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Galaxy Inclination and Surface Brightness, Jordan C. Rozum and Shane L. Larson; USU Student Showcase; Logan, Utah; 2013


Modeling the ionospheric E and F1 regions: Using SDO-EVE observations as the solar irradiance driver, Jan Josef Sojka, Joseph B. Jensen, Michael David, Robert W. Schunk, Tom Woods, and Frank Eparvier; Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics



Electrostatic Discharge Properties of Fused Silica Coatings, Allen Andersen, Charles Sim, and JR Dennison; APS 4-Corners Section Regional Meeting; Socorro, NM; 2012


Micrometeoroids from MISSE Examined to Understand the Effects of the Space Environment on Space Suit Materials, John R. Dennison; National Council of Undergraduate Research


Charge Enhanced Contamination and Environmental Degradation of MISSE-6 SUSpECS Materials, John R. Dennison, Amberly Evans, Danielle Fulmer, and Joshua L. Hodges; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science


Survey of Erwinia amylovora, Causal Agent of Fire Blight, From Apple and Pear Orchards in Utah for Streptomycin Resistance, Christine Dhiman


Survey of Erwinia amylovora, Causal Agent of Fire Blight, From Apple and Pear Orchards in Utah for Streptomycin Resistance, Christine Dhiman; National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Weber State University March 29-31, 2012


Low Temperature Cathodoluminescence in Disordered SiO2, Amberly Evans, Gregory Wilson, and John R. Dennison; National Conference on Undergraduate Research; Weber State University Spring, 2012


The Rise of Science in Japan: 日本科学発展と原因, Mario Harper; USU Student Symposium


Acetone, butanol, and ethanol production from algae biomass using anaerobic solventogenic microorganisms, Neal Hengge and Joshua Ellis; USU Student Showcase; Logan, Utah; 2012


Small Scale Simulation Chamber for Space Environment Survivability Testing, Robert H. Johnson, Lisa D. Montierth, John R. Dennison, James S. Dyer, Ethan Lindstrom, and Alex Chanson; Proceedings of the 12th International Spacecraft Charging and Technology Conference


Small Scale Simulation Chamber for Space Environment Survivability Testing, Robert H. Johnson, Lisa D. Montierth, JR Dennison, James S. Dyer, and Alex Chanson; 12th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference 14-18 May, 2012 Kitakyushu Japan


The Effects of Space Environment on Wireless Communication Devices' Performance, Hillyard Landon and JR Dennison; US Student Showcase 2012, Utah State University, Logan, UT


Simulation Chamber for Space Environment Survivability Testing, Lisa D. Montierth and Robert H. Johnson; National Conference on Undergraduate Research; Weber State University Spring, 2012


Characterizing Sky Variability for Multi-Messenger Astronomy, Rachel Nydegger, Katie Breivik, and Shane L. Larson; 2012 APS 4-Corners Section Regional Meeting


Micrometeoroid from MISSE Examined to Understand the Effects of the Space Environment on Space Suit Materials, Kelby T. Peterson; USU Student Showcase; Logan, Utah; 2012


Micrometeoroid from MISSE Examined to Understand the Effects of the Space Environment on Space Suit, Kelby T. Peterson and JR Dennison; National Conference on Undergraduate Research; Weber State University Spring, 2012


Space Impact Ejecta Model of Micrometeoroid Collision on MISSE-6, Kelby T. Peterson and JR Dennison; Fall 2012 Meeting of the Four Corner Section of the American Physical Society New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Socorro, NM October 26-27, 2012


Modeling Spiral Galaxy Luminosity Profiles, Jordan Rozum, Matt Garlock, Shane L. Larson, and Bradley W. Carroll; 2012 APS 4-Corners Section Regional Meeting


Comparison of SABER OH Measurements to Rocket Photometry Data, Jordan Rozum, Gene A. Ware, and Doran J. Baker; Rocky Mountain Space Grant Consortium Annual Meeting


Comparison of SABER OH Measurements to Rocket Photometry Data, Jordan Rozum, Gene A. Ware, and Doran J. Baker; Utah Academy of Science, Arts and Letters Annual Conference, 2012


Multiple Peaks in SABER Mesospheric OH Emission Altitude Profiles, Jordan Rozum, Gene A. Ware, Doran J. Baker, Martin G. Wlynczak, and James M. Russell; 2012 AGU Fall Meeting


Electric Field Dependence of the Time to Electrostatic Breakdown in Insulating Polymers, Alec Sim and John R. Dennison; National Council of Undergraduate Research


Defect-Driven Dynamic Model of Electrostatic Discharge and Endurance Time Measurements of Polymeric Spacecraft Materials, Charles Sim, Alec Sim, JR Dennison, and Matthew Stormo


Defect-Driven Dynamic Model of Electrostatic Discharge and Endurance Time Measurements of Polymeric Spacecraft Materials, Charles Sim, Alec Sim, JR Dennison, and Matthew Stromo; 12th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference 14-18 May, 2012 Kitakyushu Japan


Low Earth Orbiting Photographer (LEOP) Cube Satellite, Jan J. Sojka and J. Alex Landon; National Conference on Undergraduate Research; Weber State University Spring, 2012


Histological Analysis of Biological Tissues Using High-Frequency Ultrasound, Kristina Sorensen; Tim Doyle; B. D. Borget; M. Cervantes; H, A. Chappell; B. J. Curtis; M. A. Grover; J. E. Roring; J. E. Stiles; and L. A. Thompson; 164th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Kansas City, MO


Histological Analysis of Biological Tissues Using High-Frequency Ultrasound, Kristina Sorensen, Timothy Doyle, Brett D. Boret, Monica Cervantes, J. Andrew Chappell, Bradley J. Curtis, Matthew A. Grover, Janeese E. Stiles, and Laurel A. Thompson; 164th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America Kansas City, Missouri 22 - 26 October 2012


High-Frequency Pulsed-Electro-Acoustic (PEA) Measurements for Mapping Charge Distribution, Kristina Sorensen, Lee H. Pearson, JR Dennison, Timothy E. Doyle, and Kent D. Hartley; 2012 APS 4-Corners Section Regional Meeting


Juggling By Numbers: Siteswap Notation for Juggling, David Tate; Science Unwrapped, Utah State University


Full Isolation Number of Matrices: Some Extremal Results, David Tate and David E. Brown; Mathematical Association of America Intermountain Section Spring Meeting


Electron Energy Dependent Charging Effects of Multilayered Dielectric Materials, Gregory Wilson, John R. Dennison, Amberly Evans, and Justin Dekany; Proceedings of the 12th International Spacecraft Charging and Technology Conference



Astro Camp Presentation, Get Away Special Team 2011


Temperature Dependence of SiO2 Electron-Induced Cathodoluminescence, Amberly Evans, Gregory Wilson, and John R. Dennison; American Physical Society Four Corner Section Meeting


Effects of Heat Flux on Nucleate Boiling in Microgravity, Andrew Fassman; Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research 2011


Development of Optimal Bubble-Seeding Microheaters to Study Nucleate Boiling Heat Transfer in Microgravity, Ryan Martineau, Iggy Matheson, and Landon Hillyard; Utah State University Undergraduate Research Showcase


The Design and Construction of a Microgravity Boiling Experiment, Troy Munro; Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research 2011


Surface Geometry and Heat Flux Effect on Thin Wire Nucleate Pool Boiling of Subcooled Water in Mictrogravity, Troy Munro and Heng Ban; Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters 2011 Annual Conference


Surface Geometry and Heat Flux Effect on Thin Wire Nucleate Pool Boiling of Subcooled Water in Microgravity, Troy Munro and Andrew Fassman; AIAA Region VI Student Conference


Effects of Micro-gravity on Thin-Wire Subcooled Nucleate Boiling Dynamics, Troy Munro and Andrew Fassmann; USU Student Showcase; Logan, Utah; 2011


Early Observations of the Middle Atmosphere Above USU With the World’s Most Sensitive Lidar, Lance W. Petersen, Marcus J. Bingham, Vincent B. Wickwar, and Joshua P. Herron; National Conference on Undergraduate Research; Cornell University, 2011


Get Away Special: Microgravity Research Team, Getaway Special Team



The GAS team and NASA (AKA Boil, Boil, Toil and Trouble), Get Away Special Team 2010; Aggie Blue Sky


Earth Systems Lesson Plan: Size and Forces of the Solar System, Getaway Special Team 2010


Elementary and Middle School Science Lesson Plan: Solid, Liquid, Gas, What is it?, Getaway Special Team 2010


Physics Lesson Plan: How far and fast does it travel?, Getaway Special Team 2010


Neuraminidase Activity of Influenza Virus Strains that Differ in the Ability to Cause Disease, Benjamin Hanks Brown and Bart Tarbet


The Influence of Culture Medium and Light Cycle on the Productivity of the Green Algae Neochloris Oleoabundans, Candace Clark; USU Student Showcase; Logan, Utah; 2012


Propagation and Growth of Chokecherry (Prunus virginaiana) as an Alternative, Water-wise, Fruit Crop for the Intermountain West, Jeremy R. Crook

The Effects of Surface Modification on Optical Properties of Spacecraft Materials, Amberly Evans and John R. Dennison; USU Student Showcase


FUNBOE - Follow-Up Nucleate Boiling On-flight Experiment: A Systematic Study of Nucleate Boiling in Microgravity, JT Farnsworth and Frank McCown; Utah State University Undergraduate Research Showcase


Follow Up Nucleate Boiling On-Flight Experiment, Andrew Fassmann; USU Student Showcase


Development of Ultrasonic Detection Methods for Cancer Cells in Vivo, Jeffrey B. Goodrich


Turbidity Effects on Solar Radiation Attenuation and Reflection, Andrew Hobson


A Systemic Study of Nucleate Boiling, Justin Koeln; Utah State University Undergraduate Research Showcase


Bubble Behavior in Nucleate Boiling Experiment Aboard the Space Shuttle, Justin Koeln, Jeffrey Boulware, and Heng Ban; 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition


Gravitational Effects on Thin-Wire Subcooled Nucleate Boiling Dynamics, Justin Koeln, Andrew Fassmann, Troy Munro, and Rob Barnett; USU Physics Department Colloquium


A Comparison of Intervention Approaches for Improving Literate Language Use by Children with Language Impairments, Kristina Morrey, Lichelle Slater, and Kelsi Bailey; National Conference on Undergraduate Research; University of Montana - Missoula, 2010


Historical Restoration of the USU Passive Recreation Garden, Jeremy Nelson


Improved Methods for Teaching Science, Stephanie Peterson and Sara Scott


The Relationship Among Socioeconomic Status, Education, and Maternal Book-Sharing Practices, Jessica Shaw and Allisa Blackburn; National Conference on Undergraduate Research; University of Montana - Missoula, 2010


Invisible Abuse: Utah's Response to Emotional Child Abuse, Janae Sirrine



Project: F.U.N.B.O.E. (Follow-Up Nucleate Boiling On-flight Experiment), Getaway Special Team 2009


Sixth Grade Lesson Plan: Heat Moves, Getaway Special Team 2009


Development of a Cubesat Pico-Satellite, Phillip Anderson and Jan Sojka; Utah State University Undergraduate Research Showcase


Flight Experiments on the Effects of Contamination on Electron Emission of Materials, John R. Dennison, Joshua L. Hodges, Jeff Duce, and Amberly Evans; 1st AIAA Atmospheric and Space Environments Conference

The Effects of Surface Contamination and Roughening on Diffuse Optical Reflection and Photoyields on Spacecraft Materials, Amberly Evans and John R. Dennison; The Effects of Surface Contamination and Roughening on Diffuse Optical Reflection and Photoyields on Spacecraft Materials


Space Research Projects for the International Space Station, Kyle Hodgson; Utah State University Undergraduate Research Showcase

Flux and Fluence Dependence of Electron Emission for High-yield, High-resistivity Materials: Implications for Spacecraft Charging, Ryan Hoffmann, John R. Dennison, and Jennifer Albretsen; Proceedings of the 47th American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Meeting on Aerospace Sciences


Thin Wire Nucleate Boiling of Water in Sustained Microgravity, Justin P. Koeln, Heng Ban, and John R. Dennison; Proceedings of the 23nd Annual AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites


Microgravity Experiments for the ISS, Justin Koeln and Jan Sojka; Utah State University Undergraduate Research Showcase


Photoelectric Charging by Ultraviolet Light of a Lunar Dust Simulant in a Microgravity Environment, Troy Munro and Andrew Fassmann; Utah State University Undergraduate Research Showcase


Relevance of Ground-based Electron-Induced Electrostatic Discharge Measurements to Space Plasma Environments, Jennifer A. Roth, Ryan Hoffmann, John R. Dennison, and Jonathon R. Tippetts; 1st AIAA Atmospheric and Space Environments Conference


Fifth Grade Lesson Plan: Solid, Liquid, and Gas, Getaway Special Team 2009


Third Grade Lesson Plan: Where does heat come from?, Getaway Special Team 2009



Large-Amplitude Temperature Waves in the Upper Atmosphere, Jarron Lembke and Vincent B. Wickwar; Student Showcase, Utah State University, Logan, UT.



Triggering Threshold Spacecraft Charging with Changes in Electron Emission from Materials, John R. Dennison, R. C. Hoffmann, and J. Abbott; 45th American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronomics Meeting on Aerospace Sciences, Reno, NV



On the Computation of Secondary Electron Emission Models, Sebastien Clerc, John R. Dennison, Ryan Hoffmann, and Jonathon Abbott; IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science


Design And Construction Of A Misse-6 Payload: State of Utah Space Environment & Contamination Study (SUSpECS), Joshua L. Hodges, Jeff Duce, and John R. Dennison; 11th Rocky Mountain NASA Space Grant Consortium NASA Fellowship Symposium



Wavelength Control for a Potassium Resonance Lidar, Everett E. A. and Vincent B. Wickwar; Utah State University Student Showcase for Undergraduate Research


State of Utah Space Environment & Contamination Study (SUSpECS) MISSE-6 Payload to Investigate Their Effects on Electron Emission and Resistivity of Spacecraft Materials, John R. Dennison, L. Pearson, L. Davis, J. W. Burns, R. S. Hyde, James S. Dyer, Tina Andrus, Andrew Jay Auman, Jeff Duce, Tim Neilsen, and Rob Leishman; 9th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference, Epochal Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan



Prediction of saturation effects on potassium lidar returns, Joel R. Drake and Vincent B. Wickwar; Utah State University Student Showcase for Undergraduate Research


Simulating The Doppler-Free Fluorescence Spectrum For The Potassium D1 Transitions, Paul G. Johnson, Marc R. Hammond, and Vincent B. Wickwar; Utah State University Student Showcase for Undergraduate Research


Comparison of Classical and Charge Storage Methods for Determining Conductivity of Thin Film Insulators, Prasanna Swaminathan, A. R. Frederickson, John R. Dennison, Alec Sim, J. Brunson, and Eric Crapo; 8th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference



Building a Competition Buzzer Set, John R. Dennison and Richard Davis; The Physics Teacher