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Use of Hybrid Classes to Boost Enrollments, Rich Carl Etchberger; Regional Campus Education Conference

Use of Multimedia Such as Podcasting in Classes, Rich Carl Etchberger; Technology in Math, Science and Engineering

Virtual Spaces: Peer Review in the Online Writing Center, Virginia N. Exton; Virtual Spaces: Peer Review in the Online Writing Center

Introduction to Nanotechnology Design Course for Freshmen andSophomores, R. Hensel, Boyd F. Edwards, M. Shremshock, L. Carroll, L. Hornak, K. Jackson, P. Gannett, A. Cullison, and P. Barnhart; Introduction to Nanotechnology Design Course for Freshmen andSophomores

A New Method for Synchronization and Control of the Chan ChaoticSystem, A. Izadian, Boyd F. Edwards, and P. Famouri; A New Method for Synchronization and Control of the Chan ChaoticSystem

Uintah Basin Pioneer History, H. Bert Jenson; Uintah Basin Pioneer History

Wave Electrophoresis, J. Mease, Joel Hirsch, J. Shifferbauer, and Boyd F. Edwards; Wave Electrophoresis

At Risk Youth: Intervention and Prevention, Derrik R. Tollefson; At Risk Youth: Intervention and Prevention

Who Does and Does Not Complete Domestic Violence Treatment? An Overview of Two Decades of Empirical Studies with Implications for Assessment and Treatment, Derrik R. Tollefson; Who Does and Does Not Complete Domestic Violence Treatment? An Overview of Two Decades of Empirical Studies with Implications for Assessment and Treatment

Should Fathers be Included in Parent Training? A meta-analysis, Derrik R. Tollefson, B. W. Lundahl, H. Risser, and M. C. Lovejoy; Should Fathers be Included in Parent Training? A meta-analysis

Long-Period Orbits for Ions in a Periodic Spatiotemporal Potential, J. Vopal and Boyd F. Edwards; Long-Period Orbits for Ions in a Periodic Spatiotemporal Potential

CSI Photoshop, Karen Woolstenhulme and Dennis Garner; CSI Photoshop


Fractured Narrative: Han Identity Across Political Borders, Clayton Brown; Fractured Narrative: Han Identity Across Political Borders

Fractured Narrative: Han Identity Across Temporal and Political Boundaries, Clayton Brown; Fractured Narrative: Han Identity Across Temporal and Political Boundaries

Museums, the State, and National Identity: Why the Smithsonian Failed in China, Clayton Brown; Museums, the State, and National Identity: Why the Smithsonian Failed in China

The Mythic Majority: Ethnic Han and Chinese Nation, Clayton Brown; The Mythic Majority: Ethnic Han and Chinese Nation

Possible Plague Vectors in a White-Tailed Prairie Dog Ecosystem, Lianna K. Etchberger, M. R. Dzialak, W. E. Stroh, B. D. Bibles, Rich Carl Etchberger, and A. Lamb; Utah Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts Annual Conference

Small Mammal Host and Flea Distributions in a White-Tailed Prairie Dog Ecosystem, Lianna K. Etchberger, M. R. Dzialak, W. E. Stroh, B. D. Bibles, Rich Carl Etchberger, and A. Lamb; International and Southwest Conferences on Diseases in Nature Transmissible to Man

Fleas and Small Mammal Hosts Within and Adjacent to a Coyote Basin White-Tailed Prairie Dog Colony in Northeastern Utah, Lianna K. Etchberger, W. E. Stroh, B. D. Bibles, M. R. Dzialak, and Rich Carl Etchberger; Proceedings, Symposium on the Status of the Black-Footed Ferret and its Habitat, Fort Collins, Colorado, U.S.G.S. Scientific Investigations Report 2005- 5293.

Use of Multimedia Such as Podcasting in Classes, Rich Carl Etchberger; Uintah Basin Education Conference

Accuracy and Precision of Digital Elevation Models for Habitat Modeling, Rich Carl Etchberger, D. A. Evans, M. J. Hawk, and D. Emmett; Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting

Electrophoretic Extraction of Ions from a Pressure-Driven Flow, H. Luo, Boyd F. Edwards, S. Miller, B. Reschke, and A. Timperman; Electrophoretic Extraction of Ions from a Pressure-Driven Flow

Are Salt Lake City Area Domestic Violence Perpetrator Treatment Programs Effective, Derrik R. Tollefson; Are Salt Lake City Area Domestic Violence Perpetrator Treatment Programs Effective

Assessment of Domestic Violence Perpetrators: Key Activities and Useful Instruments, Derrik R. Tollefson; Assessment of Domestic Violence Perpetrators: Key Activities and Useful Instruments

Employer Perceptions of MSW Graduate Job Performance, Derrik R. Tollefson, S. Egbert, S. Sorenson, and J. Harker; Employer Perceptions of MSW Graduate Job Performance

Talk given at Joint Meetings: American Malacological Society, Western Society of Malacologists, Becky L. Williams

Talk given at the Triennial Meeting of the Malacological Society of Australasia, Becky L. Williams


Publish or Perish?, Alan Blackstock; Publish or Perish?

Open Wide the Gates: Accessing College Composition from High School Classrooms, Alan Blackstock, Vini Exton, Lynn Meeks, and Darren Perks; Open Wide the Gates: Accessing College Composition from High School Classrooms

Making the Majority: Defining Han Identity in Chinese Ethnology and Archaeology, Clayton Brown; Making the Majority: Defining Han Identity in Chinese Ethnology and Archaeology

Possible Plague Vectors in a White-Tailed Prairie Dog Ecosystem, Lianna K. Etchberger, M. R. Dzialak, W. E. Stroh, B. D. Bibles, Rich Carl Etchberger, and A. Lamb; The Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters

Cooperative Learning in General Education, Rich Carl Etchberger; Annual Conference for Continuing Education

Cooperative Learning in General Education, Rich Carl Etchberger; Western Regional Teaching Workshop

Experiential Education in Natural Resources, Rich Carl Etchberger; Uintah Basin Education Conference

The Use of the Global Positioning System in Education, Rich Carl Etchberger; Davis Elementary School

Forest Carnivore Research in the Uintah Mountains of Utah, D. A. Evans, M. R. Dzialak, W. Stroh, and Rich Carl Etchberger; US Forest Service

Forest Carnivore Research in the Uintah Mountains of Utah, D. A. Evans, M. R. Dzialak, W. Stroh, and Rich Carl Etchberger; Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society

Promoting Young Children's Literacy Skills at Home, Shirlene Call Law; Promoting Young Children's Literacy Skills at Home

Evaluation of Salt Lake City Area Domestic Violence Treatment Programs: A Pilot Study, Derrik R. Tollefson; Evaluation of Salt Lake City Area Domestic Violence Treatment Programs: A Pilot Study

Talk given at Joint Meetings: American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, the Herpetologist’s League, Becky L. Williams

Customer Service Techniques, David R. Woolstenhulme; Customer Service Techniques

Professional Communication Skills, Karen Woolstenhulme; Professional Communication Skills

Improving Communication Skills in the Workplace, Karen Woolstenhulme and Dennis Garner; Improving Communication Skills in the Workplace


Strategies for Preventing, Detecting, and Dealing with Plagiarism, A. Blackstock and Virginia N. Exton; Strategies for Preventing, Detecting, and Dealing with Plagiarism

Aesthetic vs. Ethical Criticism at the Turns of the Centuries, Alan Blackstock; Aesthetic vs. Ethical Criticism at the Turns of the Centuries

Who are the Han? (De)Constructing China's Majority through Ethnology and Archaeology, Clayton Brown; Who are the Han? (De)Constructing China's Majority through Ethnology and Archaeology

Fleas and Small Mammal Hosts Within and Adjacent to a Coyote Basin White-Tailed Prairie Dog Colony in Northeastern Utah, Lianna K. Etchberger, W. E. Stroh, B. D. Bibles, M. R. Dzialak, and Rich Carl Etchberger; Symposium on the Status of the Black-Footed Ferret and its Habitat

Adding Multimedia to Online Classes, Rich Carl Etchberger; Annual Conference for Continuing Education

Partnerships in Research and Teaching, Rich Carl Etchberger; Extension and Continuing Education Advisory Board Meeting

Tenure and Promotion, Rich Carl Etchberger; Annual Conference for Continuing Education

Elk Movements in the Uintah Mountains, Utah – Annual Report, Rich Carl Etchberger and M. R. Harris; Utah Division of Wildlife Resources

Validation and Verification: A Systematic Approach With Assessment of Margins and Reliability, David D. Sam; Defense Technology Engineering Seminar

Is Batterer Treatment Effective? An Overview of the Literature, Derrik R. Tollefson; Is Batterer Treatment Effective? An Overview of the Literature

The Effectiveness of Dropout Prevention Programs in Northern New Mexico’s Middle Schools, Derrik R. Tollefson; The Effectiveness of Dropout Prevention Programs in Northern New Mexico’s Middle Schools

Understanding Drunk Driving from the Perspectives of Offenders, Legal Professionals, and Treatment Providers, Derrik R. Tollefson; Understanding Drunk Driving from the Perspectives of Offenders, Legal Professionals, and Treatment Providers

Concurrent Enrollment and EDNET Practices, Gregory D. Wheeler; Concurrent Enrollment and EDNET Practices

Talk given at Herpetology Seminar, UC Berkeley, Becky L. Williams

Characteristics of Effective Teachers, David R. Woolstenhulme; Characteristics of Effective Teachers

Customer Service Techniques, David R. Woolstenhulme; Customer Service Techniques

Characteristics of Effective Teachers, Karen Woolstenhulme; Characteristics of Effective Teachers

Creating Newsletters in Adobe PageMaker, Karen Woolstenhulme; Creating Newsletters in Adobe PageMaker

Effective Business Writing, Karen Woolstenhulme; Effective Business Writing

Writing Business Letters, Karen Woolstenhulme; Writing Business Letters


Jurisdiction of Ute Lands, John D. Barton; Uintah Basin Research Conference

Beyond the Pale: The Embodiment of Women in Kipling, Orwell, and Forster, Alan Blackstock; Beyond the Pale: The Embodiment of Women in Kipling, Orwell, and Forster

Strategies for Preventing, Detecting, and Dealing with Plagiarism, Alan Blackstock and Vini Exton; Strategies for Preventing, Detecting, and Dealing with Plagiarism

Beyond the Talking Head: Generating Discussion in Distance-Ed Classes, Alan Blackstock and Susan Talley; Beyond the Talking Head: Generating Discussion in Distance-Ed Classes

Did Chiasms Appear in the Book of Mormon by Chance, Boyd F. Edwards; Did Chiasms Appear in the Book of Mormon by Chance

Online Learning at Utah State University, USU 1350, Rich Carl Etchberger; Dialogues in Networked Teaching Conference

Partnerships in Research, Rich Carl Etchberger; Annual Conference for Continuing Education

Elk Movements in the Uintah Mountains, Utah – Annual Report, Rich Carl Etchberger and M. R. Harris; Utah Division of Wildlife Resources

USU 1350: A Multimedia-Rich Online Class, Rich Carl Etchberger and E. Loo; Annual Conference for Continuing Education

Partners in Distance Learning: College English for High School Seniors, L. Meeks, A. Blackstock, and Virginia N. Exton; Partners in Distance Learning: College English for High School Seniors

Predicting Recidivism Following Batterer Treatment Participation, Derrik R. Tollefson; Predicting Recidivism Following Batterer Treatment Participation

Human Resource Development, David R. Woolstenhulme; Human Resource Development


The Faculty Experience at Utah State University, Rich Carl Etchberger; Utah State Board of Regents

Off the Grid: Serving the Needs of Non-Tradtional ESL Students, Virginia N. Exton; Off the Grid: Serving the Needs of Non-Traditional ESL Students

Investigating Plague Transmission in the Wild: Comparison of Fleas and their Small Mammal Hosts in Coyote Basin, L. Hatfield-Etchberger, B. Stroh, B. Bibles, and Rich Carl Etchberger; Second Annual Uintah Basin Research Conference

Virtual Library, Real Service, H. Bert Jenson; Virtual Library, Real Service

Distance Education and Library Instruction, H. Bert Jenson and Rob Morrison; Distance Education and Library Instruction

Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Practices for Preschool Teachers, Shirlene Call Law; Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Practices for Preschool Teachers

A Comparison of Characteristics of Male and Female Domestic Violence Offenders: An exploratory study, Derrik R. Tollefson; A Comparison of Characteristics of Male and Female Domestic Violence Offenders: An exploratory study

Can Churches Do It All? Findings from Phase II of the Faith-Based Community Assets Survey, Derrik R. Tollefson; Can Churches Do It All? Findings from Phase II of the Faith-Based Community Assets Survey

Factors Associated with Successful and Unsuccessful Batterer Treatment Outcomes: A Literature Review, Derrik R. Tollefson; Factors Associated with Successful and Unsuccessful Batterer Treatment Outcomes: A Literature Review

Talk given at Joint Meetings: American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, the Herpetologist’s League, Becky L. Williams

Talk given at Joint Meetings: Society for the Study of Evolution, Society of Systematic Biologists, Becky L. Williams

Do I Really Say That?, Karen Woolstenhulme; Do I Really Say That?


Redeeming the Fallen Giants: Chesterton on Newman, Carlyle, and Dickens, Alan Blackstock; Redeeming the Fallen Giants: Chesterto on Newman, Carlyle, and Dickens

Small Animal Surveys on the Ouray National Wildlife Refuge, Utah, B. Campbell and Rich Carl Etchberger; Uintah Basin Research Conference

Small Animal Surveys on the Ouray National Wildlife Refuge, Utah, B. Campbell and Rich Carl Etchberger; Utah State Legislature

The Success of the Black-Footed Ferret Reintroduction in Northeastern Utah, D. R. Sadlier, H. Kempenich, and Rich Carl Etchberger; Utah State Legislature

The Success of the Black-Footed Ferret Reintroduction in Northeastern Utah, D. R. Sadlier, H. Kempenich, and Rich Carl Etchberger; Uintah Basin Research Conference

ASCI V&V Support for STS Weaponization, David D. Sam; Tri-Laboratory Conference on Computational Modeling


River Meandering Dynamics, Boyd F. Edwards; River Meandering Dynamics

Comparison of Fleas and their Small Mammal Hosts in Coyote Basin, L. Hatfield-Etchberger, B. Stroh, Rich Carl Etchberger, T. Lemon, and M. Slater; Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting

A Librarian’s Approach to The History and Folklore of the Uintah Basin: Its Bibliographic Underpinnings, H. Bert Jenson; A Librarian’s Approach to The History and Folklore of the Uintah Basin: Its Bibliographic Underpinnings

Factors Associated with Successful and Unsuccessful Batterer Treatment Outcomes, Derrik R. Tollefson; Factors Associated with Successful and Unsuccessful Batterer Treatment Outcomes

Factors Associated with Successful and Unsuccessful Outcomes During and Following Batterer Treatment, Derrik R. Tollefson; Factors Associated with Successful and Unsuccessful Outcomes During and Following Batterer Treatment

Poster at Joint Meetings: American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, the Herpetologist’s League, Becky L. Williams

Web CT, Karen Woolstenhulme; Web CT