DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: Functional Simulation of the Uses of the Onboard Inter-Satellite Network in a Swarm


Technical Poster Session 1


Utah State University, Logan, UT


There are several network simulators (some on the shelves) that are very useful and helpful for network engineering. Nevertheless, none is efficient enough for simulating an onboard network spread among spacecrafts that are moving in space according to Kepler laws.

Therefore, we tried to fill this gap by building our own tool based on the CNES expertise in space simulator benches. Our bench simulates the environment and the dynamics of each spacecraft, provides a model of the physical layer of the network layer (i.e. Radio Frequency transmission between moving vehicles) and offers an interface to run actual Flight Software. Embedding flight software allows us to perform functional demonstration of the network use at system level. As a first step, in order to characterize the network, we have implemented a routing policy based on the "flooding" principle.


Aug 8th, 9:45 AM

Functional Simulation of the Uses of the Onboard Inter-Satellite Network in a Swarm

Utah State University, Logan, UT

There are several network simulators (some on the shelves) that are very useful and helpful for network engineering. Nevertheless, none is efficient enough for simulating an onboard network spread among spacecrafts that are moving in space according to Kepler laws.

Therefore, we tried to fill this gap by building our own tool based on the CNES expertise in space simulator benches. Our bench simulates the environment and the dynamics of each spacecraft, provides a model of the physical layer of the network layer (i.e. Radio Frequency transmission between moving vehicles) and offers an interface to run actual Flight Software. Embedding flight software allows us to perform functional demonstration of the network use at system level. As a first step, in order to characterize the network, we have implemented a routing policy based on the "flooding" principle.