DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: Windform® XT 2.0 Use as 3U CubeSat Primary Structure


Weekend Session 8: Advanced Technologies - Research & Academia II


Utah State University, Logan, UT


CubeSats provide a platform for small-scale space research and technology demonstration at reduced complexity, cost, and development time. These advantages drove the NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) to develop and launch the GPX2 3U CubeSat to explore the viability of using Commerical Off-The-Shelf (COTS) differential Global Position System (dGPS) in low earth orbit. To reduce manufacturing costs and increase design flexibility, the project chose additive manufactured Windform® XT 2.0 as the primary bus material rather than traditional subtractive manufactured (milled) metal. The bus is a two-part, Selective Laser Sintered, 3D-print structure consisting of a single-piece, five-walled chassis and single-walled cover. The bus was specially designed to allow the project to accommodate the payload electronics stack as well as antennas, receivers, and deployable mechanisms. By using an additive manufactured solution, LaRC was able to design in features unrealizable through traditional milling, with a lead-time of roughly two weeks. In comparison, traditional subtractive manufacturing limits geometry options due to toolpath reach and bus construction would have required multiple components for each wall. This would have resulted in a more costly, longer lead-time article with more joints, fasteners, and complexity with a commensurate increase in overall mass. A number of lessons-learned were captured during the design, analysis, and testing of the GPX2 CubeSat covering thermal and structural analysis, vibration modeling, and geometric tolerancing. Additionally, a variety of material testing and verification were performed before and during spacecraft design and integration to assure the suitability of Windform® XT 2.0 for the launch and mission environments. This article provides the highlights of designing and testing the GPX2 bus.


Aug 6th, 4:30 PM

Windform® XT 2.0 Use as 3U CubeSat Primary Structure

Utah State University, Logan, UT

CubeSats provide a platform for small-scale space research and technology demonstration at reduced complexity, cost, and development time. These advantages drove the NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) to develop and launch the GPX2 3U CubeSat to explore the viability of using Commerical Off-The-Shelf (COTS) differential Global Position System (dGPS) in low earth orbit. To reduce manufacturing costs and increase design flexibility, the project chose additive manufactured Windform® XT 2.0 as the primary bus material rather than traditional subtractive manufactured (milled) metal. The bus is a two-part, Selective Laser Sintered, 3D-print structure consisting of a single-piece, five-walled chassis and single-walled cover. The bus was specially designed to allow the project to accommodate the payload electronics stack as well as antennas, receivers, and deployable mechanisms. By using an additive manufactured solution, LaRC was able to design in features unrealizable through traditional milling, with a lead-time of roughly two weeks. In comparison, traditional subtractive manufacturing limits geometry options due to toolpath reach and bus construction would have required multiple components for each wall. This would have resulted in a more costly, longer lead-time article with more joints, fasteners, and complexity with a commensurate increase in overall mass. A number of lessons-learned were captured during the design, analysis, and testing of the GPX2 CubeSat covering thermal and structural analysis, vibration modeling, and geometric tolerancing. Additionally, a variety of material testing and verification were performed before and during spacecraft design and integration to assure the suitability of Windform® XT 2.0 for the launch and mission environments. This article provides the highlights of designing and testing the GPX2 bus.