Aspen Bibliography

Aspen Bibliography

As the most widespread tree species in North America, Quaking Aspen systems provide an array of natural resource products and uses. Often among the most biologically diverse systems in a given landscape, the condition of aspen forests affects the status of numerous floral and faunal associates. Concern over the health, sustainability, aesthetics, and economic value of aspen has spawned a large body of literature in both basic and applied research. The Aspen Bibliography, sponsored by the Western Aspen Alliance and the Quinney Natural Resources Research Library and available from the Merrill-Cazier Digital Commons portal, provides a comprehensive and searchable database of published and unpublished aspen references. Your feedback and participation in updating this database is important to us. If there are items you are aware of related to aspen ecology that are not found in this database, please contact the Aspen Bibliography administrator at with the citation or mail a hardcopy of the document to Aspen Bibliography - Quinney Library, 5260 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322. All information is provided as-is. While every effort is being made to ensure that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date, errors may occur. Also, we provide many links to external web sites. Sometimes the links provided are moved or removed creating a broken link. If you think you have discovered a broken link or an error please notify us at

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International board-foot volume tables for trees in the Susitna River Basin, Alaska, F.R. Larson; Res. Note PNW-RN-495. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 11 p

Hypoxylon canker of aspen, A. Lavallee; Information Leaflet Quebec Region, Forestry Canada

Chemimechanical pulping of aspen - effect of high temperatures, K.N. Law, W.X. Zhou, and J.L. Valade; JPPS, Journal of Pulp and Paper Science

Vapor phase CMP of Aspen--explosion vs. no explosion, K.N. Law, W.X. Zhou, and J.L. Valade; Pulping Conf. Proc.

Biomechanical pulping of aspen chips: energy savings resulting from different fungal treatments, G.F. Leatham, G.C. Myers, and T.H. Wegner; TAPPI Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry Journal


Decomposition of heterogeneous substrates; an experimental investigation of a hypothesis on substrate and microbial properties, L. Lekkerkerk, H. Lundkvist, G.I. Aagren, G. Ekbohm, and E. Bosatta; Soil biology and biochemistry

Temporal aspects of ecosystem biodiversity: a case study of the aspen types in Michigan, C. Liggett and L.A. Leefers; Michigan Academician


Responses of the gypsy moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) to tremulacin, an aspen phenolic glycoside, R.L. Lindroth and J.D.C. Hemming; Environmental entomology


Opportunities for organosolv pulping of aspen, J.H. Lora; Aspen Symposium '89 : Proceedings


A cut-shoot bioassay for assessment of Pinus pinaster susceptibility to Melampsora pinitorqua, M.L. Desprez Loustau; European Journal of Forest Pathology


Aspen utilization in the northern United States, D.I. Maass, L.C. Irland, and S.D. Salisbury; Aspen Symposium '89 : Proceedings


Structural lumber from aspen: using the saw-dry-rip (SDR) process, Robert R. Maeglin; Aspen Symposium '89 : Proceedings

The effect of aging conditions on the mechanical properties of wood fiber-polystyrene composites: II. Sawdust as a reinforcing filler, D. Maldas and B.V. Kokta; Drevarsky Vyskum

An economic strategy for managing aspen on private lands in northeast British Columbia, M.R.C. Massie, E.B. Peterson, and R.D. Kabzems; FRDA Report Victoria, B.C.


Birds of an Upper Sagebrush-Grass Zone Habitat in East-Central Nevada, Dean E. Medin; USDA Intermountain Research Station


Sublethal effects of fenitrothion on forest passerines, R.L. Millikan and J.N.M. Smith; Journal of Applied Ecology


Regeneration, Development and Density Management in Aspen Stands, S. Navratil and I. E. Bella; Forestry Canada, North. For. Cent., Edm. Alberta and Alberta Dept. For. Lands and Wildlife


Silviculture and management of aspen in Canada: the western Canada scene, S. Navratil, I.E. Bella, and E.B. Peterson; Aspen Symposium '89 : Proceedings

Aspen competition and lodgepole pine growth in mixed regeneration in western Alberta, S. Navratil, P. Phillips, and R. Morton; FRDA-Rep


Pigment and isozyme variation in aspen shoots regenerated from callus culture, E.W. Noh and S.C. Minocha; Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture


Characterization of pollen deposition in a forest environment, K.E. Noll and E.K. Khalili; Atmospheric Environment. Part A, General Topics


Spatial and temporal patterns of sulfur and nitrogen in wood of trees across the north central United States, L.F. Ohmann and D.F. Grigal; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Developing tissue culture systems for increasing the disease resistance of aspen, M. Ostry, B. Bucciarelli, S. Sain, W.P. Hackett, and N.A. Anderson; Aspen Symposium '89 : Proceedings


Disease resistance in a wild system:hypoxylon canker of aspen, Michael E. Ostry and N.A. Anderson; Aspen Symposium '89 : Proceedings


Climate-Induced Changes in Forest Disturbance and Vegetation, Jonathan T. Overpeck, David Rind, and Richard Goldberg; Nature


White Spruce Regeneration on a Blade-Scarified Alaskan Loess Soil, Edmond C. Packee; Northern Journal of Applied Forestry


Decomposition of aspen (Populus tremuloides) leaf litter modified by leaching, W.J.F. Parsons, B.R. Taylor, and D. Parkinson; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Nutrient cycling in aspen ecosystems, John Pastor; Aspen Symposium '89 : Proceedings


Equations describing attributes of major tree species in north central Ontario, B. Payandeh; Forest Ecology and Management

Populus tremuloides Michx. quaking aspen, Donald A. Perala; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Washington, DC

Kraft Pulp and Papermaking Properties of Phanerochaete-Chrysosporium Degraded Aspen, Oriaran T. Philips; P. Labosky, Jr.; and P.R. Blankenhorn; TAPPI Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry Journal


Spotgun-applied hexazinone: release of red pine (Pinus resinosa) from quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) competition and residue persistence in soil, R. Prasad and J.C. Feng; Weed Technology


Herbicides for control of tall larkspur (Delphinium barbeyi), M.H. Ralphs, D.L. Turner, L.V. Mickelsen, J.O. Evans, and S.A. Dewey; Weed Science


Evidence for the Reserve Shelterwood System for Managing Quaking Aspen, Gregory A. Raurk; Northern Journal of Applied Forestry


An aspen forest management advisory system, H.M. Rauscher, D.A. Perala, and G.E. Host; Aspen Symposium '89 : Proceedings


Shoot and root development and dry matter partitioning in Populus grandidentata, P. tremuloides, and P. X smithii, G.L. Reighard and J.W. Hanover; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Behavioral and thermoregulatory responses of moose to high ambient temperatures and insect harassment in aspen-dominated forests, Lyle A. Renecker and Robert J. Hudson; Alces


Opportunities for aspen for furniture, H.W. Reynolds and P.K. Donahue; Aspen Symposium '89 : Proceedings


Forest habitat types of the South Warner Mountains, Modoc County, California, G.M. Riegel, D.A. Thornburgh, and J.O. Sawyer; Madrono


Gastropod intermediate hosts of lungworms (Nematoda: Protostrongylidae) on a bighorn sheep winter range: Aspects of transmission, L.A. Robb and W.M. Samuel; Canadian Journal of Zoology


Hybrid popular productivity and suitability for the forest tent caterpillar: a framework of evaluation, D.J. Robison and K.F. Raffa; Aspen Symposium '89 : Proceedings

The relationship between selected mechanical properties and age in quaking aspen, K.D. Roos, J.E. Shottafer, and R.K. Shepard; Forest Products Journal


Plant Ecotones and Butterfly Hybrid Zones: Biological or Physical Causes?, M. Scriber, R.C. Lederhouse, R.T. Hagen, J. Bossart, and M. Ayres; Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America


Composite model prediction of elastic moduli for flakeboard, S.M. Shaler and P.R. Blankenhorn; Wood and Fiber Science


A classification of quaking aspen in the central Rocky Mountains based on growth and stand characteristics, Wayne D. Shepperd; Western Journal of Applied Forestry


Management of aspen in the Central Rocky Mountains: an application of multiple use silviculture, Wayne D. Shepperd; Aspen Symposium '89 : Proceedings

Program, ASPCLS--Aspen Classification System, Wayne D. Shepperd

Biological and financial impacts of high flotation tires for apen harvesting, M.F. Smidt and C.R. Blinn; Pap. Amer. Soc. Agric. Eng. St. Joseph, Mich.: The Society Winter


The Lake States' aspen resource revisited: mid-1960s-1987, J.S. Spencer Jr., E.C. Leatherberry, and N.P. Kingsley; Aspen Symposium '89 : Proceedings


Quantification of Armillaria rhizomorphs in Wisconsin aspen sucker stands, G.R. Stanosz and R.F. Patton; European Journal of Forest Pathology


Stump colonization by Armillaria in Wisconsin aspen stands following clearcutting, G.R. Stanosz and R.F. Patton; European Journal of Forest Pathology


Jack pine establishment on ash from wood and organic soil, P.A. Thomas and R.W. Wein; Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Effect of transient variation of temperature on acid hydrolysis of Aspen hemicellulose, L.M. Tillman, A.E. Abaseed, Y.Y. Lee, and R. Torget; Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology


Woody debris, forest-stream succession, and catchment geomorphology, E.H. Trotter; Journal of the north american benthological society


Pretreatment of poplar by acid and alkali for enzymatic hydrolysis, G. Ucar; Wood Sci. Technol

Draft environmental impact statement for the proposed timber sales, roads, prescribed burns and aspen treatments near Willow Mountain, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rio Grande National Forest

Adhesion of phenol-formaldehyde resin to waterborne emulsion preservatives in aspen veneer, C.B. Vick; Forest products journal


Construction of Variable-Density Empirical Yield Equations From Forest Management Inventory Data, David K. Walters, Alan R. Ek, and David Czysz; Northern Journal of Applied Forestry


Development and application of a state-wide empirical growth and yield model for natural aspen stands, D.K. Walters and A.R. AK; Aspen Symposium '89 : Proceedings


Aspen site index as related to plant indicators, D.K. Walters, J.P. Sloan, and V. Kurmis; Aspen Symposium '89 : Proceedings


Forest soil respiration after cutting and burning in immature aspen ecosystems, M.G. Weber; Forest Ecology and Management


Response of immature aspen ecosystems to cutting and burning in relation to vernal leaf flush, M.G. Weber; Forest Ecology and Management


The quest for aspen management in eastern Canada, D.H. Weingartner and R. Doucet; Aspen Symposium ’89 Proceedings

Peroxide bleaching of NSAQ aspen pulp without silicate, A. Wong and J. Tichy; Pulping Conf. Proc.


Development of an Aspen Sucker Stand Following Irrigation and Fertilization, G.W. Wyckoff, D.W. Einspahr, and M.K. Benson; Aspen Symposium '89 : Proceedings


Radial variation of wood density and fibre length in trembling aspen, A.D. Yanchuk and M.M. Micko; International Association of Wood Anatomists Bulletin


Low-frequency wind fluctuations within an irregular forest, D.G. Yerg; Agricultural and Forest Meteorology


Aspen wood products utilization: impact of the Lake States composites industry, John A. Youngquist and Henry Spelter; Aspen Symposium '89 : Proceedings


Dynamics of the boreal forest in northwestern Ontario, C.A. Zoladeski and P.F. Maycock; American Midland Naturalist


A technical and economic evaluation of using the WSTIWOOD process to manufacture aspen billiard cues in Alberta

Biotechnological modification of lignin


Disturbance-mediated accelerated succession in two Michigan forest types, M.D. Abrams and M.L. Scott; Forest Science


Characterization of the Solid Residues of Vacuum Pyrolysis of Populus Tremuloides, A. Ahmed, H. Pakdel, C. Roy, and S. Kaliaguine; Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis

Isolation Structure Elucidation and Hplc Analysis of Flavonol Glycosides From Leaves of Populus-Tremuloides and Populus-Tremula, M. Albrecht, A. Nahrstedt, and V. Wray; Planta Medica

Fire behavior and effects in aspen-northern hardwood stands, M.E. Alexander, R.W. Sando, D.C. MacIver, H. Auld, and R. Whitewood; Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Fire and Forest Whitewood. Ottawa, Ont.? Forestry Canada

Site preparation and aspen control in the SBS, R.W. Baker; FRDA Rep

Response of aspen suckering to pre-harvest stem treatments: a literature review, B. Bancroft; Forestry Canada and B.C. Ministry of Forests, Research Branch, Victoria, B.C.


Aspen Stand Development Following Harvest in the Lake States Region, Peter C. Bates, Charles R. Blinn, Alvin A. Alm, and Donald A. Perala; Northern Journal of Applied Forestry


Supply, demand and policy issues for use of aspen, J. Beck, L. Constantio, W. Phillips, and M. Messmer; Forestry Chronicle


Use of habitat by mountain beaver in the Sierra Nevada, P. Beier; Journal of Wildlife Management


Hypoxylon-Mammatum Ascospore Infection of Populus-Tremuloides Clones Effects of Moisture Stress in Tissue Culture, R.E. Belanger, P.D. Manion, and D.F. Griffin; Phytopathology


Tissue culture and leaf spot bioassays as variables in regression models explaining Hypoxylon mammatum incidence on Populus tremuloides clones in the field, R.R. Belanger, S.P. Falk, P.D. Manion, and D.H. Griffin; Phytopathology


Hypoxylon mammatum ascospore infection of Populus tremuloides clones: effects of moisture stress in tissue culture, R.R. Belanger, P.D. Manion, and D.H. Griffin; Phytopathology


Natural selection for ozone tolerance in Populus tremuloides: field verification, P. Berrang, D.F. Karnosky, and J.P. Bennett; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Selected chemical modifications of red oak and hard maple flakes for flakeboard manufacturing, P.R. Blankenhorn; P. Labosky, Jr.; L.R. Stover; and D. Nicholls; Wood and Fiber Science

Seasonal change in live fuel moisture of understory plants in western U.S. aspen, J.K. Brown, G.D. Booth, and D.G. Simmerman; Proceedings of the 10th conference on fire and forest meteorology


Catkin growth, seed production, and development of seed germinability in quaking aspen in central Alberta, K.R. Brown; Tree Plant Notes U.S. Dep. Agric. For. Serv.

Aspen: Alberta's newest cinderella crop, C. Bryson; Agric For Bull


Topographic control of vegetation in a mountain big sagebrush steppe, I.C. Burke, W.A. Reiners, and R.K. Olson; Vegetatio


A New Prairie Dog Cynomys-Churcherii New-Species From the Late Pleistocene of Southern Alberta Canada, J.A. Burns and W.B. Mcgillivray; Canadian Journal of Zoology


Glover's silkmoth, Hyalophora gloveri (Strecker) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae), new to British Columbia, R. A. Cannings and C. S. Guppy; Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia


Importance of belowground herbivory: pocket gophers may limit aspen to rock outcrop refugia, Lisa F. Cantor and Thomas G. Whitham; Ecology

Long-term weathering of finished aspen waferboard, C.G. Carll and W.C. Feist; Forest Products Journal

Prediction of pulp yield for popular groves, J.P. Carpenter


Residues of 2,4-D and picloram in aspen poplar and soil after application with a roller, Allan J. J. Cessna, John Waddington, and Shabtai Bittman; Canadian Journal of Plant Science


Anthocyanins in autumn leaves of quaking aspen in Colorado, K.G. Chang, G.H. Fechner, and H.A. Schroeder; Forest Science


Fungi in healthy stems and branches of American beech and aspen: a comparative study, I.H. Chapela; New Phytologist

Continuous production of ethanol from aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) cellulose by co-immobilized yeast and enzymes, S. Chen and M. Wayman; Process Biochemistry


A simple method for the isolation of salicortin, tremulacin, and tremuloidin from quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides), T.P. Clausen, T.P. Evans, P.B. Reichardt, and J.P. Bryant; Journal of Natural Products


Chemical model for short-term induction in quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) foliage against herbivores, T.P. Clausen, P.B. Reichardt, J.P. Bryant, R.A. Werner, K. Post, and K. Frisby; Journal of Chemical Ecology