Technical Session XII: The Next Generation | 2010 - Connecting the Dots: Bringing Visionaries, System Implementers & Mission Sponsors Together

Recent and planned educational small satellite programs that train a new generation of engineers while benefiting the small satellite community.

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Thursday, August 12th
10:45 AM

Initial Flight Results for an Automated Satellite Beacon Health Monitoring Network

Anthony Young, Santa Clara University
Christopher Kitts, Santa Clara University
Michael Neumann, Santa Clara University
Ignacio Mas, Santa Clara University
Mike Rasay, Santa Clara University

10:45 AM

11:00 AM

Inkjet-Printed Transparent Antennas Integrated on Solar Cells

Tursunjan Yasin, Utah State University
Reyhan Baktur, Utah State University
Jason Saberin, University of Utah
Cynthia Furse, University of Utah

11:00 AM

11:15 AM

The QB50 Program, the First CubeSat Constellations Doing Science

Robert Twiggs, Morehead State University
Benjamin Malphrus, Morehead State University
J. Muylaert, von Karman Institute of Fluid Dynamics

11:15 AM

11:30 AM

Small Satellites Technologies from Newcomers Perspective – Slovenian Space-Si Case

Rodič Tomaž, SPACE-SI
Oštir Krištof, SPACE-SI
Matko Drago, SPACE-SI
Batagelj Boštjan, SPACE-SI
Peljhan Marko, SPACE-SI
Malič Barbara, SPACE-SI
Zwitter Tomaž, SPACE-SI
Šuštar Tomaž, C3M d.o.o.

11:30 AM

11:45 AM

Miniature Wire Boom System for Nano Satellites

Steven Grover, Utah State University
Keith Bradford, Utah State University
Mark Anderson, Utah State University
Erik Stromberg, Utah State University
Brian Sharp, Utah State University
Steve Burr, Utah State University

11:45 AM

12:00 PM

Experimental Characterization of a Radio Frequency Microthermal Thruster

Shae Williams, Purdue University
Ivana Hrbud, Purdue University

12:00 PM

12:15 PM

The FASTRAC Experience: A Student Run Nanosatellite Program

Sebastián Muñoz, The University of Texas at Austin
Jamin Greenbaum, The University of Texas at Austin
Thomas Campbell, The University of Texas at Austin
Greg Holt, The University of Texas at Austin
E.Glenn Lightsey, The University of Texas at Austin

12:15 PM

12:30 PM

Conducting Science with a CubeSat: The Colorado Student Space Weather Experiment

Scott Palo, University of Colorado
Xinlin Li, University of Colorado
David Gerhardt, University of Colorado
Drew Turner, University of Colorado
Rick Kohnert, University of Colorado
Vaughn Hoxie, University of Colorado
Susan Batiste, University of Colorado

12:30 PM

12:45 PM

UNESCOsat: The United Nations’ First Satellite

Donald Platt, Florida Institute of Technology

12:45 PM