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Tourism as a Sustainable Rural Development Strategy: Finding Consensus in Resident Attitudes, Paul B. Siegel and Paul Mark Jakus; Southern Rural Sociology

Feed Grains and Forage Outlook, Donald L. Snyder; Feed Grains and Forage Outlook

Outlook for Feed Grains and Forages, Donald L. Snyder; Outlook for Feed Grains and Forages

Property Rights and Competitive Markets, Donald L. Snyder; Property Rights and Competitive Markets

Household Willingness to pay for Dropoff Recycling: A Contingent Valuation Study, Kelly H. Tiller, Paul Mark Jakus, and William M. Park; Household Willingness to pay for Dropoff Recycling: A Contingent Valuation Study

Predicting the Value of Feeder Cattle Placed into an Accelerated Finishing Program Under Dynamic Market Conditions, J. J. Wagner and Dillon M. Feuz; Professional Animal Scientist


1994 Beef Production to be About the Same Level as '92, DeeVon Bailey; Utah Farmer-Stockman

Overall Food Prices Expected to Increase This Year, DeeVon Bailey; Utah Farmer-Stockman

Weather Permitting, U.S. Crop Production Will Increase 10%, DeeVon Bailey; Utah Farmer-Stockman

Today's Changing Meat Industry and Tomorrow's Beef Sector, DeeVon Bailey, Chris Bastian, Terrence Glover, and Dale Menkhaus; Wyoming Farmer-Stockman

The Changing Meat Industry: Implications for the Beef Sector and Cooperative Extensions' Role, Chris Bastian, DeeVon Bailey, Terrence Glover, and Dale Menkhaus; The Changing Meat Industry: Implications for the Beef Sector and Cooperative Extensions' Role

The Changing Meat Industry: Implications Sector for the Beef Sector, Chris Bastian, DeeVon Bailey, Terrence Glover, and Dale Menkhaus; The Changing Meat Industry: Implications Sector for the Beef Sector

Today's Changing Meat Industry, Chris Bastian, DeeVon Bailey, Terrence Glover, and Dale Menkhaus; Western Beef Producer

Co-Movement of Futures Prices of Corn and Feeder Cattle-- An Empirical Analysis, Basudeb Biswas and Donald L. Snyder; Co-Movement of Futures Prices of Corn and Feeder Cattle-- An Empirical Analysis

Oklahoma Cattle and Video Auction: Location of Buyers, Location of Cattle Purchases, and Quality Premiums, B. Wade Brorsen, DeeVon Bailey, and Michael R. Thomsen; Oklahoma Current Farm Economics

The Effect of Uncertainty on Market Structure: The South Dakota Slaughter Cattle Market, S. W. Fausti and Dillon M. Feuz; Current Regional Issues

Beef Cattle Cycle, Retained Ownership, Price Protection, Dillon M. Feuz; Beef Cattle Cycle, Retained Ownership, Price Protection

Cull Cow Marketing, Dillon M. Feuz; Cull Cow Marketing

Maximizing Profits Throughout the Complete Cattle Cycle, Dillon M. Feuz; Maximizing Profits Throughout the Complete Cattle Cycle

Retained Ownership Programs, Dillon M. Feuz; Retained Ownership Programs

Averting Behavior in the Presence of Public Spillovers: Household Control of Nuisance Pests, Paul Mark Jakus; Land Economics

Attitudes Toward Rural Tourism Development: A Utility-Theoretic Approach, Paul Mark Jakus and Paul B. Siegel; Attitudes Toward Rural Tourism Development: A Utility-Theoretic Approach

Explaining Attitudes Toward Tourism Development in the Southern Appalachian Highlands, Paul Mark Jakus and Paul B. Siegel; Explaining Attitudes Toward Tourism Development in the Southern Appalachian Highlands

Tourism Development and the Environment: Tradeoffs in the Southern Appalachian Highlands, Paul Mark Jakus and Paul B. Siegel; Tourism Development and the Environment: Tradeoffs in the Southern Appalachian Highlands

Rural Household Recycling: Explaining Participation and Volume Generation, Paul Mark Jakus, Kelly Jo Tiller, and William M. Park; Rural Household Recycling: Explaining Participation and Volume Generation

Fishing, Hunting by Tennessee Residents: A Report on Activities and Attitudes: March-August 1993, Paul Mark Jakus, Laurienne Whinstanley, and J. Mark Fly; University of Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station Research Report 94-18

Despite Some Concerns, Utah's Ag Sector Remains Strong, Donald L. Snyder; Utah Farmer

Feed Grain Outlook Mixed: Hay Prices Could Dip Lower, Donald L. Snyder; Feed Grain Outlook Mixed: Hay Prices Could Dip Lower

Feed Grains and Forage Outlook, Donald L. Snyder; Feed Grains and Forage Outlook

Weaning Early May Be Profitable, Donald L. Snyder; Weaning Early May Be Profitable


1993 Should See Modest Growth in Farm Economy, DeeVon Bailey; Utah Farmer-Stockman

Meat Supplies Expected to Set New Records in 1993, DeeVon Bailey; Utah Farmer-Stockman

The Agricultural Marketing System, DeeVon Bailey; The Agricultural Marketing System

Buyer Concentration at Feeder Cattle Auctions, DeeVon Bailey, B. Wade Brorsen, and Christopher Fawson; Review of Agricultural Economics

Characteristics and Expenditures of Users of Selected Wilderness Areas in Southern Utah: Some Preliminary Results, Christopher Fawson, John E. Keith, Donald L. Snyder, and V. Johnson; Characteristics and Expenditures of Users of Selected Wilderness Areas in Southern Utah: Some Preliminary Results

Futures Market Workshop, Dillon M. Feuz; Futures Market Workshop

Value Based Marketing, Dillon M. Feuz; Value Based Marketing

An Empirical Analysis of the Efficiency of Four Alternative Marketing Methods for Slaughter Cattle, Dillon M. Feuz, S. W. Fausti, and J. J. Wagner; Agribusiness An International Journal

Revenue and Risk Associated with Alternative Slaughter Cattle Marketing Methods, Dillon M. Feuz, J. J. Wagner, and S. W. Fausti; Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics

A Risk Evaluation of Alternative Western Ranching Systems, L. J. Held, Dillon M. Feuz, and E. R. Edens; Journal of American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers

Complementary Use of Actual Behavior and Contingent Behavior Models, Paul Mark Jakus; Complementary Use of Actual Behavior and Contingent Behavior Models

Incorporating Site Quality Variation in a Hedonic Travel Cost Model, Paul Mark Jakus; Incorporating Site Quality Variation in a Hedonic Travel Cost Model

Activities, Regulatory Preferences and Regulatory Perceptions of Tennessee Anglers, Paul Mark Jakus, J. Mark Fly, and J. Larry Wilson; Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies

Hay Production and Marketing, Donald L. Snyder; Hay Production and Marketing

The Impact of Agriculture on the State of Utah, Donald L. Snyder; The Impact of Agriculture on the State of Utah

Effect of Slaughter Cattle Marketing Method on the Productions Signals Sent to Beef Producers, J. J. Wagner and Dillon M. Feuz; Professional Animal Scientist


Net Farm Income for 1992 Projected to Be Down Slightly From 1991, DeeVon Bailey; Utah Farmer-Stockman

No Strong Increase in Demand for Beef Expected in Coming Year, DeeVon Bailey; Utah Farmer-Stockman

Results of a National Survey on Data and Methods: Discussion, DeeVon Bailey; Costs and Returns for Agricultural Commodities: Advances in Concepts and Measurement

International Hay Marketing, DeeVon Bailey and Dan J. Bates; Utah Farmer-Stockman

A Test for Market Power at Feeder Cattle Auctions, DeeVon Bailey, B. Wade Brorsen, and Christopher Fawson; Pricing and Coordination in Consolidated Livestock Markets: Captive Supplies, Market Power, IRS Hedging Policy

Extension Business Retention and Expansion: A Program Manual, Marion T. Bentley; Extension Business Retention and Expansion: A Program Manual

Rural Business Retention and Expansion in the Western United States: The Key to a Better Future, Marion T. Bentley; Rural Business Retention and Expansion in the Western United States: The Key to a Better Future

A Stochastic Dominance Evaluation of Alternative Western Ranching Systems, E. R. Edens, L. J. Held, and Dillon M. Feuz; Western Journal of Agricultural Economics

Replacement Beef Heifer Economics: When Price and Reproductive Performance Are Uncertain, Dillon M. Feuz; Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers

Retained Ownership Revisited: The Economic Significance of Genetic Variability, Dillon M. Feuz, J. J. Wagner, and L. J. Held; Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics

Measuring Use and Nonuse Values for Landscape Amenities: A Contingent Behavior Analysis of Gypsy Moth Control, Paul Mark Jakus and V. Kerry Smith; Measuring Use and Nonuse Values for Landscape Amenities: A Contingent Behavior Analysis of Gypsy Moth Control

Measuring Use and Nonuse Values for Landscape Amenities: A Contingent Behavior Analysis of Gypsy Moth Control, Paul Mark Jakus and V. Kerry Smith; Resources for the Future Discussion Paper QE-92-07

The Impact of the Family on Home-Based Work, Barbara R. Rowe and Marion T. Bentley; Journal of Family and Economic Issues

A Comparison of Selected Methods for Forecasting Monthly Alfalfa Price, R. Skaggs and Donald L. Snyder; Agribusiness, An International Journal

Agribusiness Development in Utah, Donald L. Snyder; Agribusiness Development in Utah

Beef Slaughter Market in Utah-- Feeder Steers and Cull Cows, Donald L. Snyder; Beef Slaughter Market in Utah-- Feeder Steers and Cull Cows

Continuing Cow Herd Expansion Could Adversely Affect Prices, Donald L. Snyder; Utah Farmer-Stockman

General Health of Utah's Agriculture Sector Continues to be Robust, Donald L. Snyder; Utah Farmer-Stockman

Hay Marketing in Utah, Donald L. Snyder; Hay Marketing in Utah

Utah's Horticulture Industry, Donald L. Snyder; Utah's Horticulture Industry

Feasibility of a Sheep Dairy Industry in Utah, Ruby Ward; Feasibility of a Sheep Dairy Industry in Utah


Domains Explaining the Life Quality of Dairy Farm Couples, Norleen M. Ackerman, G. O. Jenson, and DeeVon Bailey; Lifestyles: Family and Economic Issues

Cattle Industry, DeeVon Bailey; Utah Business

Demand for Ag Commodities Should Be Slightly Above 1990 Levels, DeeVon Bailey; Utah Farmer-Stockman

Does Buyer Concentration Influence Feeder Prices?, DeeVon Bailey; Western Farmer-Stockman

Look for Record Supply of Meat, Poultry, DeeVon Bailey; Utah Farmer-Stockman

Results of a Survey on Methods and Data Sources for Enterprise Budgets- A Review, DeeVon Bailey; Results of a Survey on Methods and Data Sources for Enterprise Budgets- A Review

Video Auctions Viable Marketing Alternatives, DeeVon Bailey; Western Farmer-Stockman

An Evaluation of Cost of Production Information Usage by County Agents, DeeVon Bailey, Doug W. Eck, and Terry F. Glover; Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics

Using Historical Basis Information to Make Marketing Decisions, DeeVon Bailey and Lyle Holmgren; Utah Farmer-Stockman

A Comparison of Pricing Structures at Video and Traditional Cattle Auctions, DeeVon Bailey and Monte C. Peterson; Western Journal of Agricultural Economics

A Comparison of Video Cattle Auction and Regional Market Prices, DeeVon Bailey, Monte C. Peterson, and B. Wade Brorsen; American Journal of Agricultural Economics

Keeping Calves Past Weaning Provides Another Marketing Choice, DeeVon Bailey and Norris J. Stenquist; Utah Farmer-Stockman

The Economics of Cow Herd Replacement Strategies: Raising Versus Purchasing Replacements, Dillon M. Feuz; The Economics of Cow Herd Replacement Strategies: Raising Versus Purchasing Replacements

The Optimal Prebreeding Target Weight for Replacement Beef Heifers, Dillon M. Feuz; Western Journal of Agricultural Economics

Typical Farm Theory in Agricultural Research, Dillon M. Feuz, M. D. Skold, and Dillon M. Feuz; Journal of Sustainable Agriculture

Structural Changes in the U.S. Electric Utility Industry and the Scarcity Rent of Coal, S. Ghosh and Donald L. Snyder; Journal of Applied Economics

Risk-Return Relationships for Mountain Valley Ranching Systems: A Target-MOTAD Analysis, L. J. Held, Dillon M. Feuz, and E. R. Edens; Western Journal of Agricultural Economics

The Economic Value of Gypsy Moth Control: Private and Public Control in Residential Areas, Paul Mark Jakus; The Economic Value of Gypsy Moth Control: Private and Public Control in Residential Areas

Accuracy in Forecasting Feeder Cattle Prices: Results of a Forecasting Competition, R. Skaggs and Donald L. Snyder; Accuracy in Forecasting Feeder Cattle Prices: Results of a Forecasting Competition

Combining Farrell Frontier and Hedonic Travel Cost Models for Valuing Estuarine Quality, V. Kerry Smith, Raymond B. Palmquist, and Paul Mark Jakus; Review of Economics and Statistics

Public Lands Issues, Donald L. Snyder; Public Lands Issues

Preliminary Report of a Sheep Dairy Industry in Utah, Ruby Ward; Preliminary Report of a Sheep Dairy Industry in Utah


Feed Grain Outlook Steady, Wheat Bright, DeeVon Bailey; Utah Farmer-Stockman

Grain, DeeVon Bailey; Utah Business

Outlook Relatively Bright for U.S. Agriculture, DeeVon Bailey; Utah Farmer-Stockman

Small Fed Cattle Profit Margins are Expected, DeeVon Bailey; Utah Farmer-Stockman

Video Regional Auctions Have Different Price Effects, DeeVon Bailey; Utah Farmer-Stockman

Buyer Concentration in Feeder Cattle Markets, DeeVon Bailey and B. Wade Brorsen; Buyer Concentration in Feeder Cattle Markets

A Practical Guide to Organizing Existing Industries Programs, Marion T. Bentley; A Practical Guide to Organizing Existing Industries Programs

Coping With Failure in Retention and Expansion: Plant Adjustment Approaches, Marion T. Bentley; Retention and Expansion

Cow Herd Replacement Strategies-- Raising Versus Purchasing Replacements, Dillon M. Feuz; Cow Herd Replacement Strategies-- Raising Versus Purchasing Replacements

Leasing Cows-- What is Equitable, Dillon M. Feuz, N. L. Dalsted, and P. H. Gutierrez; Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers

Beef Market Shares in the Away-From-Home Market: The Dallas, Texas Pilot Study, T. F. Glover, DeeVon Bailey, R. E. Branson, and Donald L. Snyder; Beef Market Shares in the Away-From-Home Market: The Dallas, Texas Pilot Study