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Searching the Internet, Karen Woolstenhulme and Dennis Gardner; Searching the Internet


Evaluation of the Herbicide Escort for the Control of Greasewood in the Book Cliffs, Utah - Final Report, Rich Carl Etchberger, J. Lytle, S. Walker, S. Madsen, and S. Cranney; Northeastern Utah Coordinating Meeting

Evaluation of the Herbicide Escort for the Control of Greasewood in the Book Cliffs, Utah - Final Report, Rich Carl Etchberger, J. Lytle, S. Walker, S. Madsen, and S. Cranney; Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society

Evaluation of the Herbicide Escort for the Control of Greasewood in the Book Cliffs, Utah - Final Report, Rich Carl Etchberger, J. Lytle, S. Walker, S. Madsen, and S. Cranney; Book Cliffs Management Meeting

Mule Deer Movements in Northeastern Utah, Rich Carl Etchberger, S. C. Madsen, T. A. Dabbs, S. Cranney, D. R. Sadlier, and T. L. Fabian; Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society

A History of the Nine Mile Road, H. Bert Jenson; A History of the Nine Mile Road

Patchwork of Cultural Diversity: History of Regional Folklore, H. Bert Jenson; Patchwork of Cultural Diversity: History of Regional Folklore

Grain Size Effects for the Polycrystals Yield Surface in Strain Gradient Plasticity, David D. Sam; 1999 ASME Mechanics and Materials Conference: Symposium on Gradient Plasticity and its Applications

Making Marriages Work: Effective Communication and Problem Solving, Derrik R. Tollefson; Making Marriages Work: Effective Communication and Problem Solving

Preliminary Outcomes of a Study of Batterer Treatment Effectiveness, Derrik R. Tollefson; Preliminary Outcomes of a Study of Batterer Treatment Effectiveness

Poster at Joint Meetings: American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, the Herpetologist’s League, Becky L. Williams

Talk given at Annual meetings of the Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology, Becky L. Williams


Convection near Propagating Autocatalytic Reaction Fronts, Boyd F. Edwards; Convection near Propagating Autocatalytic Reaction Fronts

Fragmentation of Percolation Clusters: Implications for Ising Cluster Kinetics, Boyd F. Edwards; Fragmentation of Percolation Clusters: Implications for Ising Cluster Kinetics

Benefits of Undergraduate Participation in Faculty Research in Natural Resources, Rich Carl Etchberger; Second Biennial Conference on University Education in Natural Resources

Diets and Sexual Segregation of Mountain Sheep, Western Arizona, USA, Rich Carl Etchberger and P. R. Krausman; Second World Conference of Mountain Ungulates

Effective Gravity in Magnetothermal Convection, D. D. Gray, J. Huang, and Boyd F. Edwards; Engineering Mechanics: A Force for the 21st Century

Magnetic Control of Convection in Electrically Nonconducting Fluids, J. Huang, D. D. Gray, and Boyd F. Edwards; Magnetic Control of Convection in Electrically Nonconducting Fluids

Where Dreams Became Destiny: Benjamin O. Davis at Fort Duchesne Utah, H. Bert Jenson; Where Dreams Became Destiny: Benjamin O. Davis at Fort Duchesne Utah

Simulation of Scale-Dependent Hardness of Stamping of Single Crystals, David D. Sam; Thirteenth U. S. National Congress of Applied Mechanics: Symposium on Plasticity in Manufacturing Processes & Product Performance

The Role of Microstructure in Homogenized Descriptions of the Continuum Yield Surface, David D. Sam; Engineering Analysis Seminar/Information Series

Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children, Derrik R. Tollefson; Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children

Grading with MicroGrade, Karen Woolstenhulme; Grading with MicroGrade


Fisheries and Wildlife Education at the Uintah Basin Branch Campus of Utah State University, Rich Carl Etchberger; Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society

Evaluation of the Herbicide Escort for the Control of Greasewood in the Book Cliffs, Utah, Rich Carl Etchberger, J. Lytle, S. Walker, S. Madsen, and C. Reid; Annual Meeting of The Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society

Magnetothermal Plumes in Electrically Insulating Fluids, D. D. Gray, J. Huang, and Boyd F. Edwards; Magnetothermal Plumes in Electrically Insulating Fluids


Magnetic Control of Rayleigh-Benard Convection, J. Huang, D. D. Gray, and Boyd F. Edwards; Bulletin of the American Physical Society

Expand Your Horizons, H. Bert Jenson; Expand Your Horizons

More Fun Than Cream Day at Altonah: An Overview of Uintah Basin Sense of Place, H. Bert Jenson; More Fun Than Cream Day at Altonah: An Overview of Uintah Basin Sense of Place

Where Dreams Became Destiny: Benjamin O. Davis Sr. at Fort Duchesne, Utah, H. Bert Jenson; Where Dreams Became Destiny: Benjamin O. Davis Sr. at Fort Duchesne, Utah

The Role of Two-Point Correlation Functions for Microstructure in Predictive Models of Polycrystalline Plasticity, David D. Sam; Workshop on the Mathematics and Physics of Heterogeneous Materials


Thermal Convective Instability of Paramagnetic Fluids in aUniform Magnetic Field, J. Huang, Boyd F. Edwards, and D. D. Gray; Bulletin of the American Physical Society

History of Utah, H. Bert Jenson; History of Utah

Shear Localization Studies in Aluminum Bicrystals: Misorientation and Grain Boundary Effects, David D. Sam; 1996 ASME Mechanics and Materials Conference: Symposium on Fracture and Interfaces


Bifurcation to Axisymmetric Convection for an AutocatalyticReaction Front, Boyd F. Edwards; Bifurcation to Axisymmetric Convection for an AutocatalyticReaction Front

Fragmentation of Percolation Clusters at the Percolation Threshold, Boyd F. Edwards; Fragmentation of Percolation Clusters at the Percolation Threshold

Bounds to the Effective Yield Behavior of Materials with Random Microstructure, David D. Sam; TMS Fall Meeting (Materials Week 1995): Toward the Design of Optimal Microstructures for Engineering Structures (Symposium)

Effective Yield Behavior and Homogenization for Polycrystals, David D. Sam; Deformation and Fracture Mechanics Working Group Seminar

Grain Boundary Phenomena and Shear Localization in Aluminum Bicrystals: Correlation Between Predictive Models and Experiment, David D. Sam; TMS Fall Meeting (Materials Week 1995): Symposium on Forming of Sheet Materials

Orientation Imaging Microscopy: A New Tool for High Resolution Interrogation of Material Microstructure, David D. Sam; Imaging Sciences Workshop

Advanced Excel 5.0, Karen Woolstenhulme and Dennis Gardner; Advanced Excel 5.0


Structure of Percolation Clusters for Fragmentation, Boyd F. Edwards; Structure of Percolation Clusters for Fragmentation

Effective Yield Behavior for Mixtures of Elastic/Plastic Materials, David D. Sam; 1st International Conference on Composites Engineering

Yielding in Polycrystals: Improvements on Taylor’s Upper Bound Using Higher Order Statistics of the Microstructure and Comparison to Universal Upper and Lower Bounds, David D. Sam; Materials Science Seminar

Convection in Autocatalytic Reaction Fronts, D. A. Vasquez, J. M. Littley, Boyd F. Edwards, and J. W. Wilder; Bulletin of the American Physical Society

Advanced Excel 5.0, Karen Woolstenhulme and Dennis Gardner; Advanced Excel 5.0

Learning Excel 5.0, Karen Woolstenhulme and Dennis Gardner; Learning Excel 5.0


Cáos en Fluidos - El Modelo de Lorenz, Boyd F. Edwards; Cáos en Fluidos - El Modelo de Lorenz

Exact Results and Scaling for Fragmentation, Boyd F. Edwards; Exact Results and Scaling for Fragmentation

Física de la Música, Boyd F. Edwards; Física de la Música

Fragmentation of Percolation Clusters, Boyd F. Edwards; Fragmentation of Percolation Clusters

Convection near Chemical Waves, Boyd F. Edwards, J. Huang, J. M. Littley, D. A. Vasquez, and J. W. Wilder; Bulletin of the American Physical Society

Convection Near Chemical Waves, Boyd F. Edwards, J. Juang, J. M. Littley, J. W. Wilder, D. A. Vasquez, and P. Kolodner; Bulletin of the American Physical Society

Effects of the Central Arizona Project on Wildlife in Arizona, Rich Carl Etchberger; Penn State University

Desert Bighorn Sheep Parturition in Western Arizona, Rich Carl Etchberger and P. R. Krausman; Annual Meeting of the Arizona Chapter of The Wildlife Society

Onset of Convection for Autocatalytic Reaction Fronts in a VerticalSlab, J. Huang, D. A. Vasquez, Boyd F. Edwards, and P. Kolodner; Bulletin of the American Physical Society

Coordinate Free Tensorial Representation of N-Point Correlation Functions for Microstructure by Harmonic Polynomials, David D. Sam; 10th International Conference on Texture of Materials (ICOTOM-10)

Yielding in Polycrystals: An Improvement on Taylor’s Upper Bound, David D. Sam; Materials Science and Engineering Thrust Area Lecture

Yielding in Polycrystals: Computation of a New Upper Bound Using Two-Point Statistics, David D. Sam; 4th International Symposium on Plasticity and its Current Applications

Convective Turing Patterns, D. A. Vasquez, J. M. Littley, and Boyd F. Edwards; Bulletin of the American Physical Society

Convective Chemical Wave Propagation, D. A. Vasquez, J. M. Littley, Boyd F. Edwards, and J. W. Wilder; Bulletin of the American Physical Society

Convective Wave Propagation in the Belousov-Zhabotinskii Reaction, Y. Wu, D. A. Vasquez, Boyd F. Edwards, and J. W. Wilder; Bulletin of the American Physical Society


Keynote Address, John D. Barton; National Outlaw/Lawmen History Association

Exact Enumeration and Scaling for Fragmentation of Percolation Clusters, Boyd F. Edwards; Exact Enumeration and Scaling for Fragmentation of Percolation Clusters

Exact Enumeration and Scaling for Fragmentation of PercolationClusters, Boyd F. Edwards, M. F. Gyure, and M. V. Ferer; Exact Enumeration and Scaling for Fragmentation of PercolationClusters

Exact Enumeration and Scaling for Fragmentation of PercolationClusters, Boyd F. Edwards, M. F. Gyure, and M. V. Ferer; Bulletin of the American Physical Society

Human Impacts on Mountain Sheep in Arizona, Rich Carl Etchberger; Penn State University

Mountain Sheep Population Persistence in Arizona, Rich Carl Etchberger, P. R. Krausman, and R. M. Lee; Annual Meeting of the Arizona Chapter of The Wildlife Society

Blob Size Distribution on Finite Clusters, M. Gyure, G. Huber, Boyd F. Edwards, and M. Ferer; Bulletin of the American Physical Society

Cutoff Model for Runaway Fragmentation, J. Huang, Boyd F. Edwards, and A. D. Levine; Bulletin of the American Physical Society

Chemical Wave Velocity Near the Onset of Convection, J. M. Littley, D. A. Vasquez, Boyd F. Edwards, and J. W. Wilder; Bulletin of the American Physical Society

Coordinate-Free Tensorial Representations of the Orientation Distribution Function, David D. Sam; Seminar Series on Groups, Representations and Invariants: Applications to Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of Materials

Convection in Autocatalytic Reaction Fronts of Finite Thickness, D. A. Vasquez, Boyd F. Edwards, and J. W. Wilder; Bulletin of the American Physical Society

Convection in Turing Patterns, D. A. Vasquez, Boyd F. Edwards, and J. W. Wilder; Bulletin of the American Physical Society

Numerical Simulation of Fragmentation with Mass Loss, D. Yao and Boyd F. Edwards; Bulletin of the American Physical Society


Utah's Outlaws and Their Successes, John D. Barton; Western Outlaw/Lawmen History Association

Onset of Convection for Autocatalytic Reaction Fronts, Boyd F. Edwards; Onset of Convection for Autocatalytic Reaction Fronts

Onset of Convection for Autocatalytic Reaction Fronts: UnboundedSystems, Boyd F. Edwards, J. W. Wilder, and K. Showalter; Bulletin of the American Physical Society

Onset of Convection for Autocatalytic Reaction Fronts: FiniteThermal Diffusivity, Boyd F. Edwards, J. W. Wilder, and D. A. Vasquez; Bulletin of the American Physical Society

Desert Mountain Sheep in the Pusch Ridge Wilderness: a Case for Intensive Management, Rich Carl Etchberger; Unity College Environmental Sciences Seminar

Dynamic Behavior of Fragmentation with Mass Loss, X. Guo and Boyd F. Edwards; Bulletin of the American Physical Society

Fragmentation of Percolation Clusters - Criticality and Scaling, M. F. Gyure and Boyd F. Edwards; Bulletin of the American Physical Society

Onset of Convection for Autocatalytic Reaction Fronts: BoundedSystems, D. A. Vasquez, Boyd F. Edwards, and J. W. Wilder; Bulletin of the American Physical Society


Onset of Convection in Autocatalytic Systems, Boyd F. Edwards; Onset of Convection in Autocatalytic Systems

Onset of Convection in Autocatalytic Systems: Laterally Unbounded Slab, Boyd F. Edwards; Onset of Convection in Autocatalytic Systems: Laterally Unbounded Slab

General Solution and Simulations of Linear Fragmentation with Mass Loss, Boyd F. Edwards, J. Huang, and D. Yao; Bulletin of the American Physical Society

Onset of Convection for Autocatalytic Reaction Fronts: LaterallyUnbounded Systems, Boyd F. Edwards, J. W. Wilder, and K. Showalter; Bulletin of the American Physical Society

Onset of Convection for Autocatalytic Reaction Fronts: LaterallyBounded Systems, D. A. Vasquez, Boyd F. Edwards, and J. W. Wilder; Bulletin of the American Physical Society


Rate Equation and Scaling for Fragmentation with Mass Loss, Boyd F. Edwards, M. Cai, and H. Han; Rate Equation and Scaling for Fragmentation with Mass Loss

Rate Equation and Scaling for Fragmentation with Mass Loss, Boyd F. Edwards, M. Cai, and H. Han; Bulletin of the American Physical Society

Mountain Sheep Habitat Characteristics in the Pusch Ridge Wilderness, Arizona, Rich Carl Etchberger, P. R. Krausman, and R. Mazaika; Annual Meeting of the Desert Bighorn Council

Mountain Sheep Habitat Characteristics in the Pusch Ridge Wilderness, Arizona, Rich Carl Etchberger, P. R. Krausman, and R. Mazaika; Annual Meeting of the Arizona Chapter of The Wildlife Society


Model of Ash Size Distributions from Coal Char Oxidation, Boyd F. Edwards and A. K. Ghosal; Model of Ash Size Distributions from Coal Char Oxidation


Stability of Steady Three-Dimensional Rayleigh-Benard Convection in Small-Aspect-Ratio Boxes, Boyd F. Edwards; Bulletin of the American Physical Society

Research on Desert Mountain Sheep in the Pusch Ridge Wilderness, Arizona, Rich Carl Etchberger; Southwest Conclave of the Student Chapters of The Wildlife Society


Percolation Theory, Phase Transitions, and Critical Phenomena, Boyd F. Edwards; Percolation Theory, Phase Transitions, and Critical Phenomena

Rayleigh-Bénard Convection in a Small-Aspect-Ratio Box, Boyd F. Edwards; Rayleigh-Bénard Convection in a Small-Aspect-Ratio Box

Rayleigh-Bénard Convection in a Small-Aspect-Ratio Box, Boyd F. Edwards; Rayleigh-Bénard Convection in a Small-Aspect-Ratio Box

Rayleigh-Bénard Convection in Laterally Bounded Geometries, Boyd F. Edwards; Rayleigh-Bénard Convection in Laterally Bounded Geometries

Rayleigh-Bénard Convection in Laterally Bounded Geometries, Boyd F. Edwards; Rayleigh-Bénard Convection in Laterally Bounded Geometries