"Express Crude Oil Pipeline Final Environmental Impact Statement" by United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management

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Express Pipeline, Inc. (Express) proposes to construct, maintain, and operate a 24-inch crude oil pipeline from the U.S. (Montana)/Canada border near Wild Horse to Casper, Wyoming. The project (the proposed action ) would include the 515-mile pipeline, five pump stations, numerous mainline block and check valves, and a meter station. Initially, the pipeline would be capable of transporting 172,000 barrels per day of Canadian crude oil to Casper, Wyoming. Construction is scheduled from July through October, 1996, with operations beginning by late October, 1996. This final environmental impact statement analyzes the environmental effects of the Express Pipeline, the No Action Alternative, and a Modified Action Alternative involving timing restrictions for construction across rivers and streams: construction techniques across rivers; and construction near raptor nests, key fisheries spawning habitat, and big game winter range. The BLM's selected alternative is the Modified Action Alternative. The MDEQ's selected alternative is the modified Action Alternative with specified construction techniques for perennial rivers in Montana.


SuDocs call # I 1.98:EX 7/FINAL
