DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: Performance Validation of the Triangular Rollable and Collapsible Mast


Technical Session II: Around The Corner


A new deployable boom concept invented by AFRL has recently been gaining strong attention by those in the MicroSat and CubeSat communities. The Triangular Rollable And Collapsible (TRAC) mast has been demonstrated to enable new planar payloads and thus new mission concepts due to its extremely efficient packaging scheme. Several different material and geometric variations on the TRAC mast have been demonstrated to date. This mast can be engineered for either high packaging efficiency or high structural performance. The thinnest version is constructed from stainless steel allowing it to be packaged along with three other 4.0-meter long booms into a ½ U CubeSat volume. High structural performance versions are constructed of a carbon composite laminate that enable stiffer payloads such as a retractable 10m2 solar sail. The deployed structural performance of these booms has been predicted and these models have been validated through structural testing.

SSC10-II-1.pdf (43460 kB)
Presentation Slides


Aug 9th, 4:45 PM

Performance Validation of the Triangular Rollable and Collapsible Mast

A new deployable boom concept invented by AFRL has recently been gaining strong attention by those in the MicroSat and CubeSat communities. The Triangular Rollable And Collapsible (TRAC) mast has been demonstrated to enable new planar payloads and thus new mission concepts due to its extremely efficient packaging scheme. Several different material and geometric variations on the TRAC mast have been demonstrated to date. This mast can be engineered for either high packaging efficiency or high structural performance. The thinnest version is constructed from stainless steel allowing it to be packaged along with three other 4.0-meter long booms into a ½ U CubeSat volume. High structural performance versions are constructed of a carbon composite laminate that enable stiffer payloads such as a retractable 10m2 solar sail. The deployed structural performance of these booms has been predicted and these models have been validated through structural testing.