Journal Sections | Transforming Communities | Journals | Utah State University

Journal Sections

Reviews Section

Transforming Communities publishes reviews of books, podcasts, websites, and other media sources that contribute to providing knowledge about current social problems, evidence-informed solutions, and/or meaningful change processes that support community well-being. Books considered for review may address issues related to any discipline or field of practice, including social work, sociology, psychology, public health, nursing, civic and community engagement, public affairs, public policy and administration, education, anthropology, environmental planning, and other relevant fields. Media sources considered for review must present new research or evaluate current research, projects, issues, or learning experiences related to research and practice affecting community well-being.

Reviews are usually solicited by the Reviews Editor; however, please contact the Reviews Editor via email if you are interested in reviewing a book or multimedia piece for TC. Reviews are submitted using the online submission system on the journal’s website. For detailed information on manuscript submissions, please see the Author Guidelines. Review submissions are evaluated for publication by the Reviews Editor with final approval by the Editor-in-Chief. 

Research Advances Section

TC is committed to sharing research advances to understand social problems and identifying promising solutions and evidence-based interventions that impact the well-being of communities. The Research Advances section accepts research articles in the following formats: original research articles, white papers, research notes, and literature review articles. For a description of research article formats, please see the Author Guidelines. We welcome multimedia submissions to the Research Advances section, including podcasts, infographics, and supplemental digital media that share new research findings.  For authors submitting multimedia works, please refer to the Guidelines for Multimedia Submissions. 

Research article submissions are managed by a Research Advances Editor and undergo open peer review. Final editorial decisions regarding publication are made jointly by a Research Advances Editor and assigned peer reviewers with final approval from the Editor-in-Chief. 

Community Voices Section

TC recognizes the importance of listening to all voices in community-led change by publishing current perspectives on community well-being and practice. The Community Voices section accepts a wide range of submission types, including research articles, commentaries, case studies, policy briefs, fact sheets, podcasts, and infographics. We accept thought-provoking commentaries on issues impacting communities, positively or negatively. Topics may include social problems, policy issues, professional dilemmas, problematic or promising methodologies, and more. The purpose of commentaries is to shine light on successes and challenges affecting communities in order to spark constructive conversations that lead to progress and change. We also encourage submissions to the Community Voices section that focus on promising solutions, interventions, and insights from community projects and community-engaged learning experiences. Additionally, the Community Voices section welcomes policy briefs that address current policy issues relevant to community members, practitioners, and researchers working on community well-being. For submission guidelines, please see the Author Guidelines and Guidelines for Multimedia Submissions.

All submissions to the Community Voices section are managed by a Community Voices Editor and undergo open peer review. Final editorial decisions regarding publication are made jointly by a Community Voices Editor and assigned peer reviewers with final approval from the Editor-in-Chief.