DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: CubeSat System Reference Model (CSRM) as an OMG Specification


Technical Poster Session 1


Utah State University, Logan, UT


This paper describes the transformation of the CubeSat Reference Model™ (CSRM™) into an Object Management Group® (OMG®) specification, as effected by the International Committee on System Engineering (INCOSE) Space System Working Group (SSWG) from 2016 to 2022.

The CSRM is a logical model of engineering artifacts used by a CubeSat mission team to build its mission-specific logical and physical models according to its individual engineering methodology. It is based on Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) principles, is OMG System Modeling Language (SysML) compliant, is hosted on a graphical modeling tool, and is intended to foster completeness and economies of scale associated with reusability.

The OMG, an international standards organization, has a mature, worldwide, and open process for identifying the need for a specification, as well as for soliciting, developing, approving, and distributing a specification. In 2018, the OMG initiated a process to provide the CSRM as an OMG specification.

This resulted in the normative CSRM Profile Specification document, the normative CSRM Profile XMI file for import into a graphical modeling tool, and the non-normative CSRM Profile Model. Supplementing these files are the non-normative CSRM Model file and the non-normative CSRM HTML file which allows for exploration and evaluation of the CSRM without the need to acquire a graphical modeling tool and provides sufficient guidance for establishing a mission specific CSRM.

SSC23-P1-13.pdf (158 kB)
SSC23-P1-13 Poster


Aug 8th, 9:45 AM

CubeSat System Reference Model (CSRM) as an OMG Specification

Utah State University, Logan, UT

This paper describes the transformation of the CubeSat Reference Model™ (CSRM™) into an Object Management Group® (OMG®) specification, as effected by the International Committee on System Engineering (INCOSE) Space System Working Group (SSWG) from 2016 to 2022.

The CSRM is a logical model of engineering artifacts used by a CubeSat mission team to build its mission-specific logical and physical models according to its individual engineering methodology. It is based on Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) principles, is OMG System Modeling Language (SysML) compliant, is hosted on a graphical modeling tool, and is intended to foster completeness and economies of scale associated with reusability.

The OMG, an international standards organization, has a mature, worldwide, and open process for identifying the need for a specification, as well as for soliciting, developing, approving, and distributing a specification. In 2018, the OMG initiated a process to provide the CSRM as an OMG specification.

This resulted in the normative CSRM Profile Specification document, the normative CSRM Profile XMI file for import into a graphical modeling tool, and the non-normative CSRM Profile Model. Supplementing these files are the non-normative CSRM Model file and the non-normative CSRM HTML file which allows for exploration and evaluation of the CSRM without the need to acquire a graphical modeling tool and provides sufficient guidance for establishing a mission specific CSRM.