Poster Session | 2014 - The Commerce of Small Satellites

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Tuesday, August 5th
8:00 AM

A New Actuator for On-Orbit Inspection

Benjamin Reinhardt, Cornell University
Mason Peck, Cornell University

8:00 AM

8:00 AM

Aeneas Got Aperature

Tim Barret, University of SouthernCalifornia/ISI/Space Engineering Research Center
Mike Obal, Obal Technology Group

8:00 AM

8:00 AM

Arc Event Generator and Investigation Satellite HORYU-IV

John Polansky, HORYU-IV
Mengu Cho, Kyushu Institute of Technology

8:00 AM

8:00 AM

Best Practices for Vibration Testing Space Hardware

Paul Nitsch, Andrews Space Inc.

8:00 AM

8:00 AM

Development of a Rockoon Launch Platform and a Sulfur Fuel Pulsed Plasma Thruster CubeSAT

Ian Johnson, University of Washington
Race Roberson, University of Washington
Chad Truitt, University of Washington
Jaime Waldock, University of Washington
Paige Northway, University of Washington
Michael Pfaff, University of Washington
Robert Winglee, University of Washington

8:00 AM

8:00 AM

Realistic Operational Modeling for a Spin Stabilized CubeSat: Challenges and Anticipated Control Performance

M. Pilinski, ASTRA LLC.
G. Crowley, ASTRA LLC.
I. Azeem, ASTRA LLC.
J. Singleton, Space Dynamics Laboratory / Utah State University
R. Fullmer, Space Dynamics Laboratory / Utah State University
C. Swenson, Space Dynamics Laboratory / Utah State University
E. Stromberg, Space Dynamics Laboratory / Utah State University

8:00 AM

8:00 AM

Responsive Imaging Surveillance Using CubeSat Technologies Derived from the DARPA SeeMe Project

Leonard Vance, Raytheon RMS
Rigel Woida, Raytheon RMS
Jared Stallings, Raytheon IIS

8:00 AM

8:00 AM

Small Satellite Space Environments Effects Test Facility

JR Dennison, Utah State University
Kent Hartley, Utah State University
Lisa Phillipps, Utah State University
Justin Dekany, Utah State University
Robert Johnson, Utah State University
James Dyer, Space Dynamics Laboratory

8:00 AM

1:00 PM

Attitude Determination and Control System Hardware in the Loop Testing

Kirk Volland, Maryland Aerospace
David Park, Maryland Aerospace

1:00 PM

1:00 PM

CeREs: a Compact Radiation bElt Explorer

Shri Kanekal
Ashley Jones, GSFC
Brent Randol, GSFC
Brent Randol, GSFC
Deepak Patel, GSFC
Errol Summerlin, GSFC
Eric Gorman, GSFC
Gary Crum, GSFC
Georgia De Nolfo, GSFC
Nikolaos Paschalidis, GSFC
Saberna Heyward, GSFC
Sara Riall, GSFC
Scott Schaire, GSFC
Tom Flatley, GSFC
Zach Boblitt, GSFC
Allison Willingham, GSFC
Keiichi Ogasawara, SWRI
Mehir Desai, SWRI
Stefano Livi, SWRI

1:00 PM

1:00 PM

Development of Optimal Mission Scheduling Algorithm for Spotlight Mode based on Mechanical Beam Steering

H. Kim, Korea Aerospace university
N. Lee, Korea Aerospace University
J.S. Kang, U.S Naval Academy
Y. Chang, Korea Aerospace University

1:00 PM

1:00 PM

Guidance, Navigation, and Control Algorithms for CubeSat Formation Flying

Jason Westphal, Applied Defense Solutions
Christopher Roscoe, Applied Defense Solutions
Stephen Lutz, Applied Defense Solutions
Trevor Bennett, Applied Defense Solutions

1:00 PM

1:00 PM

Miniaturized Monolithic Hollow-Waveguide Spectrometer for CubeSat-Based Remote Mid-Infrared Sensing

G. Smalling, Appalachian State University
B. Pearce, Appalachian State University
F. Luca, Appalachian State University
P. Russell, Appalachian State University
T. Hewagama, University of Maryland Baltimore County
S. Aslam, NASA Goddard Sp ace Flight Center
J. Allen Jr., Appalachian State University

1:00 PM

1:00 PM

Propellant-less Atmospheric Differential Drag LEO Spacecraft (PADDLES)

Dave Guglielmo, ADAMUS Lab
Rosemary Huang, ADAMUS Lab
Grace Tilton, ADAMUS Lab
Seth Robinson, ADAMUS Lab
Joe Spinazola, ADAMUS Lab
Riccardo Bevilacqua, ADAMUS Lab

1:00 PM

1:00 PM

Techniques for Safety Updating Firmware On-Orbit

Jacob Beninego, Beningo Engineering
Michael Bertino, Canopus Systems

1:00 PM

Wednesday, August 6th
8:00 AM

Development and Testing of an Ignition System for Green Monopropellants

Stephen Whitmore, Utah State University
Daniel Merkley, Utah State University

8:00 AM

8:00 AM

Epsilon Launch Vehicle - First Flight and its Evolutions -

Tatsuya Kanechika, IHI AEROSPACE Co.Ltd.(IA), Japan,
Ken Oono, IHI AEROSPACE Co.Ltd.(IA), Japan,
Yasunobu Segawa, IHI AEROSPACE Co.Ltd.(IA), Japan,
Kazuhiro Yagi, IHI AEROSPACE Co.Ltd.(IA), Japan,
Takayuki Imoto, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Japan
Yasuhiro Morita, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Japan

8:00 AM

8:00 AM

Laser Photonic Propulsion Force for Station-Keeping Applications

Anders Dono Perez, Universities Space Research Association
Fan Yang Yang, Science and Technology Corporation
Cyrus Foster, Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies Inc.
Nicolas Faber, Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies Inc.
Jonas Jonsson, NASA Ames Research Center
Jan Stupl, Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies Inc.

8:00 AM

8:00 AM

Modular Pulsed Plasma Electric Propulsion System for Cubesats

Andres Perez, Universities Space Research Association
Oriol Tintore, Universities Space Research Association
George Teel, The George Washington University
Nghia Mai, NASA Ames Research Center
Joseph Lukas, The George Washington University
Samudra Haque, The George Washington University
Eddie Uribe, Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies Inc.
Michael Keidar, The George Washington University
Elwood Agasid, NASA Ames Research Center

8:00 AM

8:00 AM

The Hitchhikers Guide to Orbit

Daniel Lim, TriSept Corporation
Jason Armstrong, TriSept Corporation

8:00 AM

8:00 AM

Update on Progress of SSIKLOPS (Space Station Integrated Kinetic Launcher for Orbital Payload Systems)-Cyclops

D. Newswander, NASA JSC
J. Smith, NASA JSC
C. Lamb, DoD STP
P. Ballard, DoD STP

8:00 AM

1:00 PM

A Configurable, Modular and Scalable CSD-Compatible 6U Nanosatellite Bus

Andrew Kalman, PUMPKIN Inc.
Shaun Houlihan, PUMPKIN Inc.

1:00 PM

1:00 PM

A Study on the Effect between Commercial Space Solar Cells and the Antennas Integrated on Their Cover Glass

Taha Shahvirdi, Utah State University
Dizaj Yekan, Utah State University
Reyhan Baktur, Utah State University

1:00 PM

1:00 PM

An Efficent Modeling and Execution Framework for Space System Development

Osama Elsayed, National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Since

1:00 PM

1:00 PM


J-L. Issler, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales
A. Gaboriaud, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales
F. Apper, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales
A. Ressouche, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales
D. Evans, European Space Agency
O. Koudelka, TU-Graz
P. Romano, TU-Graz
M. Unterberger, TU-Graz
T. Dehaene, Syrlinks
B. Lechevalier, Syrlinks
G. Guillois, Syrlinks
M. Fernandez, Syrlinks

1:00 PM

1:00 PM

Cybersecurity in Modern Spacecraft Operations

Jeffrey Janicik, Innoflight
Jonathan Wolff, Innoflight
Assi Friedman, Innoflight

1:00 PM

1:00 PM

Development of SIGMA(KHUSAT-3) CubeSat Mission

Seongwhan Lee, Kyung Hee University
Jung-Kyu Lee, Kyung Hee University
Kanghoon Kum, Kyung Hee University
Hyojeong Lee, Kyung Hee University
Junwon Seo, Kyung Hee University
Youra Shin, Kyung Hee University
Seonyong Jeong, Kyung Hee University
Junghoon Cheon, Kyung Hee University
Hanjun Kim, Kyung Hee University
Jeonghyun Lim, Kyung Hee University
Junmin Lee, Kyung Hee University
Ho Jin, Kyung Hee University
Uk-Won Nam, Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute
Sunghwan Kim, Cheongju University
Regina Lee, York University
Hyomin Kim, Center for Space Science and Engineering Research
Mark Lessard, University of New Hampshire

1:00 PM

1:00 PM

Flexible S-Band TT&C (Telemetry, Tracking, and Command) for Small Spacecraft in LEO

Iraklis Hatziathanasiou, COM DEV International Systems
Colin McLaren, COM DEV International Systems

1:00 PM

1:00 PM

Microwave Radiometer Technology Acceleration Mission (MiRaTA): Advancing Weather Remote Sensing with Nanosatellites

William Blackwell, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
G. Allan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
G. Allen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
D. Burianek, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
F. Busse, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
D. Elliott, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
C. Galbraith, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
R. Leslie, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
I. Osaretin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
M. Shields, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
E. Thompson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
D. Toher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kerri Cahoy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Pratik Dave
Andrew Kennedy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ryan Kingsbury, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Anne Marinan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Eric Peters, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Christopher Pong, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Meghan Quadrino, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
James Byrne, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Rebecca Bishop, The Aerospace Corporation
James Bardeen, The Aerospace Corporation
Neal Erickson, University of Massachusetts
Chad Fish, Space Dynamics Laboratory
Erik Stromberg, Space Dynamics Laboratory

1:00 PM

1:00 PM

Payload Interface Electronics (PIE) - Modularity at the Payload Level

Assi Friedman, Innoflight
Chuck Ross, Innoflight
David Andaleon, Innoflight

1:00 PM