"Environmental Quality Management in a Region with External Development" by A. Bruce Bishop, Rangesan Narayanan et al.

Document Type


Publication Date

January 1977


The objective of this study was to examine the problems of managing residuals and environmental quality in a region facing potentially rapid growth as a consequence of externally made development decisions. The research adapted and applied the residuals environmental management concept which recognizes the need for an integration of physical methods, implementation incentives and institutional arrangements in controlling air, water and solid residuals. The area selected for study, the Uintah Basin in Southeastern utah, has the potential for extensive energy resource and mineral development and could experience a large population influx and accelerated economic growth as a result. in the face of a wide range of possible resource developments, the study used an alternative futures approach, in which combinations of exogenous events leading to different types and levels of economic activities and employment inpacts were identified. Economic and land use simulation models were applied to project the effects of the futures on the basin. Materials balances were then drawn up for major polluting activities to determine the residuals that would be produced and discharged to the environment if there were not controls. An environmental impact and management model, structured as al inear programming model, was used to evaluate environmental management strategies. The model incorporated various production processes and residuals treatment methods. Air and water quality simulation models were applied to assess environmental impacts and generate model constraints. Several dimesnsions of environmental management strategies were analyzed including alternative production processes, waste treatment methods, and various implementation incentives such as effluent charges, effluent standards and effects of legal restructions. This report was submitted in fulfillment of Contract No. R-803203 by the Utah Water Research Laboratory, Utah State University under the sponsorship of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This report covers the period July 22, 1974 to january 31, 1977, and was completed as of February 21, 1977.
