Near-Term Scheduled Launches
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2003 | ||
Monday, August 11th | ||
3:00 PM |
RASCAL: DARPA’s Solution to Responsive, Affordable, Micro-Satellite Space Access Preston Carter, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency 3:00 PM |
3:15 PM |
Elon Musk, Space Exploration Technologies Corporation 3:15 PM |
3:29 PM |
Flight Tests of XCOR’s EZ-Rocket and Progress toward a Microgravity and Microspacecraft Launcher Dan DeLong, XCOR Aerospace, Inc 3:29 PM |
3:44 PM |
The Inexpensive Injection of Mini-Satellites into GEO G.M. Webb, Commercial Space Technologies, Ltd 3:44 PM |
3:59 PM |
A New Space Launch Vehicle: Low Cost Access to Space Using Surplus Peacekeeper ICBM Motors Scott Schoneman, Orbital Sciences Corporation 3:59 PM |
4:14 PM |
Global Space League Upcoming Ride-Along Opportunities Joan Horvath, Takeoff Technologies LLC 4:14 PM |
4:29 PM |
ExoTerra, a Revolutionary Approach to Space Launch Research and Development Terrance Yee, ExoTerra 4:29 PM |