 kg. satellite is being developed at the University of Mexico as an engineering test bed. SATEX-1 is programmed to be launched to polar orbit early in 1995 by Ariane. The satellite structure comprises aluminum sandwich panels and composites in the form of a cube made with two matting U-shaped parts. This solution was selected for simplicity during assembly and testing. The s/c body is further stiffened by an internal panel which supports a pressurized gas tank and other hardware. All panels are joined by standard corner and edge close-outs and splices. At present, a finite element model for the validation of the design, regarding static and dynamic behavior is being conducted. The paper presents numerical results for quasi static and dynamic analysis, such as eigen-values, free vibration and sinusoidal vibrations. The testing program follows closely launcher agency requirements and is supported by previous similar experiences in our laboratory. Also, a general description of the project is included.