DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: Tactical Satellite-3 Mission Overview and Initial Lessons Learned


Technical Session VI: Market In Retrospect


Tactical Satellite-3 (TacSat-3) was successfully launched on 19 May 09, and has provided key insights into hyperspectral imaging capabilities hosted on a small satellite platform. TacSat-3 has given insights into new concepts of operations in the tactical employment of satellites and the balance between on-board processing, automation and performing these functions on the ground. System design decisions made early in the program are traced to on-orbit impacts and contain significant lessons learned for future space missions. In conjunction with the mission partners such as the Operationally Responsive Space Office TacSat-3 has shown lessons in key areas of improving responsive space goals. Specific key areas are the relatively rapid checkout of the spacecraft and lessons from the responsive space development.

SSC10-VI-4.pdf (1764 kB)
Presentation Slides


Aug 10th, 4:30 PM

Tactical Satellite-3 Mission Overview and Initial Lessons Learned

Tactical Satellite-3 (TacSat-3) was successfully launched on 19 May 09, and has provided key insights into hyperspectral imaging capabilities hosted on a small satellite platform. TacSat-3 has given insights into new concepts of operations in the tactical employment of satellites and the balance between on-board processing, automation and performing these functions on the ground. System design decisions made early in the program are traced to on-orbit impacts and contain significant lessons learned for future space missions. In conjunction with the mission partners such as the Operationally Responsive Space Office TacSat-3 has shown lessons in key areas of improving responsive space goals. Specific key areas are the relatively rapid checkout of the spacecraft and lessons from the responsive space development.