DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: O/OREOS Nanosatellite: A Multi-Payload Technology Demonstration


Technical Session VI: Market In Retrospect


The Organism/Organic Exposure to Orbital Stresses (O/OREOS) nanosatellite follows in the footsteps of the successful GeneSat-1 and PharmaSat missions to validate key technologies developed to conduct compelling science experiments in space for a small price tag. Developed by the Small Spacecraft Division at NASA Ames Research Center, the 5.5-kg 3U satellite contains two completely independent payloads and a novel drag-enhancing device which shortens the spacecraft’s orbital lifetime, thereby mitigating orbital debris. This paper provides an overview of the mission as well as an in-depth discussion of each payload and the de-orbit mechanism (DOM) while highlighting lessons learned from the spacecraft’s development.

SSC10-VI-1.pdf (1659 kB)
Presentation Slides


Aug 10th, 4:15 PM

O/OREOS Nanosatellite: A Multi-Payload Technology Demonstration

The Organism/Organic Exposure to Orbital Stresses (O/OREOS) nanosatellite follows in the footsteps of the successful GeneSat-1 and PharmaSat missions to validate key technologies developed to conduct compelling science experiments in space for a small price tag. Developed by the Small Spacecraft Division at NASA Ames Research Center, the 5.5-kg 3U satellite contains two completely independent payloads and a novel drag-enhancing device which shortens the spacecraft’s orbital lifetime, thereby mitigating orbital debris. This paper provides an overview of the mission as well as an in-depth discussion of each payload and the de-orbit mechanism (DOM) while highlighting lessons learned from the spacecraft’s development.