"Dark Humor Joke" by Tiffany Carlton

Student Collector

Tiffany CarltonFollow

Date Collected

Winter 12-1-2017

Place item was collected

Fruit Heights, Utah


Tyler McCowan

Point of Discovery/Informant Bio

Tyler McCowan is currently my boyfriend, we met 3 years ago working at Domino’s Pizza, and we have been dating for a year. Tyler was raised in Layton and Kaysville Utah, and now resides in Fruit Heights, Utah. He was raised LDS but is now an Agnostic Atheist. His family is very complicated, and he rebelled a lot in his teenage years. He graduated from David High School. He is 21 years old and works as a press break operator, he spends most of his free time on the internet looking at sites like Reddit and Imgur to find things to laugh at. Tyler enjoys games like Dungeons and Dragons and Magic the Gathering with his friends. In the three years I have known him Tyler is always quick to share random crude jokes with friends and often goes for an hour just telling random jokes to the people he is with off the top of his head. He is always trying to make me and others laugh.


Tyler told me this joke in his room in Fruit Heights, casually laying on his bed. When asked if there was anyone he wouldn’t tell this joke to he said no, which I believe is true but I am sure he wouldn’t tell I to someone who had the power to fire him. In have however heard him tell such jokes to his sisters and mother, and if he would tell these jokes to them I am pretty sure he would tell them to almost anybody. Tyler would normally tell this joke hanging around with friends. Tyler first heard this joke on the website Reddit. Some things you would need to know to understand this joke are that dark humor are things that joke about sensitive subjects and that world hunger is a sensitive subject that probably shouldn’t be joked about. This joke makes fun of the fact that some people don’t think that dark jokes are funny and makes a dark joke by using a double entendre of not everybody gets it, as in not everybody gets dark humor and not everybody gets food.


Dark Humor is like food,

Not everyone gets it.


Tyler told this joke in his normal speaking voice with a childish grin on his face after he finished the joke. He paused slightly between the lines to see my reaction of which joke he chose to tell me. The joke got a little chuckle out of me because I have heard it from him so much, because this is one of his favorites. He is not actually insensitive about world hunger. Normally when telling this joke he would tell it with more power and enjoy watching everyone’s faces when they understand the awfulness of this joke.


English 2210


Professor McNeill

Semester and year

Fall 2017


G4: Formula Tales

EAD Number
