Aspen Bibliography

Aspen Bibliography

As the most widespread tree species in North America, Quaking Aspen systems provide an array of natural resource products and uses. Often among the most biologically diverse systems in a given landscape, the condition of aspen forests affects the status of numerous floral and faunal associates. Concern over the health, sustainability, aesthetics, and economic value of aspen has spawned a large body of literature in both basic and applied research. The Aspen Bibliography, sponsored by the Western Aspen Alliance and the Quinney Natural Resources Research Library and available from the Merrill-Cazier Digital Commons portal, provides a comprehensive and searchable database of published and unpublished aspen references. Your feedback and participation in updating this database is important to us. If there are items you are aware of related to aspen ecology that are not found in this database, please contact the Aspen Bibliography administrator at with the citation or mail a hardcopy of the document to Aspen Bibliography - Quinney Library, 5260 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322. All information is provided as-is. While every effort is being made to ensure that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date, errors may occur. Also, we provide many links to external web sites. Sometimes the links provided are moved or removed creating a broken link. If you think you have discovered a broken link or an error please notify us at

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Habitat Characteristics of American Woodcock Nest Sites on a Managed Area in Maine, Daniel G. McCauley, Jerry R. Longcore, Greg F. Sepik, and Grey W. Pendleton; Journal of Wildlife Management


Characterization and Site-Directed Mutagenesis of Aspen Lignin-Specific O-Methyltransferase Expressed in Escherichia Coli, Hua Bin Meng and Wilbur H. Campbell; Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics

Aspen management: a literature review, Bruce Miller


Genetic variation and the natural history of quaking aspen, J.B. Mitton and M.C. Grant; Bioscience

The Competitive Influence of Seeded Smooth Brome (Bromus inermis) and Intermediate Wheatgrass (Thinopyron intermedium) Within Aspen-Mountain Brush Communities of Central Utah, Stephen B. Monsen, Richard Stevens, and Scott C. Walker; Rangelands in a Sustainable Biosphere: Proceedings of the Fifth International Rangeland Congress


Sustained aspen productivity on hardwood and mixedwood sites, S. Navratil; FRDA-rep


Extraction of hemicelluloses from poplar, Populus tremuloides, using an extruder-type twin-screw reactor: a feasibility study, S. N'Diaye, L. Rigal, P. Larocque, and P.F. Vidal; Bioresource Technology


Expression of the Agrobacterium Rhizogenes Rolc Gene in a Deciduous Forest Tree Alters Growth and Development and Leads to Stem Fasciation, Ove Nilsson, Thomas Moritz, Bjorn Sundberg, Goran Sandberg, and Olof Olsson; Plant Physiology


Separation and characterization of steroids in biomass vacuum pyrolysis oils, H. Pakdel and C. Roy; Bioresource Technology


Effect of colonizing tree species on soil nutrient availability in a clay soil of the boreal mixedwood, D. Pare and Y. Bergeron; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Variable stocking version of Plonski's yield tables formulated, B. Payandeh, Yong He Wang, and Y.H. Wang; Forestry Chronicle


A Multiproduct Growth and Yield Model for the Circumboreal Aspens, Donald A. Perala, George E. Host, James K. Jordan, and Christopher J. Cieszewski; Northern Journal of Applied Forestry


Ecology and silviculture of trembling aspen, Everett B. Peterson and N. Merle Peterson


Comparison of pretreatment methods on the enzymatic saccharification of aspen wood, J.H. Pinto and D.P. Kamden; Applied biochemistry and biotechnology


Pulpwood Production in the North-Central Region, 1995, R.J. Piva; Resource Bulletin NC-180

Peroxidase Activity Response of Unwounded Aspen to Inoculation With Hypoxylon Mammatum Ascospores, Bruce A. Race and Paul D. Manion; Phytopathology


The ecological implications of fire in Greater Yellowstone. Proceedings of the Second Biennial Conference on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, R. Renkin, D. Despain, and J.M. Greenlee


Descriptions of three new Longidorus species from Alaska (Nematoda: Longidoridae), R.T. Robbins and D.J.F. Brown; Journal of Nematology


Landscape vegetation modelling with vital attributes and fuzzy systems theory, D.W. Roberts and Bai Lian Li; Ecological Modelling. Special issue: Fuzzy modelling in ecology


Modelling forest dynamics with vital attributes and fuzzy systems theory, D.W. Roberts and Bai Lian Li; Ecological Modelling. Special issue: Fuzzy modelling in ecology


Effects of Logging Slash on Aspen Regeneration in Grazed Clearcuts, Mark A. Rumble, Timothy Pella, Jon C. Sharps, Arhur V. Carter, and J. Barry Parrish; Prairie Naturalist


Canopy, snow, and lichens on woodland caribou range in southeastern Manitoba, J.A. Schaefer; Rangifer. Proceedings of the Sixth North American Caribou Workshop, Prince George, B. C., Canada, 1-4 March, 1994


Old and potential old forest in the Lake States, USA, T.L. Schmidt, J.S. Spencer, and M.H. Hansen; Forest Ecology and Management


A new 'Cold Pocket' hypothesis to explain local host preference shifts in Papilio canadensis, J.M. Scriber; Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata


Response of aspen root suckers to regeneration methods and post-harvest protection, Wayne D. Shepperd

Silviculture and Management of Aspen in the West, Wayne D. Shepperd; Natural Resource News, January, 1996, La Grande, OR., Blue Mountains Natural Resource Institute


Fire regimes, past and present, Carl N. Skinner and Chi-ru Chang

Production, Soil Disturbance, and Regeneration of Wide-Tire Skidder Harvests of Quaking Aspen Stands in East-Central Minnesota: Modelling Barred Owl Habitat in Northwestern Ontario (Strix Varia, Populus Tremuloides, Betula Papyrifera, Pinus Resinosa, Pinus Strobus), Mathew Frank Smidt and Susan Miranda Van Ael


Northern forestry and carabids: The case for concern about old-growth species, John R. Spence, David W. Langor, Jari Niemela, Hector A. Carcamo, and Cameron R. Currie; Annales zoologici fennici


Stand Hazard Rating for Central Idaho Forests, Robert Steele, Ralph E. Williams, Julie C. Weatherby, Elizabeth D. Reinhardt, James T. Hoffman, and R. W. Thier


Climate, 1650-1850, Scott Stine


Quantifying the effects of temporal autocorrelation on climatological regression models using geostatistical techniques, I.B. Strachan and L.E. Harvey; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Azadirachtin Biopesticide: a Review of Studies Conducted on Its Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Behaviour and Biological Effects, K.M.S. Sundaram and A. Sundaram; Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B Pesticides Food Contaminants and Agricultural Wastes


Estimating the cumulative long-term effects of forest harvests on annual water yield in Alberta, R.H. Swanson, R.D. Wynes, and R.L. Rothwell; Forest-Fish Conference 1996


Toxicity of aspen wood leachate to aquatic life: laboratory studies, Barry R. Taylor, J. Stephen Goudey, and N. Bruce Carmichael; Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry


Land Use and Landscape Change in the Colorado Mountains Ii: a Case Study of the East River Valley, D.M. Theobald, L.H. Gosnel, and W.E. Riebsame; Mountain Research and Development


Acclimation in Respiration and Growth Among Five Boreal Tree Species Grown Under Elevated Carbon Dioxide and Temperature, Mark Tjoelker, J. Okeksyn, and Peter Reich; Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America


3' Cycle-Labeled Oligonucleotides With Predictable Length for Primer Extension and Transgene Analysis, Chung-Jui Tsa, Melissa R. Mielke, Gopi K. Podila, and Vincent L. Chiang; Nucleic Acids Research


Roost site selection and roosting ecology of forest dwelling bats in southern British Columbia, M.J. Vonhof and R.M.R. Barclay; Canadian Journal of Zoology


Structure activity relationships of some congeners of 4 phenyl 3 butenoic acid against aspen decay and stain fungi, L.S. Trifonov W.A., W.A. Ayer, P. Chakravarty, and Y. Hiratsuka; European Journal of Forest Pathology


Evaluating a dimensionally compatible height growth modelling approach, Yong He Wang and B. Payandeh; Forestry Chronicle


Effects of Wind Velocity and Slope on Flame Properties, David R. Weise and Gregory S. Biging; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


The Effects of Fire on Nitrogen Cycling Processes Within Bandelier National Monument, NM, Carleton S. White; Fire Effects in Southwestern Forests: Proceedings of the Second La Mesa Fire Symposium


Effect of Northwestern Ontario Forest Ecosystem Classification treatment units on the infection levels of Armillaria in black spruce plantations, A.M. Wiensczyk, M.T. Dumas, and R.N. Irwin; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


The influence of prairie and forest vegetation on soil moisture and available nitrogen, Scott D. Wilson and Heather R. Kleb; American midland naturalist


Modeling and comparing vertical density profiles, P.M. Winistorfer, T.M. Young, and E. Walker; Wood and Fiber Science


Environmental degradation and rehabilitation of the landscape around Sudbury, a major mining and smelting area, K. Winterhalder; Environmental Reviews


Effects of carbon, fertilizer, and drought on foliar chemistry of tree species in interior Alaska, J. Yarie and K. VanCleve; Ecological Applications



Using Simons stain to predict energy savings during biomechanical pulping, M. Akhtar, R.A. Blanchette, and T.A. Burnes; Wood and Fiber Science


The influence of host plant on gut conditions of gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) caterpillars, H.M. Appel and L.W. Maines; Journal of Insect Physiology


Lecythophorin, a potent inhibitor of blue stain fungi, from the Hyphomycetous fungus Lecythophora hoffmannii, William A. Ayer and Nobuo Kawahara; Tetrahedron Letters


Phenolic and polyketide metabolites of the aspen blue stain fungus Ophiostoma crassivaginata, William A. Ayer and Latchezar S. Trifonov; Phytochemistry


Identification of Armillaria species from Wisconsin and adjacent areas, Mark T. Banik, Jennifer A. Paul, and Harold H. Burdsall Jr.; Mycologia


53 Years of Secondary Succession in Northern Lower Michigan, Syndallas M. Baughman and Ann K. Sakai; Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America


The relative importance of fuels and weather on fire behavior in subalpine forests, W.C. Bessie and E.A. Johnson; Ecology


The Inorganic Chemistry of Wood Combustion for Power Production, Milton Blander, Kenneth W. Ragland, Robert L. Cole, Joseph A. Libera, and Arthur Pelton; Biomass and Bioenergy


Changes in nutrient availability and forest floor characteristics in relation to stand age and forest composition in the southern part of the boreal forest of northwestern Quebec, S. Brais, C. Camire, Y. Bergeron, and D. Pare; Forest Ecology and Management


Aspen decline in the inland Northwest: a review of some relevant literature, M. Brown; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station and the Smithsonian Institution


Biomass of Food Available to Beavers on Five Minnesota Shrubs, Richard R. Buech and David J. Rugg


Improving aspen kraft pulp by a novel, low technology fungal pretreatment, Y.R. Chen and E.L. Schmidt; Wood and Fiber Science


IR spectroscopic investigation of aspen wood biolignins, N.N. Chipanina, R. Mirskova Yu, S.A. Medvedeva, I.V. Volchatova, and V.A. Babkin; Chemistry of Natural Compounds


Southern Idaho's Forest Land Outside National Forests, 1991, David C. Chojnacky


Past and current trends of change in a dune prairie,oak savanna reconstructed through a multiple scale history, Kenneth L. Cole and Robert S. Taylor; Journal of Vegetation Science


Carbon allocation and partitioning in aspen clones varying in sensitivity to tropospheric ozone, M.D. Coleman, R.E. Dickson, J.G. Isebrands, and D.F. Karnosky; Tree Physiology


Photosynthetic productivity of aspen clones varying in sensitivity to tropospheric ozone, M.D. Coleman, J.G. Isebrands, R.E. Dickson, and D.F. Karnosky; Tree Physiology


An Improved Micropropagation System for Populus Species, M.I. Costache, K.C. Lowe, M.R. Davey, and J.B. Power; Journal of Experimental Botany


Leafy blooms in aspen, G. Coupland, D. Weigel, O. Nilsson, M.A. Mandel, and M.F. Yanofsky; Nature London


Habitat Selection by Bats in Fragmented and Unfragmented Aspen Mixedwood Stands of Different Ages, L.H. Crampton and R.M.R. Barclay

Ecological and taxonomic studies of ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with Aspen, Cathy Lynn Cripps


Can montane landscapes recover from human disturbance? Long-term evidence from disturbed subalpine communities, C.G. Curtin; Biological Conservation


Nest predation rates in managed and reserved extensive northern hardwood forests, R.M. DeGraaf; Forest Ecology and Management


Accuracy and signal reception of a hand-held Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, S.P. D'Eon; Forestry Chronicle


Nest site relationships among cavity-nesting birds of riparian and snowpocket aspen woodlands in the northwestern Great Basin, David S. Dobkin, Adam C. Rich, Jennifer A. Pretare, and William H. Pyle; Condor


Notes on the Biology and Control of the Poplar Twiggall Fly, Hexomyza schineri (Giraud) (Diptera: Agromyzidae), an Emerging Pest of Aspen in Colorado, Thomas B. Eckberg and W.S. Cranshaw; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society


Calculation of organic matter and nutrients stored in soils under contrasting management regimes, B.H. Ellert and J.R. Bettany; Canadian Journal of Soil Science


Development of a wood hardness tester for detecting decay in aspen, J.M. Ewart; Special Report Forest Engineering Research Institute of Canada


Tissue and cell specific expression of a cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase promoter in transgenic poplar plants, C. Feuillet, V. Lauvergeat, C. Deswarte, G. Pilate, A. Baudet, and J. Grime Pettenati; Plant mol biol


Evidence for bottom-up effects in the boreal forest: do passerine birds respond to large-scale experimental fertilization?, N.F.G. Folkard and J.N.M. Smith; Canadian Journal of Zoology


Wolves influence elk movements: behavior shapes a trophic cacade in Yellowstone National Park, Daniel Fortin, Hawthorne L. Beyer, Mark S. Boyce, Douglas W. Smith, Thierry Duchesne, and Julie S. Mao; Ecology


Empirically estimating the lateral transport of riparian leaf litter to lakes, R.L. France; Freshwater Biology


Late Quaternary Pollen Record From Cheyenne Bottoms, Kansas, Glen G. Fredlund; Quaternary Research Orlando


Neighborhood Effects, Disturbance, and Succession in Forests of the Western Great Lakes Region, Lee E. Frelich and Peter B. Reich; Ecoscience


Evaluation of stem taper functions for estimating log volume assortments, J. Gal and I.E. Bella; Forestry Chronicle


The Effects of Burning on Festuca Hallii in the Parklands of Central Alberta, Heather Sinton Gerling, Arthur W. Bailey, and Walter D. Willms; Canadian Journal of Botany


2 Chloro 4,4,5,5 tetramethyl 1,3,2 dioxaphospholane, a reagent for the accurate determination of the uncondensed and condensed phenolic moieties in lignins, A. Granata and D.S. Argyropoulos; Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry


Parent stand age and harvesting treatment effects on juvenile aspen biomass productivity, H. Grewal; Forestry Chronicle


Nutritional quality of winter browse for ruffed grouse, C.G. Guglielmo and W.H. Karasov; Journal of Wildlife Management


Factors of importance for the epiphytic vegetation of aspen Populus tremula with special emphasis on bark chemistry and soil chemistry, L. Gustafsson and I. Eriksson; Journal of Applied Ecology


A survey of the forest site characteristics in a transect through the central Canadian boreal forest, D.H. Halliwell, M.J. Apps, D.T. Price, and J. Wisniewski; Water, Air & Soil Pollution


Auxin polyamine interaction in the control of the rooting inductive phase of poplar shoots in vitro, J.F. Hausman, C. Kevers, and T. Gaspar; Plant Science Limerick


Putrescine control of peroxidase activity in the inductive phase of rooting in poplar shoots in vitro, and the adversary effect of spermidine, J.F. Hausman, C. Kevers, and T. Gasper; Journal of Plant Physiology


Intraspecific Variation in Aspen Phytochemistry: Effects on Performance of Gypsy Month and Forest Tent Caterpillars, Jocelyn D.C. Hemming and Richard L. Lindroth; Oecologia Berlin


Composition of bird communities following stand-replacement fires in northern Rocky Mountain (U.S.A.) conifer forests, R.L. Hutto; Conservation Biology


Aspen leaf quality affects gypsy moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) susceptibility to Bacillus thuringiensis, S.Y. Hwang, R.L. Lindroth, M.E. Montomery, and K.S. Shields; Journal of Economic Entomology


Grass utilization and grazing distribution within intensively managed fields in central Alberta, B.D. Irving, P.L. Rutledge, A.W. Bailey, M.A. Naeth, and D.S. Chanasyk; Journal of Range Management


Sodium Balance in Ruffed Grouse as Influenced by Sodium Levels and Plant Secondary Metabolites in Quaking Aspen, Walter J. Jakubas, Christopher G. Guglielmo, Conrad Vispo, and William H. Karasov; Canadian Journal of Zoology


Cankers on western quaking aspen, David W. Johnson, Jerome S. Beatty, and Thomas E. Hinds


Aspen bark photosynthesis and its significance to remote sensing and carbon budget estimates in the boreal ecosystem, V.I. Kharouk, E.M. Middleton, S.L. Spencer, B.N. Rock, D.L. Williams, M.J. Apps, D.T. Price, and J. Wisniewski


Aspen improvement strategies for western Canada--Alberta and Saskatchewan, Bailian Li; Forestry Chronicle


Woodpecker habitat use in the forests of southeast Wyoming, S.S. Loose and S.H. Anderson; Wyoming. Journal of Field Ornithology