"Final Environmental Impact Statement Expanded Moxa Arch Area Natural G" by United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management

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The Expanded Moxa Arch Area Natural Gas Development Project EIS analyzes a proposal by the Moxa Arch operators (Amoco Production Company, Union Pacific Resources Company, Wexpro/Celsius Energy Company, Bannon Energy, Marathon Oil Company, Presidio Exploration, and other companies) to continue to infill drill additional development wells in their leased acreage within the Moxa Arch oil and gas development area. The project area encompasses approximately 476,261 acres of southwestern Wyoming. Lands associated with the additional drilling program include those previously analyzed in the Amoco Production Company Moxa Arch Natural Gas Production Environmental Assessment (EA) and Decision Record (DR) (USDI-BLM 1991) and the Supplemental EA and DR to the Amoco Production Company Moxa Arch Natural Gas Production Project (USDI-BLM 1992). Additional areas involved in the EIS, not included in the previous EAs, include lands to the north and south of the area previously analyzed. The additional area combined with the lands analyzed in the previous two environmental analysis documents form the Expanded Moxa Arch Natural Gas Development (Moxa) analysis area.


Sudocs call # I 1.98:M 87/FINAL
