
Technical Poster Session 5


Utah State University, Logan, UT


With the United States moving toward fielding "massive multi-satellite constellation" architectures of small satellites for national security missions (to include dual-use commercial services), a radical change in the strategic calculus associated with space defense and space superiority is forthcoming. While many aspects of natural defenses of massive multi-satellite constellation architectures have been presented by U.S. government advocates such as the Space Development Agency, acquisition executives and strategic thinkers must consider additional factors for potential vulnerabilities and some potentially non-intuitive strategic impacts. Here, we specifically focus on the space situational awareness needs of potential attackers when considering conterspace actions against the MMSCs, and potential debris propagation resulting from a successful attack.


Aug 10th, 9:45 AM

Do Multisat Constellations Make it Easy for the Bad Guy?

Utah State University, Logan, UT

With the United States moving toward fielding "massive multi-satellite constellation" architectures of small satellites for national security missions (to include dual-use commercial services), a radical change in the strategic calculus associated with space defense and space superiority is forthcoming. While many aspects of natural defenses of massive multi-satellite constellation architectures have been presented by U.S. government advocates such as the Space Development Agency, acquisition executives and strategic thinkers must consider additional factors for potential vulnerabilities and some potentially non-intuitive strategic impacts. Here, we specifically focus on the space situational awareness needs of potential attackers when considering conterspace actions against the MMSCs, and potential debris propagation resulting from a successful attack.