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Effects of Dietary Carboxymethyl Lysine on the Gut Microbiome of Mice fed the Total Western Diet., Niklas Aardema

The Effect of Occupational Licensing on Women and Minorities in Utah, Olivia Abercrombie, Jacob Caldwell, and Colton Cowan

Sports nutrition knowledge compared to fruit and vegetable intake in athletes at Utah State University, Alissa Aguilar

Adaptive Dye-sensitized solar cell, Christopher Ikedichukwu Anokam

Ideological Criticism, Kaitlin Archibald

Comparing Rates of Orderly Data Across Two Delay Discounting Tasks., Thomas Argyle

TNF as a biomarker of gut inflammation in a multi-intervention study examining functional foods, micronutrients and thermally abused oil as modulators of inflammation associated colorectal cancer, Tess Armbrust, Ashli Hunter, Forest Eddy, and Canyon Neal

South Pole Atmospheric Bores, Mikaela Ashcroft

Physical Observations of Jupiter’s Ganymede and Saturn’s Titan, Mikaela Ashcroft and Daesean Jones

Trade Financing: A Promising Alternative to Microfinance?, Heather Bair

The History and Physics of GPS, Brendon Baker

American Presidential Farewell Address: Examination of Structure in the Final Speech, Amanda Belliston

Zinc Oxide Nano-particle Structure Relationships, Zane Bellows, Adam Talbot, Greg Jensen, and James Gayer

Do parental and cultural factors play a role in overeating behaviors among Latino youth?, Chandler Benney, Ashley Magana, Molly Mechammil, Kenia Carrera, Ginger Lockhart, and Rick Cruz

Valuable Food: The Effects of Pricing, Overall Access to Food, and Views of Nutrition on USU Students’ Dietary Patterns, McKinley Benson, Julia Williams, Ashley Sauvey, and Renee Siggins

The Revival of America’s First Genre: Exploring The Panther Narrative’s Feminist Principles in Post-Revolutionary War America, Abigail Bentley

Consumer Acceptability of Reducing Sucrose and Substituting Sucralose at Two Levels in Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bread, Natalie Berrett

Testing for an association between Wolbachia bacterial symbionts and insecticide resistance in sand fly populations (Diptera: Psychodidae), Cody Bills

Accessibility of Resources for Food Acquisition and Preparation among International Students at USU, Elizabeth Bingham, Kathryn Bohm, and Addi Castillo

Resonant Response of Flat Plates at High Temperatures, Trevor J. Bird

Understanding the interaction between coaches’ and athletes’ beliefs about sport development, Kyle Black

Development and characterization of a highly soluble construct of the Shigella flexneri translocator protein IpaC, Jenna Bouvang


Understanding Speech in Noise by Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cassie Bovee

Public Health Interventions’ Impact on Fatality Rates in Cache Valley (1865-1975), Daniel Brandley and Michael T. Nelson

Manipulating Microparticles by the Electrostatic Force, Jonny Britt and Tyler Kippen

Hypervigilance in an animal model of post-traumatic stress disorder, Colten Brown



Interpreting Climatic Fluctuations Using the Chronology and Isotope Geochemistry of Tibetan Hot Spring Travertine Deposits, Kendra Bunnell

Does Familiarity with a Talker's Voice Facilitate Speech in Noise?, Madison Buntrock

Measuring Networks, Brandi Bushman

Characterization of the Effects of High-dose Radiation on Skeletal Muscle, Lori Caldwell

Detecting Exoplanets at Utah State University, Scott Call and Jonathan Price

Are you thinking what I'm thinking? A neuroscientific analysis of mentalization in social dilemmas, Justin M. Campbell, Bradley Robinson, Nicholas J.A. Wan, and Kerry Jordan

Testing the accuracy of determining sex from the calcaneus, talus, and metacarpals on individuals of known sex, Katlyn Casagrande

Analysis of Holography Methods, Vanessa Chambers, Jordan Lee, and America Wrobel


Let’s Talk about Weight Bias Attitudes among Future Health Professionals, Rees Checketts

Effects of Spring High Tunnels on Primocane Raspberry Production, Blake Christensen


The Age of Robotic Milk: Data Output Analysis of LELY Astronaut Computer Program, Jessica R. Christensen

In vitro Antioxidant Treatment Model for Oxidative Stress in Simulated Microgravity, Matt Clegg

Millennial Entitlement from a Millennial Perspective, Eliza Comer

Dietary Supplementation with Black Raspberries for Prevention of Colitis-Associated Colorectal Cancer in Mice, Kevin Contreras


Be Fruitful and Multiply: Fertility and Tradeoffs in Latter-Day Saints, Amanda Cook and Claire Hanson

The influence of parent and child gender on goals and verbal sideline behavior in organized youth sport, Emily Cook

CIA or CEO: Should business be responsible for protecting national security?, Jamie Crandal

Delay Discounting Mechanisms in Eating Disorders, Rowan Crowder

Of, By and For Utahns, Not New Yorkers; Analysis of an Amendment Proposal, Matthew R. Cude

What's it Worth?-A Musical about Education, Camille Decker


Correlation Between Corruption and Education in Developing Countries, Nathalie De La Cruz Aquino

Relative Effects of Sleep Hygiene Behavior and Physical Exercise on Sleep Quality, Austin Dopp


Green Infrastructure as a Campus Storm Water Management Tecchnique, McKenna Drew and David Durfee

Innovative Delivery of a Marriage Enrichment Workshop, Latrisha Fall

Assessment of Postural Sway During Different Attention Focus States in Post-Surgery ACL Tears, Natalie Ferguson


Atmospheric Sensing on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Ligia Frangello

Water Rights' influence on Great Salt Lake Level and Environmental Services, Coleman Gerdes, Shelley Jones, and Amber Burrows

Why Coaches Coach, Christopher Glaitti, Ashlie Albrecht, and Rachel Reid Andrews

Running in REM Cycles: Escapism in French Postwar Cinema, Danielle Green

The Development of the “Evil Woman” in Fantasy Literature since 1940, Jessica Griffeth

Witches, Mothers, and Administrators: Evil Women in C.S. Lewis, Philip Pullman, and J.K. Rowling, Jessica Griffeth

Impared Latent Inhibition in geneticaly found in mice genetically vulnerabal to schizophrenia, Daniel Griffin, Catalin Buhusi, and Mona Buhusi

The Rhetoric of Firearms Advertising: a Generic Criticism, Dallin Grow

Spatial Distribution of Armillaria and its effect on a Douglas-fir/Western hemlock forest, Michael Gudmundson

Leaning In or Opting Out? Analying Gender Differences in Career Aspirations Over Time, Rachael Gulbrandsen and Mary Briggs

Growth of imperiled bluehead sucker under anthropogenically-altered temperature and flow regimes, Thomas Hafen


Transforming Anatomy, Anndee Hall

Cougars in Cache: Approaching the beast from multiple perspectives, Margaret Hallerud

A Look Into Lookism: An Evaluation of Discrimination Based on Physical Attractiveness, Cherea Hammer

Defining Directions for Future Spatial Ability Research: K-12 Math and Physics, John Hansen and Ben Call

An Evolutionary Analysis of Gender and Reproduction in Latter-Day Saints, Claire Hanson and Amanda Cook

Expressions of affinial kinship and social support among high school extracurricular activities, Erica Hawvermale

How does Ranked-Choice Voting impact incumbents?, Logan Hemmert

Examining Iraqi Kurdish Motives in the Fight Against ISIL, Brigitte Hugh

Reduction of Radiation Effects in Polymers, Alexandra Hughlett

Dietary supplementation with tart cherries for prevention of inflammation-associated colorectal cancer in mice, Ashli Hunter, Abby Benninghoff, Korry Hintze, Sumira Phatak, and Deanna Larson

The Effect of Competitive and Collaborative Interruptions on Therapeutic Alliance in Couples Counseling, Emily Janes and Amy Van den Akker


Harvest and Disposal of Hazardous Algal Blooms, Bethany A. Jensen and Kyle M. Hillman

Gender’s Impact on Mental Health Help Seeking in Utah, Erin Jensen

Behavioral Preferences Within the Southern Resident Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) Population at Lime Kiln Point State Park, Rylee Jensen

Mountain Lion Skull Measurements, Talon Jeppson

The Problematic Capitalistic World of Harry Potter, Lee Johnson

Fear and Media: An Examination of Serial Killers in 19th Century America., Tatyanna Johnson

Arduino and Raspberry Pi in a Laboratory Setting, Dustin Johnston

The Weddell Sea Anomaly, DaeSean Jones


OpenSPA: an Open-Source Software Solution for University SmallSat Teams, Jack Conrad Kiefer II and Nick Benoit

Mycoplasmas & Mycobacteria: Minimalists at Work, Shalee Killpack


Measuring the Conductivity of Highly Insulating Materials with Constant Voltage Chamber Modifications, David King

Skin Carotenoid Levels as a Biomarker of Overall Health, Elizabeth King, Linzy Kesler, Aubree Lyman, Mary Ann Joregensen, Sandra Reynolds, Brooke James, Kelly Gibbons, Shawnel Stacy, Shelley Heap, Lea Palmer, Anna Marie White, and Marianne Olsen

Needs Assessment Project: Assessing Health and Physical Health Curriculum in Utah., Zak Konakis

Cache Valley Resident Exposure to PM2.5 and its Effects on Heart Rate Variability, Kristina Krepinski

Limiting Factors of Potato Production in Mozambique, Africa, Jacob Lake

A Return to Roots: How Latinx Literature Uses Religion to Recover Personal Identity, Melissa Leavitt

Analysis of Holography Methods, Jordan Lee and Vanessa Chambers

“Because it was cheap, because it was on sale”: Essential nutrient intake at USU, Timothy J. Light, Erica M. Hawvermale, and Emma L. Hall

The Quest for the Postmodern American Dream, Remington Lohmeyer

Mental Health, A. Andres LOPEZ-LOPEZ and Teresa Larsen

DNA SNPs and Parentage Testing in Cattle: The History, Procedures, Importance and Future, Nicole Mastroluca

Analysis of Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotope Levels in Side-blotched Lizards (Uta stansburiana) Fed Varying Diets, Kati Mattinson

Religiosity and Perceptions of Sexual Violence in Utah, Madison McCormick

Helpful Farming Model: How to decrease your water foot while maximizing crop yield., Paige Morgan

Assessing Natural Seed Dormancy Loss in Alkali Bulrush (Bolboschoenus maritimus): Duck Ingestion and Natural Cold Stratification, Bret Mossman

A Comparative Study of POGIL and CLUE, Emily Olsen