Aspen Bibliography
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Chlorophyll fluorescence and delayed fluorescence as potential tools in remote sensing: a reflection of some aspects of problems in comparative analysis, V.I. Kharuk, V.N. Morgun, B.N. Rock, and D.L. Williams; Remote Sensing of Environment
Carbon Partitioning Among Primary Metabolite and Allelochemical Fractions of Aspen Leaves, Karl W. Kleiner, Richard E. Dickson, and Kenneth F. Raffa; Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America
Scale Perspectives on Avian Diversity in Western Riparian Ecosystems, F.L. Knopf and F.B. Samson; Conservation Biology
Einfluß einwandernder Espen (Populus tremuloides) auf den Stickstoffhaushaltnordamerikanischer Prärieökosysteme [Influence of Invading Aspen (Populus tremuloides)on the Nitrogen Cycle of North-American Prairie Ecosystems, Martin Köchy; Maschmühlenweg
Antifungal Compounds in Aspen: Effect of Water Stress, Brian M. Kruger and Paul D. Manion; Canadian Journal of Botany
Distribution of manganese(II) in white-rot decayed aspen: a new transmission electron microscopy (TEM) technique, T.A. Kuster and J.A. Vozzo
The chemical aspects of acidic delignification processes. 1. Role of aryl-ether hydrolysis in aspen, Y.Z. Lai and S.P. Mun; Holzforschung
Effects of stand age and litter removal on the regeneration of Populus tremuloides, Denis Lavertu, Yves Mauffette, and Yves Bergeron; Journal of Vegetation Science
Classification of cedar, aspen, and true fir trees as decayed versus sound, Valerie M. Lemay, David Tait, and Bart J. Van Der; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Differentiation of poplar and willow clones using RAPD fingerprints, D. Lin, M. Hubbes, and L. Zsuffa; Tree physiology
Remote sensing and the measurement of geographical entities in a forested environment. 2. The optimal spatial resolution, Danielle J. Marceau, Denis J. Gratton, Richard A. Fournier, and Jean Pierre Fortin; Remote Sensing of Environment
Carbon Isotope Discrimination and Water-Use Efficiency in Native Plants of the North-Central Rockies, John D. Marshall and Jianwei Zhang; Ecology Tempe
An assessment of the strategic importance of the hardwood resource in British Columbia, M.R.C. Massie, E.B. Peterson, N.M. Peterson, and K.A. Enns; FRDA Report Victoria, B.C.
Modelling Stomatal Conductance in a Northern Deciduous Forest, Chalk River, Ontario, J. Harry McCaughey and Antonio Iacobelli; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Tillage of compacted haul roads and landings in the boreal forests of Alberta, Canada, D.H. McNabb and J. Bengtsson; Forest Ecology and Managemen
Seasonal Dynamics of the Bat Stomach Worm, Longibucca Lasiura (Nematoda: Rhabditoidea), in Alberta, Lena N. Measures; Canadian Journal of Zoology
The Relation Between Geomorphology and Forest Community Types of the Haut Saint Laurent, Quebec, Alain Meilleur, Andre Bouchard, and Yves Bergeron; Vegetatio
Biopulping: an Overview of Developments in an Environmentally Safe Paper Making Technology, Kurt Messner and Ewald Srebotnik; FEMS Microbiology Reviews
Applying principles of landscape design and management to integrate old-growth forest enhancement and commodity use, David J. Mladenoff, Mark A. White, Thomas R. Crow, and John Pastor; Conservation Biology
Environmental and developmental controls over the seasonal pattern of isoprene emission from aspen leaves, R.K. Monson, P.C. Harley, M.E. Litvak, M. Wildermuth, A.B. Guenther, P.R. Zimmerman, and R. Fall; Oecologia
Sixty years of change in tree numbers and basal area in Central Utah aspen stands, Walter F. Mueggler; Research Paper Intermountain Research Station, USDA Forest Service
Effects of adding tree, stand, and site variables to Kozak's variable-exponent taper equation, Charles K. Muhairwe, Valerie M. Lemay, and Antal Kozak; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Use of disodium octaborate tetrahydrate to protect aspen waferboard from termites, T. G. Myles; Forest Products Journal
Silvicultural and harvesting options to favor immature white spruce and aspen regeneration in boreal mixedwoods, S. Navratil, L.G. Brace, E.A. Sauder, and S. Lux
The Impact of Two Harvesting Systems on Residual Stems in a Partially Cut Stand of Northern Hardwoods, M.T. Nichols; R.C. Lemin, Jr.; and W.D. Ostrofsky; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Alberta's prairie vegetation: past and present use, B.D. Olson; Rangelands
Molecular Cloning and the Nucleotide Sequences of Two Novel Cdnas That Encode Anionic Peroxidases of Populus Kitakamiensis, Keishi Osakabe, Hirokazu Koyama, Shinya Kawai, Yoshihiro Katayama, and Noriyuki Morohoshi; Plant Science Limerick
Production and Characterization of Carboxylic Acids From Wood. Part Ii: High Molecular Weight Fatty and Resin Acids, Hooshang Pakdel, Hong Gen Zhang, and Christian Roy; Bioresource Technology
White pine seed-tree legacies in an aspen landscape: Influences on post-disturbance white pine population structure, Brian J. Palik and Kurt S. Pregitzer; Forest Ecology and Management
Potential Use of a White-Rot Fungus Antrodiella Sp. Rk1 for Biopulping, Rajesh N. Patel, Geeta D. Thakker, and Rao K. Koteswara; Journal of Biotechnology
Allometric biomass estimators for aspen dominated ecosystems in the Upper Great Lakes, Donald A. Perala and D.H. Alban
Effects of Scale on Habitat Selection and Foraging Behavior of Fishers in Winter, Roger A. Powell; Journal of Mammalogy
The effect of juvenile wood on the properties of aspen flakeboard, Kenneth D. Roos, Robert K. Shepard, and James E. Shottafer; Technical Bulletin Maine Agricultural Experiment Station
Effects of Foliar Phenolics and Ascorbic Acid on Performance of the Gypsy Moth (Lymantria Dispar), Sherry K. Roth, Richard L. Lindroth, and Michael E. Montgomery; Biochemical Systematics and Ecology
Changes in bacterial and fungal biomass C, bacterial and fungal biovolume and ergosterol content after drying, remoistening and incubation of different layers of cool temperate forest soils, Stefan Scheu and Dennis Parkinson; Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Effects of invasion of an aspen forest (Canada) by Dendrobaena octaedra (Lumbricidae) on plant growth, Stefan Scheu and Dennis Parkinson; Ecology
Impact of Large Ungulates in Restoration of Aspen Communities in a Southwestern Ponderosa Pine Ecosystem, Wayne D. Shepperd and M.L. Fairweather; Sustainable Ecological Systems: Implementing an Ecological Approach to Land Management
Purification and Characterization of Isoprene Synthase From Aspen Leaf Extracts, Gary M. Silver and Ray Fall; Plant Physiology Rockville
Migrations and Management of the Jackson Elk Herd, B.L. Smith and R.L. Robbins
Population Regulation of the Jackson Elk Herd, Bruce L. Smith
Xylem Embolism in Ring Porous, Diffuse Porous, and Coniferous Trees of Northern Utah and Interior Alaska, John S. Sperry, Kirk L. Nichols, June E.M. Sullivan, and Sonda E. Eastlack; Ecology
Nutritional indices in the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar (L.)) under field conditions and host switching situations, J.L. Stoyenoff, J.A. Witter, and M.E. Montgomery; Oecologia
Effects of host switching on gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar (L.)) under field conditions, J.L. Stoyenoff, J.A. Witter, M.E. Montgomery, and C.A. Chilcote; Oecologia
Using the Wrnshyd Procedure to Estimate Long-Term Cumulative Effects of Aspen Clearcutting on Water Yield in Alberta, R. H. Swanson; Western Snow Conference
Latitudinal patterns in consumption of woody plants by snowshoe hares in the eastern United States, R.K. Swihart, J.P. Bryant, and L. Newton; Oikos
Timing of Wound Induced Gene Expression in Aspen (Populus Tremuloides) Bark, K.A. Thamarus; Plant Physiology Rockville
Amelioration of wood ash toxicity and jack pine establishment, P.A. Thomas and R.W. Wein; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
A Novel Metabolic Pathway for Indole-3-Acetic Acid in Apical Shoots of Populus Tremula (L.) X Populus Tremuloides (Michx.), Hannele Tuominen, Anders Ostin, Goran Sandberg, and Bjorn Sundberg; Plant Physiology
Incineration for Resource Recovery in a Closed Ecological Life Support System, R.S. Upadhye, K. Wignarajah, and T. Wydeven; Environment International
Disturbance Regime and Disturbance Interactions in a Rocky Mountain Subalpine Forest, Thomas T. Veblen, Keith S. Hadley, Elizabeth M. Nel, Thomas Kitzberger, Marion Reid, and Ricardo Villalba; Journal of Ecology
Phenolic adhesive bonds to aspen veneers treated with amino-resin fire retardants, C.B. Vick; Forest Products Journal
Uniform Shelterwood Cutting and Scarifying in White Spruce-Trembling Aspen Stands to Induce Natural White Spruce Regeneration, Manitoba and Saskatchewan, R. M. Waldron and V. S. Kolbinski; Canada-Manitoba Partnership Agreement in Forestry Miscellaneous Report
A bi-segmental curve fitting approach to improve the accuracy of site index equations, Yonghe Wang and Bijan Payandeh; Forest Ecology and Management
Belowground competition in forest and prairie, S.D. Wilson; Oikos
Biological control of Septoria leaf spot of poplar by Phaeotheca dimorphospora, D. Yang, L. Bernier, and M. Dessureault; Plant Disease
Releasing white spruce from trembling aspena yield analysis, R.C. Yang and I.E. Bella; Northwest Reg. North. For. Cent., Edmonton, AB
Seasonal changes in relative C-band backscatter of northern forest cover types, F.J. Ahern, D.J. Leckie, and J.A. Drieman; IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Regeneration and germplasm preservation in aspen-Populus, M.R. Ahuja; Forest Science
Decomposition of aspen, spruce, and pine boles on two sites in Minnesota, David H. Alban and J. Pastor; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Predicting fire behavior in Canada's aspen forests, Martin E. Alexander and Murray E. Murray; Fire Management Notes
Pulp and Paper From Certain Fast-Growing Plant Species, F. Ali, T.C. Sarma, and C.N. Saikia; Bioresource Technology
Poplar clones effect on development, mortality, and fecundity of Chrysomela (= Melasoma) populi L. and Chrysomela tremulae F. (Col., Chrysomelidae), S. Augustin, C. Courtin, and A. Delplanque; Journal of Applied Entomology
Secondary metabolites of the aspen fungus Stachybotrys cylindrospora, W.A. Ayer and S. Miao; Canadian Journal of Chemistry
The Tremulanes, a New Group of Sesquiterpenes From the Aspen Rotting Fungus Phellinus Tremulae, William A. Ayer and Elizabete R. Cruz; Journal of Organic Chemistry
Trehalose esters from the aspen fungus Hyphozyma lignicola, William A. Ayer and Shichang Miao; Journal of Natural Products
Important Pests of Ornamental Aspen, Fred A. Baker, Karen Shotwell, Diane Alston, and Sherman Thomson
Mitochondrial DNA variation and genetic relationships of Populus species, J.W. Barrett, O.P. Rajora, F.C.H. Yeh, and B.P. Dancik; Genome
The iron and manganese status of seven upper montane tree species in Colorado, USA, following long-term waterlogging, Kenneth A. Barrick and Mark G. Noble; Journal of Ecology
Production of chemical defenses in relation to plant growth rate, J.M. Basey and S.H. Jenkins; Oikos
Production of Chemical Defenses in Relation to Plant Growth Rate, John M. Basey and Stephen H. Jenkins; Oikos
Trembling aspen quality in northern Ontario--various aspects of decay and stain studies and their management implications, J.T. Basham; Forestry Canada Great Lakes Forestry Centre Information Report OX [Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.]: The Centre
Annual Seed Dormancy Cycles in Two Desert Winter Annuals, Carol C. Baskin, Peter L. Chesson, and Jerry M. Baskin; Journal of Ecology
Harvesting impacts on quaking aspen regeneration in northern Minnesota, P.C. Bates, C.R. Blinn, and A.A. Alm; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Effect of chemical pretreatment on chemical characteristics of steam explosion pulps of aspen, Y. Ben, B.V. Kokta, J. Doucet, and S. Kaliaguine; Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology
Importance of leaf area index and forest type when estimating photosynthesis in boreal forests, Gordon B. Bonan; Remote Sensing of Environment
Physiological Controls of the Carbon Balance of Boreal Forest Ecosystems, Gordon B. Bonan; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Volume and value growth of hardwood trees in Wisconsin, J. Buongiorno and J.S. Hseu; Northern Journal of Applied Forestry
Effects of white-tailed deer and elk browsing on regenerating aspen: a ten year evaluation, Henry Campa, III; Jonathan B. Haufler; and Scott R. Winterstein; Proceedings of the International Union of Game Biologists Congress
Fire behavior experiments in mixed fuel complexes, E.A. Catchpole, W.R. Catchpole, and R.C. Rothermel; International Journal of Wildland Fire
Direct and Indirect Effects of Calcium Sulfate and Nitrogen on Growth and Succession of Trees on the Tanana River Floodplain, Interior Alaska, F. Stuart Chapin III and Lawrence R. Walker; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Clonal propagation in non-aspen popular hybrids, Y.W. Chun; Micropropagation of Woody Plants
Carbon allocation in aspen clones varying in ozone sensitivity, M.D. Coleman, R.E. Dickson, J.G. Isebrands, and D.F. Karnosky; Agricoltura Ricerca
Habitat Suitability for Williamson's Sapsuckers in Mixed-Conifer Forests, Courtney J. Conway and Thomas E. Martin; Journal of Wildlife Management
Ectomycorrhizal Fungi Associated With Aspen on Three Sites in the North-Central Rocky Mountains, Cathy Cripps and O.K. Miller, Jr.; Canadian Journal of Botany
Site preparation, fertilization, and 10-year yields of hybrid poplar on a clearcut forest site in eastern Maine, USA, M.M. Czapowskyj and L.O. Safford; New Forests
Heartwood Decay and Vertical Distribution of Red-Naped Sapsucker Nest Cavities, Gretchen C. Daily; Wilson Bulletin
Double Keystone Bird in a Keystone Species Complex, Gretchen C. Daily, Paul R. Ehrlich, and Nick M. Haddad; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Fire history in the southern boreal forest of northwestern Quebec, P.R. Dansereau and Y. Bergeron; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Effect of autumn foliar senescence on chlorophyll a:b ratio and respiratory enzymes of Populus tremuloides, M.A. Dean, C.A. Letner, and J.H. Eley; Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club
The Effect of Nutritional Quality on Forage Preference by Beavers, Christine M. Doucet and John M. Fryxell; Oikos
Changes in Mass, Fat Content, and Water Content With Growth in Adult Pachydiplax Longipennis (Odonata: Libellulidae), Martha Dunham; Canadian Journal of Zoology
Diamondiferous kimberlite in Saskatchewan, Canada - a biogeochemical study, Colin E. Dunn; Journal of geochemical exploration
The big trees of Michigan. 2. Populus tremuloides Michaux, E.B. Ehrle and P.W. Thompson; Mich-bot
Effect of resin particle size on waferboard adhesive efficiency, S. Ellis; Wood and Fiber Science
In vitro culture of pure species non-aspen poplars, S.G. Ernst; For-sci. Dordrecht
A jack pine bark factor equation for Michigan, G.W. Fowler; Northern Journal of Applied Forestry
Changes in soil properties following forest invasion of Black soils of the Aspen Parkland, L.G. Fuller and D.W. Anderson; Canadian Journal of Soil Science
Aspen seed collection and extraction, Martin Y.P. Fung and Barbara A. Hamel; Tree Planters' Notes
Comparison of Allozyme, Rflp, and Rapd Markers for Assessing Genetic Variation, Glenn R. Furnier and Zhaowei Liu; American Journal of Botany
Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium) as a possible inoculum reservoir for root-rotting Armillaria species, H.W. Klein Gebbinck, P.V. Blenis, and Y. Hiratsuka; Plant Pathology