
Orbital ATK Conference Center

Start Date

5-7-2018 12:00 PM


Internal waves are formed in stably stratified fluids where the natural frequency (N) of the fluid is greater than the excitation frequency (w). If N < w, only evanescent waves form. Evanescent waves, which decay at an exponential rate, can become propagating internal waves if N increases above w. A linear theory model is used to investigate the effects of topography shape, distance between the topography and the turning depth (where N = w), and the strength of the stratification as measured by the average Froude number. With the topography close to the turning depth and a low average Froude number, the kinetic energy of the internal waves in the propagating region retains over 90% of the kinetic energy of the original evanescent wave.


May 7th, 12:00 PM

Internal Wave Generation Near Turning Depths

Orbital ATK Conference Center

Internal waves are formed in stably stratified fluids where the natural frequency (N) of the fluid is greater than the excitation frequency (w). If N < w, only evanescent waves form. Evanescent waves, which decay at an exponential rate, can become propagating internal waves if N increases above w. A linear theory model is used to investigate the effects of topography shape, distance between the topography and the turning depth (where N = w), and the strength of the stratification as measured by the average Froude number. With the topography close to the turning depth and a low average Froude number, the kinetic energy of the internal waves in the propagating region retains over 90% of the kinetic energy of the original evanescent wave.