1993 | ||
Sunday, October 3rd | ||
12:00 AM |
A Summary of Reported Deer-Related Vehicle Accidents in a Virginia City Patrick F. Scanlon, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Asheville, North Carolina 12:00 AM |
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Assessing and Reducing Soybean Crop Losses from Deer: An Interdisciplinary, Multi-Agency Effort S. U. Wallace, Clemson University Asheville, North Carolina 12:00 AM |
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Deer Damage in Tennessee: Landowner Perceptions and Attitudes Michael M. King, University of Tennessee Asheville, North Carolina 12:00 AM |
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Impact of Clearcut Size on White-Tailed Deer Use and Tree Regeneration James W. Akins, West Virginia University Asheville, North Carolina 12:00 AM |
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Landowners Perceptions of Crop Damage from White-Tailed Deer in South Carolina Webb M. Smathers Jr., Clemson University Asheville, North Carolina 12:00 AM |
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Perceptions and Knowledge of Alabama Fruit and Vegetable Producers towards Coyotes M. Chad Philipp, Auburn University Asheville, North Carolina 12:00 AM |
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Predator Depredations on Sheep in Pennsylvania Gary W. Witmer, Washington State University Asheville, North Carolina 12:00 AM |
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Public Policy Education: An Important Wildlife Management Opportunity Paul D. Curtis, Cornell University Asheville, North Carolina 12:00 AM |
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Sixth Eastern Wildlife Management Conferences Summary and What Lies Ahead James E. Miller, USDA Asheville, North Carolina 12:00 AM |
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Status and Management of Vole Damage to Horticultural Plantings in North Carolina Peter T. Bromley, North Carolina State University Asheville, North Carolina 12:00 AM |
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Use Patterns of Nuisance Black-Crowned Night Herons on a Hydroelectric Dam in Eastern Tennessee Michael A. Wefer, University of Tennessee Asheville, North Carolina 12:00 AM |