An update on current and planned launch systems with emphasis on proven means of providing regular and predictable access to space.

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Thursday, August 17th
10:45 AM

The DARPA / USAF Falcon Program Small Launch Vehicles

David Weeks, National Aeronautics Space Administration
Steven Walker, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Tim Thompson, Booz Allen Hamilton
Robert Sackheim, Independent Consultant
John London III, National Aeronautics Space Administration

10:45 AM

10:59 AM

Responsive Flight Testing of a Launch Hardware Tracker Experiment using a Prototype Nanosat Launch Vehicle

John Garvey, Garvey Spacecraft Corporation
David Garza, The Aerospace Corporation

10:59 AM

11:14 AM

ICBM Derived Small Lift Vehicles: Past, Present, and Future

William Emmer, Mission Design, Rocket Systems Launch Program
Joel Freyenhagen, Target Vehicle Integration, Rocket Systems Launch Program
Gene Hockenberry, R&D/Space Launch, Rocket Systems Launch Program
Jeremy Geiger, R&D/Space Launch, Rocket Systems Launch Program

11:14 AM

11:29 AM

AirLaunch’s QuickReach™ Small Launch Vehicle: Operationally Responsive Access to Space

Debra Facktor Lepore, AirLaunch LLC
Joseph Padavano, Delta Velocity

11:29 AM

11:44 AM

A Custom Launch System for Satellites Smaller than 1 kg

Dorin Patru, Rochester Institute of Technology
Jeffrey Kozak, Rochester Institute of Technology
Robert Bowman, Rochester Institute of Technology

11:44 AM

11:59 AM

The Atlas Secondary Experience – Yesterday, Today, and Beyond

Gerald Szatkowski, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company
George Sowers, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company
Jim England, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company
Chris Andrews, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company
Emily Rodgers, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company

11:59 AM

12:14 PM

Lessons Learned Developing Separation Systems For Small Satellites

Walter Holemans, Planetary Systems Corporation

12:14 PM

12:29 PM

The ‘Responsive Access’ Concept (RAC) and its Realisation in Russia

G.M. Webb, Commercial Space Technologies
O.A. Sokolov, Commercial Space Technologies

12:29 PM

12:44 PM

The First New Mexico Spaceport Launch: UP Aerospace and AeroAstro Team Together to Provide Regular and Repeatable Launches for Space Component Testing.

Simon Weiss, AeroAstro, Inc.
James Peverill, AeroAstro, Inc.
Rich Glover, AeroAstro, Inc.
Bill Seng, AeroAstro, Inc.
Jerry Larson, UP Aerospace, Inc.

12:44 PM