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1993 | ||
Tuesday, September 14th | ||
3:45 AM |
Scenario on Orbital Experiment System using Small Satellites of NASDA Atsuo Tsuiki, National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA) 3:45 AM |
4:00 AM |
Small Spacecraft Conceptual Design for a Lunar Polar Mapping/Educational Spacecraft Peter Warren, University of Colorado 4:00 AM |
4:14 AM |
G.W. Milne, Stellenbosch University 4:14 AM |
4:29 AM |
Gro-Sat: The Development of an Extended Life Support System for Plants in Microgravity Kathleen Blizard, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 4:29 AM |
4:44 AM |
TUBSAT, Low Cost Access to Space Technology U. Renner, Technical University of Berlin 4:44 AM |
11:15 AM |
The FREJA Magnetospheric Research Satellite Design and Flight Operations Sven Grahn, Swedish Space Corporation 11:15 AM |
11:30 AM |
Development of a Small Satellite Series ISRO Experience U.N. Das, ISRO Satelllite Centre 11:30 AM |
11:44 AM |
Overview of the SCD1/Pegasus Mission Jaime Fernandez, Orbital Sciences Corp 11:44 AM |
11:59 AM |
Experimental Multimission Microsatellites - KITSAT Series Impyeong Lee, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technoiogy (KAIST) 11:59 AM |
2:00 PM |
Leverne Seversike, Iowa State University of Science and Technology 2:00 PM |
2:15 PM |
The Miniature Sensor Technology Integration Program: An Overview Jason Feig, Air Force Phillips Laboratory 2:15 PM |
2:30 PM |
Skipper: An American-Russian Space Effort L.C. Howlett, Space Dynamics Laboratory 2:30 PM |
2:45 PM |
The Calling Network: A Global Telephone Utility Edward Tuck, Calling Communications Corporation 2:45 PM |
Wednesday, September 15th | ||
9:15 AM |
Rich Hendrickson, Loral Qualcomm Satellite Services, Inc. 9:15 AM |
9:30 AM |
J.W. Brosius, Ellipsat Corporation 9:30 AM |
9:45 AM |
The STARSYS Global Positioning and Messaging System Alan Renshaw, STARSYS Global Positioning, Inc. 9:45 AM |
11:00 AM |
Measurement of Atmospheric Ultraviolet Radiation from a Low Earth Orbit Satellite Steven Clegg, Phillips Laboratory 11:00 AM |
11:15 AM |
A Space Weather and Terrestrial Hazards Experiment for the MSTI Program L. Golub, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory 11:15 AM |
11:30 AM |
Elastic Backscattering Lidar for a MSTI Satellite The Lidar Team, Los Alamos National Laboratory 11:30 AM |
11:45 AM |
The GEOSAT Follow-on (GFO) Altimeter D.M. Walker, E-Systems, Inc. 11:45 AM |
1:45 PM |
Small Satellite Missions to Deep Space Enabled by Solar Thermal Rockets Anthony Zuppero, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory 1:45 PM |
2:00 PM |
Pegasus XL Development and L-1011 Pegasus Carrier Aircraft Marty Mosier, Orbital Sciences Corporation 2:00 PM |
2:15 PM |
Sea-Launch for Small Satellites: An American/Russian Joint Venture John Draim, Sea-Launch Investors, Inc. 2:15 PM |
2:30 PM |
A Status Report Lockheed Launch Vehicle D.E. Davis, Lockheed Missiles & Space Co 2:30 PM |
2:45 PM |
Jack Koletty, EER Systems 2:45 PM |
3:00 PM |
The Peacekeeper Post Boost Vehicle for Civil Space Applications Paul Phillips, Science Applications International Corporation 3:00 PM |
3:30 PM |
Testing and Evaluation of Lithium-Ion Batteries for LEO Space Missions S.T. Mayer, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 3:30 PM |
3:45 PM |
Darby Cooper, Iowa State University 3:45 PM |
4:00 PM |
Spacecraft Erasable Disk Mass Memory (EDMM) S.D. Bussinger, Spectrum Astro, Inc./USAF Phillips Laboratory 4:00 PM |
4:15 PM |
Small Satellite Solar Array Substrate John Fiore, Fairchild Space & Defense Corporation 4:15 PM |
4:30 PM |
Development of Honeywell's Earth Reference Attitude Determination System (ERADS) Douglas Pledger, Honeywell Systems and Research Center 4:30 PM |
Thursday, September 16th | ||
9:15 AM |
HETE Satellite Processing System Richard Dynes, AeroAstro Corporation 9:15 AM |
9:30 AM |
HETE Satellite Power Subsystem Edward Sullivan, AeroAstro Corporation 9:30 AM |
9:45 AM |
Elastic Scaling of Small Structures Kim Aaron, Jet Propulsion Laboratory 9:45 AM |
10:00 AM |
Current and Emerging Technology for Powering Small Satellites with Secondary Cells and Batteries G.C. Klein, Gates Aerospace Batteries 10:00 AM |
10:15 AM |
Developing an Inflatable Solar Array Patrick Malone, L'Garde, Inc. 10:15 AM |
10:30 AM |
The GPS-Linked Transponder - A Command, Telemetry, and Positioning System for Small Spacecraft William Devereux, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory 10:30 AM |
10:45 AM |
An Adaptable Frangible Separation Joint Gary Harris, Orbital Sciences Corporation 10:45 AM |
10:59 AM |
Small Satellite Mechanical Design Experience Stewart Meyers, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 10:59 AM |
11:14 AM |
Overall Programmes at the University of Surrey M.J.M. Moerman, Surrey Satellite Technology Limited 11:14 AM |
11:29 AM |
Structural Design, Development and Testing of a Small Experimental Satellite: SATEX-1 R. Peralta, Lab. Ing. Aeroespacial, Instituto de Ingenierfa-UNAM 11:29 AM |
11:59 AM |
Development of the Polar Satellite Service Rolf Skatteboe, Norwegian Space Centre 11:59 AM |
12:14 PM |
Step Integration to Taurus First Flight Payload Launch Processing Stephen Nichols, Defense Systems, Inc. 12:14 PM |
12:29 PM |
A New Trajectory Propagation Program for DSPSE Mission Support Jay Middour, Naval Research Laboratory 12:29 PM |