Aspen Bibliography

Aspen Bibliography

As the most widespread tree species in North America, Quaking Aspen systems provide an array of natural resource products and uses. Often among the most biologically diverse systems in a given landscape, the condition of aspen forests affects the status of numerous floral and faunal associates. Concern over the health, sustainability, aesthetics, and economic value of aspen has spawned a large body of literature in both basic and applied research. The Aspen Bibliography, sponsored by the Western Aspen Alliance and the Quinney Natural Resources Research Library and available from the Merrill-Cazier Digital Commons portal, provides a comprehensive and searchable database of published and unpublished aspen references. Your feedback and participation in updating this database is important to us. If there are items you are aware of related to aspen ecology that are not found in this database, please contact the Aspen Bibliography administrator at with the citation or mail a hardcopy of the document to Aspen Bibliography - Quinney Library, 5260 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322. All information is provided as-is. While every effort is being made to ensure that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date, errors may occur. Also, we provide many links to external web sites. Sometimes the links provided are moved or removed creating a broken link. If you think you have discovered a broken link or an error please notify us at

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Use of response surface methodology to maximize paper birch utilization in a three-layer, two-species oriented strandboard, K.C. Au, R.O. Gertjejansen, and K. Larntz; Wood and Fiber Science

Evaluation of hybrid poplar leaves as a feedstuff for rabbits, A.C. Ayers, P.R. Cheeke, and N.M. Patton; Journal of Applied Rabbit Research


Drimane Sesquiterpene lactones From Peniophora polygonia, William A. Ayer and Lachezar S. Trifonov; Journal of Natural Products


Structure, disturbance, and change in the bristlecone pine forests of Colorado, U.S.A., W.L. Baker; Arctic and Alpine Research


The Landscape Ecology of Large Disturbances in the Design and Management of Nature Reserves, W.L. Baker; Landscape Ecology


Overlaying soil and timber inventories to assess aspen productivity in Northern Minnesota, P.C. Bates, P.C. Robert, and C.R. Blinn; Soil Science Society of America Journal


Role of Armillaria calvescens and Glycobius speciosus in a sugar maple decline, E. Bauce and D.C. Allen; Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Evaluating warp from three sawing processes including saw-dry-rip to produce aspen structural lumber, R. Beauregard, M. Beaudoin, Y. Fortin, and M. Samson; Forest Products Journal

Effects of aspen succession on sharp-tailed grouse, Tympanuchus phasianellus, in the Interlake region of Manitoba, Robert P. Berger and Richard K. Baydack; Canadian Field Naturalist


Extensive Variation in Evolutionary Rate of Rbcl Gene Sequences Among Seed Plants, J. Bousquet, S.H. Strauss, A.H. Doerksen, and R.A. Price; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America


Effect of vegetation suppression on the establishment of sod-seeded alfalfa in the Aspen Parkland, G.G. Bowes and R.P. Zentner; Canadian Journal of Plant Science


Fire Ecology of Forests and Woodlands of Utah, Anne F. Bradley, Nonan V. Noste, and William C. Fischer; Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station


Characterization of bispecific caffeic acid/5-hydroxyferulic acid O-methyltransferase from aspen, R.C. Bugos, V.L.C. Chiang, and W.H. Campbell; Phytochemistry


Effects of simulated ungulate browsing on aspen characteristics and nutritional qualities, Henry Campa III, Jonathan B. Haufler, and Dean E. Beyer Jr.; The journal of wildlife management


Aqueous thermomechanical pretreatment of aspen in a batch reactor system, F. Carrasco; Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology


Antagonism of two decay fungi, Peniophora polygonia and Phellinus tremulae associated with Populus tremuloides, P. Chakravarty and Y. Hiratsuka; European Journal of Forest Pathology

Paper birch as a core material for aspen oriented strandboard and waferboard, Y. Chen, B.A. Popowitz, R.O. Gertjejansen, and D.C. Ritter; Forest Products Journal


Intra- and inter-clonal variation in gypsy moth larval performance on bigtooth and trembling aspen, Charley A. Chilcote, John A. Witter, Michael E. Montgomery, and Jennifer L. Stoyenoff; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Moisture sorption properties of composite boards from esterified aspen fiber, C. Clemons, R.A. Young, and R.M. Rowell; Wood and Fiber Science


Radium-226 levels and concentration ratios between water, vegetation, and tissues of ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus ) from a watershed with uranium tailings near Elliot Lake, Canada, F.V. Clulow, T.P. Lim, N.K. Dave, and R. Avadhanula; Environmental Pollution

Aspen mycorrhizae : ecology, syntheses and growth studies, Cathy Lynn Cripps


Aspen regeneration and soils, Douglas H. Cryer and John E. Murray; Rangelands


Evaluation of methods to extract ergosterol for quantitation of soil fungal biomass, M.W. Davis and R.T. Lamar; Soil Biol. Biochem.


Effects of simulated ungulate browsing on aspen characteristics and nutritional qualities, H. dCampa III, J.B. Haufler, and D.E. Beyer Jr.; Journal of Wildlife Management

The Pristine Myth: The Landscape of the Americas in 1492, W.M. Denevan; Annals of the Association of American Geographers

Western tent caterpillar in aspen. Rev. Sept. 1991, Department of Agriculture

stimating Populus-Tremuloides Root Biomass Using Planar Intercept, D.G. Despain and R.A. Renkin; Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America


Salicaceae: willow family. 1. Populus, J.E. Eckenwalder; J. Ariz. Nev. Acad. Sci.


Evolution of seed dispersal and recruitment in clonal plants, Ove Eriksson; Oikos


Comparison of Enzymatic Hydrolysis in a Worldwide Round Robin Assay, H. Esterbauer, W. Steiner, W. Kreiner, W. Sattler, and M. Hayn; Bioresource Technology


Aims and Results of Basic Research in the Institute of Forest Tree Breeding in Waldsieversdorf, Germany: I. The Development of Biotechnological Research, D. Ewald; Silvae Genetica

A Molecular Method to Classify Poplar Populus Clones Into Sections Tacamahaca Aigeiros Leuce and Leucoides Using Ribosomal Dna Variable Restriction Fragments, Rampant P. Faivre, R. Bodergat, and A. Berville; Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Serie III Sciences de la Vie


Pollen Accumulation in a Montane Region of Colorado Usa a Comparison of Moss Polsters Atmospheric Traps and Natural Basins, P.L. Fall; Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology


Spatial patterns of atmospheric pollen dispersal in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, USA, P.L. Fall; Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology


Isoprene Emission Rate and Intercellular Isoprene Concentration as Influenced by Stomatal Distribution and Conductance, Ray Fall and Russell K. Monson; Plant Physiology Rockville


Four-year performance of hybrid aspen clones in northwestern Ontario, Robert Edward Farmer, Jr.; C.L. Palmer; and G. O'Reilly; North J. Appl. For.


Space use by beavers in relation to resource abundance, J.M. Fryxell; Oikos


Stability-Energy Relationships and Their Application to Aggregation Studies, L.G. Fuller and Tee Boon Goh; Canadian Journal of Soil Science


List of Oregon Scolytidae (Coleoptera) and notes on new records, M.M. Furniss, J.B. Johnson, R.L. Westcott, and T.R. Torgersen; Great Basin Naturalist

Effect of Ozone on Chlorophyll Content in Populus-Tremuloides, Z.E. Gagnon, D.F. Karnosky, R.E. Dickson, and J.G. Isebrands; American Journal of Botany


Simulation of ethanol production processes based on enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic materials using ASPEN PLUS, M. Galbe and G. Zacchi; Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology Proceedings of the thirteenth symposium on biotechnology for fuels and chemicals., 1992


Response of flakeboard properties to changes in steam injection pressing environments, R.L. Geimer, S.E. Johnson, and F.A. Kamke; Research Paper Forest Products Laboratory, USDA Forest Service


The Importance of Bark Products in the Aboriginal Economies of Northwestern British Columbia Canada, L.J.M. Gottesfeld; Economic Botany


Compositions of bud and leaf exudates of some Populus species, W. Greenaway, J. May, T. Scaysbrook, and F.R. Whatley; Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung. Section-C, Biosciences


The role of ascospores and conidia as propagules in the disease cycle of Hypoxylon mammatum, D.H. Griffin, K.E. Quinn, G.S. Gilbert, C.J.K. Wang, and S. Rosemarin; Phytopathology


The carabid fauna (Coleoptera: Carabidae) during postfire regeneration of boreal forest: properties and dynamics of species assemblages, N.J. Holliday; Canadian Journal of Zoology


Comparison of nonlinear height-diameter functions for major Alberta tree species, S.M. Huang, S.J. Titus, and D.P. Wiens; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Foliage quality changes during canopy development of some northern hardwood trees, A.F. Hunter and M.J. Lechowicz; Oecologia


The Microbial Interactions and Ecology of Fungi Isolated From Decayed, Stained, and Healthy Aspen Poplar Found in Alberta Northern British Columbia, L.J. Hutchison, P. Chakravarty, and Y. Hiratsuka; Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology


Genetic diversity and spatial subdivision of Populus tremuloides (Salicaceae) in a heterogeneous landscape, D.E. Jelinski and W.M. Cheliak; American Journal of Botany

Chemi-thermomechanical and thermomechanical pulps from trembling aspen/white spruce chip mixtures, S.S. Johal and J.V. Hatton; Pulp and Paper Canada

Regeneration, growth and development of Picea glauca under Populus spp. canopy in the boreal white and black spruce zone, R. Kabzems and J.D. Lousier; FRDA Report Victoria, B.C


Growth and biomass allocation of symptomatic and asymptomatic Populus tremuloides clones in response to seasonal ozone exposures, D.F. Karnoscky, Z.E. Gagnon, D.D. Reed, and J.A. Witter


Effects of genotype on the response of Populus tremuloides Michx. to ozone and nitrogen deposition, D.F. Karnoscky, J.A. Witter, Z.E. Gagnon, D.D. Reed, and R.M. Cox; Genetic aspects of air pollution Session of Working Party P2.05.05 at XIX IUFRO World Congress Montreal, 10 August 1990


White pine weevil response to oak overstory girdling - results from a 16-year-old study, S.A. Katovich and F.S. Morse; Northern Journal of Applied Forestry


Effects of cell-wall acetate, xylan backbone, and lignin on enzymatic hydrolysis of aspen, F. Kong, C.R. Engler, and E.J. Soltes


Effect of aspen and oak wood rotting on the solubility of their main components, B. Kosikova, A. Ebringerova, and M. Micko; Holzforschung


Stand Development in Aspen Clones, Marianne E. Krasny and Elizabeth A. Johnson; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Stand development in aspen clones, M.E. Krasny and E.A. Johnson; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Classification and Ordination of Southern Boreal Forests From the Hondo-Slave Lake Area of Central Alberta, G.H. La Roi; Canadian Journal of Botany

Changes in specific gravity and pH of compression-dewatered aspen fuel chip bales during storage, Y.L. Lin and E.L. Schmidt; Forest Products Journal

Genome analysis of trembling aspen and bigtooth aspen using molecular genetic markers, Chao Wei Liu


Isozyme variation in quaking aspen in Minnesota, S.T. Lund, G.R. Furnier, and C.A. Mohn; Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Mapping Minnesota's aspen stumpage prices, D.G. MacKay, M.E. McDill, and M.J. Baughman; Proc. Soc. Am. For. Natl. Conv.


Armillaria Root Rot in the Canadian Prairie Provinces, K. I. Mallett


Infection of Potted Aspen Plants With Ascospores of Hypoxylon-Mammatum, P.D. Manion and Y. Yuan; Phytopathology

Teliospore Upper Wall Thickness as a Character for Distinguishing Melampsora Species on Populus, P.A. Mason and R.W. Stack; Phytopathology


Relationships Among Isoprene Emission Rate Photosynthesis and Isoprene Synthase Activity as Influenced by Temperature, R.K. Monson, C.H. Jaeger, W.W. Iii Adams, E.M. Driggers, G.M. Silver, and R. Fall; Plant Physiology Rockville

Screening methods for poplar resistance to hypoxylon canke, Marie Josee Mottet; Ministere des forets


Cliff Lake Bench Research Natural ARea: Problems Encountered in Monitoring Vegetation Change on Mountain Grasslands, Walter F. Mueggler


Effect of alkaline hydrogen peroxide and peracetic acid on in sacco reuminal digestibility of aspen sawdust, K.H. Myung and J.J. Kennelly; Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences


Chromosomal and Pti Genotypes of Agrobacterium Strains Isolated From Populus Tumors in Two Nurseries, X. Nesme, C. Ponsonnet, C. Picard, and P. Normand; FEMS Microbiology Ecology


Variable-form taper functions for four Alberta tree species, R.M. Newnham; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Young spruce-fir forests released by herbicides. I. Response of hardwoods and shrubs, M. Newton; E.C. Cole; D.E. White; and M.L. McCormack, Jr.; North J. Appl. For.


Spatial pattern of cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter-luciferase expression in transgenic hybrid aspen trees monitored by enzymatic assay and non-destructive imaging, O. Nilsson, T. Alden, F. Sitbon, C.H.A. Little, V. Chalupa, G. Sandberg, and O. Olsson; Transgenic Research


Measurement of Sub-Ppbv Concentration of Aldehydes in a Forest Atmosphere Using a New Hplc Technique, L. Nondek, D.R. Rodier, and J.W. Birks; Environmental Science and Technology


Soil Microbial Community Response to Silvicultural Intervention in Coniferous Plantation Ecosystems, Rauni Ohtonen, Alison Munson, and David Brand; Ecological Applications

The etiology of hypoxylon canker of aspen, Michael Edward Ostrey


A comparison of presettlement and present-day forests on two bigtooth aspen-dominated landscapes in northern Lower Michigan, B.J. Palik and K.S. Pregitzer; American Midland Naturalist


Vulcan's footprint on the forest: the mining in industry and California's National Forests, 1850-1950, Kevin Palmer; Forest History Society


Ecology, management, and use of aspen and balsam poplar in the Prairie Provinces, Canada, E.B. Peterson and N.M. Peterson; Forestry Canada, Northwest Region, Northern Forestry Centre


Glyphosate efficacy on eastern Canadian forest weeds. II. Deposit-response relationships and crop tolerance, D.G. Pitt, R.A. Fleming, D.G. Thompson, and E.G. Kettela; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Aspen Supply, Use, and Demand in Michigan, Karen Potter-Witter and Carl W. Ramm; Northern Journal of Applied Forestry


Breeding bird communities in regenerating and mature broadleaf forests in the USA Lake States, J.R. Probst, D.S. Rakstad, and D.J. Rugg; Forest Ecology and Management


Cattle diets in tall forb communities on mountain rangelands, M.H. Ralphs and J.A. Pfister; Journal of Range Management


Comparison of steam pretreatment of eucalyptus, aspen, and spruce wood chips and their enzymatic hydrolysis, L.P. Ramos, C. Breuil, and J.N. Saddler; Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. Totowa, N.J. : Humana Press. Spring


Modeling Diameter Growth in Local Populations: a Case Study Involving Four North American Deciduous Species, David D. Reed, Elizabeth A. Jones, Michael J. Holmes, and Leslie G. Fuller; Forest Ecology and Management


Habitat and forage selection of moose in the aspen-dominated boreal forest, central Alberta, Lyle A. Renecker and Robert J. Hudson; Alces


Aspen Stand Water Development for Wildlife, William E. Rice


Stand Development and Overstory-Understory Interactions in an Aspen-Northern Hardwoods Stand, Mark R. Roberts; Forest Ecology and Management


Estimation of Shrub Leaf Biomass Available to White-tailed Deer, Lynn Rogers and Ronald E. McRoberts


Stratification of Habitats for Identifying Habitat Selection by Merriam's Turkeys, Mark A. Rumble and Stanley H. Anderson; Great Basin Naturalist


Subnivean arthropod fauna of southeastern Wyoming: habitat and seasonal effects on population density, P. Schmidt and J.A. Lockwood; American Midland Naturalist


Statistical and spatial properties of forest clutter measured with polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR), D.R. Sheen and L.P. Johnston; IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing


Xylem embolism in response to freeze-thaw cycles and water stress in ring-porous, diffuse-porous, and conifer species, John S. Sperry and June E.M. Sullivan; Plant Physiology


Nitrogen mineralization and streamwater chemistry, Rock Creek watershed, Denali National Park, Alaska, U.S.A., Robert Stottlemyer; Arctic and Alpine Research


Snow distribution and heat flow in the taiga, M. Sturm; Arctic and Alpine Research


Distribution and Persistence of Aerially Sprayed Permethrin in Some Terrestrial Components of a Boreal Plantation Forest, Kanth M.S. Sundaram, Blair V. Helson, and Nicholas J. Payne; Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry


Antifungal activity of metabolites of Peniophora polygonia against the aspen decay fungus Phellinus tremulae, L.S. Trifonov, P. Chakravarty, Y. Hiratsuka, and W.A. Ayer; European Journal of Forest Pathology

Animal impacts on aspen enhancement efforts: An Absaroka front case study, J. Vessels and S. Christy; Proc. Soc. Am. For. Natl. Conv.