New missions that will adopt standard interfaces as an integral element of the mission objectives.

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Tuesday, August 9th
4:30 PM

Multiple Payload Ejector for Education, Science and Technology Payloads

Gary Letchworth, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

4:30 PM

4:45 PM

The Future of the Microsatellite Program in Canada

Simon Grocott, Dynacon Inc

4:45 PM

4:59 PM

The GeneSat-1 Test Demonstration Project: A Unique use of Smallsats

Bruce Yost, Defouw Engineering
John Hines, NASA/Ames Research Center
Elwood Agasid, Space Technology Center
David Engelbert, National Center for Space Biological Technologies
Antonio Ricco, Robotic Systems Laboratory
Christopher Kitts, Robotic Systems Laboratory

4:59 PM

5:14 PM

Mission and System Design of a Venus Entry Probe and Aerobot

Andy Phipps, Surrey Satellite Technology Limited
Adrian Woodroffe, Surrey Satellite Technology Limited
Dave Gibbon, Surrey Satellite Technology Limited
Peter Alcindor, Surrey Satellite Technology Limited
Mukesh Joshi, Surrey Satellite Technology Limited
Alex da Silva Curiel, Surrey Satellite Technology Limited
Jeff Ward, Surrey Satellite Technology Limited
Martin Sweeting, Surrey Satellite Technology Limited
John Underwood, Vorticity Ltd
Steve Lingard, Vorticity Ltd
Marcel van den Berg, European Space Agency
Peter Falkner, European Space Agency

5:14 PM

5:29 PM

Lunette: Lunar Farside Gravity Mapping by Nanosat

Henry Spencer, SP Systems
Kieran Carroll, Gedex Inc.
Jafar Arkani-Hamed, University of Toronto
Robert Zee, University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies

5:29 PM

5:44 PM

SmallSat Lessons Learned on THEMIS: Approaches to Standard Interfaces that Succeeded or Failed

Thomas Ajluni, Swales Aerospace

5:44 PM