DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: Understanding Future Mission Needs


Technical Session V: Panel Discussion


An exciting and interactive forum for discussion of the broad mission capabilities and utility that are enabled by emerging small satellite system architectures, component technologies, design methodologies, and concepts of operation. The panel will also explore markets that are currently under-served, applications and services needed by government, business, commercial operators and consumers, and what obstacles currently prevent their full realization. Panel members will be challenged to provide candid views and insight on these topics based upon their varied interests and unique roles as both small satellite developers and users. This year’s panel will be interactive, with realtime audience participation. Panel Members: Captain Paul Werner, Technical Director RRSW, Operationally Responsive Space Office Chris McCormik, Founder and President, Broad Reach Engineering Mr. Joseph Dezio, Explorers Deputy Program Manager, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Arturo Guerrero, North/ Central America Sales, RapidEye AG


Aug 10th, 2:15 PM

Understanding Future Mission Needs

An exciting and interactive forum for discussion of the broad mission capabilities and utility that are enabled by emerging small satellite system architectures, component technologies, design methodologies, and concepts of operation. The panel will also explore markets that are currently under-served, applications and services needed by government, business, commercial operators and consumers, and what obstacles currently prevent their full realization. Panel members will be challenged to provide candid views and insight on these topics based upon their varied interests and unique roles as both small satellite developers and users. This year’s panel will be interactive, with realtime audience participation. Panel Members: Captain Paul Werner, Technical Director RRSW, Operationally Responsive Space Office Chris McCormik, Founder and President, Broad Reach Engineering Mr. Joseph Dezio, Explorers Deputy Program Manager, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Arturo Guerrero, North/ Central America Sales, RapidEye AG