DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: Enhancement of Satellite Free-Space Laser Communication Systems Using Machine Learning Methods


Technical Poster Session 5


Utah State University, Logan, UT


Laser communication systems have many advantages over conventional radio frequency (RF) systems. Using light instead of RF supports significantly higher communication data rates. However, such optical payloads are currently mainly used in non-optimised SatCom systems, and thus their full capabilities remain unexploited. In response to this Craft Prospect with CGI UK is focused on upgrading optical systems by using machine learning (ML) methods to improve link acquisition of laser communication terminals (LCTs) and to manage networked laser SatCom system outages.


Aug 10th, 9:45 AM

Enhancement of Satellite Free-Space Laser Communication Systems Using Machine Learning Methods

Utah State University, Logan, UT

Laser communication systems have many advantages over conventional radio frequency (RF) systems. Using light instead of RF supports significantly higher communication data rates. However, such optical payloads are currently mainly used in non-optimised SatCom systems, and thus their full capabilities remain unexploited. In response to this Craft Prospect with CGI UK is focused on upgrading optical systems by using machine learning (ML) methods to improve link acquisition of laser communication terminals (LCTs) and to manage networked laser SatCom system outages.