Aspen Bibliography
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Catkin growth, seed production, and development of seed germinability in quaking aspen in central Alberta, K.R. Brown; Tree Plant Notes U.S. Dep. Agric. For. Serv.
Aspen: Alberta's newest cinderella crop, C. Bryson; Agric For Bull
Topographic control of vegetation in a mountain big sagebrush steppe, I.C. Burke, W.A. Reiners, and R.K. Olson; Vegetatio
A New Prairie Dog Cynomys-Churcherii New-Species From the Late Pleistocene of Southern Alberta Canada, J.A. Burns and W.B. Mcgillivray; Canadian Journal of Zoology
Glover's silkmoth, Hyalophora gloveri (Strecker) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae), new to British Columbia, R. A. Cannings and C. S. Guppy; Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia
Importance of belowground herbivory: pocket gophers may limit aspen to rock outcrop refugia, Lisa F. Cantor and Thomas G. Whitham; Ecology
Long-term weathering of finished aspen waferboard, C.G. Carll and W.C. Feist; Forest Products Journal
Prediction of pulp yield for popular groves, J.P. Carpenter
Residues of 2,4-D and picloram in aspen poplar and soil after application with a roller, Allan J. J. Cessna, John Waddington, and Shabtai Bittman; Canadian Journal of Plant Science
Anthocyanins in autumn leaves of quaking aspen in Colorado, K.G. Chang, G.H. Fechner, and H.A. Schroeder; Forest Science
Fungi in healthy stems and branches of American beech and aspen: a comparative study, I.H. Chapela; New Phytologist
Continuous production of ethanol from aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) cellulose by co-immobilized yeast and enzymes, S. Chen and M. Wayman; Process Biochemistry
A simple method for the isolation of salicortin, tremulacin, and tremuloidin from quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides), T.P. Clausen, T.P. Evans, P.B. Reichardt, and J.P. Bryant; Journal of Natural Products
Chemical model for short-term induction in quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) foliage against herbivores, T.P. Clausen, P.B. Reichardt, J.P. Bryant, R.A. Werner, K. Post, and K. Frisby; Journal of Chemical Ecology
Ecosystems with potential for aspen management, I.G.W. Corns; Forestry Chronicle
Managing for aspen - a shared responsibility: proceedings of a joint technical session of the Forest Ecology, Silviculture and Tree Improvement, Forest Management, and Forest Economics and Policy Working Groups at Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, September 1988, I.G.W. Corns, R. Doucet, S. Smith, J. Beck, L. Constantino, W. Phillips, and M. Messmer; Forestry Chronicle
Effects of Habitat Characteristics on Gadwall Nest Predation and Nest-Site Selection, Robert L. Crabtree, Linda S. Broome, and Michael L. Wolfe; Journal of Wildlife Management
Establishing a research base for multifunctional management of aspen in the Central Rocky Mountains, Glenn L. Crouch and Wayne D. Shepperd; In Proceedings of the National Silviculture Workshop [Sacramento, CA, May 11-14, 1987] : Silviculture for all resources, Sacramento, California, May 11-14, 1987. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Timber Management
Profile models for estimating log end diameters in the Rocky Mountain Region, R.L. Czaplewski, A.S. Brown, and R.C. Walker; Research Paper Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service
Forage Quality in Burned and Unburned Aspen Communities, N.V. DeByle, P.J. Urness, and D.L. Blank; US Department of Agriculture Forest Service
Regeneration silviculture of Aspen, R. Doucet; Forestry Chronicle
The effects of certain chemical additives on the deresination of trembling aspen in kraft pulping, Jones N. Dunlop, M. Douek, and H. Jialing; Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology
The Effect of Wildfire on Soil Chemistry in Four Forest Types in Interior Alaska USA, D.T. Dyrness, K. Van Cleve, and J.D. Levison; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Detection of heart rot voids in trees using stress wave analysis, Engineering Data Management Inc.; Project # 2811-70
Hypoxylon canker incidence and mortality in naturally occurring aspen clones, S.P. Falk, D.H. Griffin, and P.D. Manion; Plant Disease
Spatial pattern analysis and sampling of hypoxylon canker in naturally occurring clones of Populus tremuloides, S.P. Falk, D.H. Griffin, and P.D. Manion; Plant Disease
Effect of scarf joints on bending properties of laminated veneer lumber, Forintek Canada Corp.
Observations on an aspen leaf spot disease and associated fungus, Pollaccia borealis, A. Funk; Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology
Pollaccia borealis sp. nov. associated with a purple-brown leaf spot of aspen. (Pollaccia-Borealis New-Species Associated With a Purple-Brown Leaf Spot of Aspen.), A. Funk; Canadian Journal of Botany
Response of radio-collared moose to a large burn in central Alaska, W.C. Gasaway, S.D. DuBois, R.D. Boertje, D.J. Reed, and D.T. Simpson; Canadian Journal of Zoology
Assessment of preservative-treated aspen waferboard after 5 years of field exposure, R.O. Gertjejansen, E.L. Schmidt, and D.C. Ritter; Forest Products Journal
Strontium isotope studies of atmospheric inputs to forested watersheds in New Mexico, J.R. Gosz and D.I. Moore; Biogeochemistry
The role of ester groups in resistance of plant cell wall polysaccharides to enzymatic hydrolysis, K. Grohmann, D.J. Mitchell, M.E. Himmel, B.E. Dale, and H.A. Schroeder; Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. Clifton, N.J. : Humana Press
Candida populi , a new species of yeast occurring in exudates of Populus and Betula species, A.N. Hagler, L.C. Mendonca-Hagler, and H.J. Phaff; International journal of systematic bacteriology
Growth Response of Populus Hybrids to Flooding, S.W. Hallgren; Annales des Sciences Forestieres Paris
A comparison of existing models for DBH estimation from large-scale photos, R.J. Hall, R.T. Morton, and R.N. Nesby; Forestry Chronicle
Nest tree use by primary cavity-nesting birds in south central British Columbia, A.S. Harestad and D.G. Keisker; Canadian Journal of Zoology
Site Patterns of Natural Regeneration Following Clear-Cutting in Northwestern Quebec Canada, B.D. Harvey and Y. Bergeron; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Mowing to reduce aspen competition in young spruce plantations in northern Alberta, S.D. Holmsen; Technical Note Forest Engineering Research Institute of Canada
Energy requirements for the size reduction of poplar and aspen wood, M.T. Holtzappler, A.E. Humphrey, and J.D. Taylor; Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Application of the Aspen System for the Simulation of the Detroit Wastewater Treatment Plant Dwwtp Michigan USA, A.A. Ibrahim, R.H. Kummler, and K.Z. Atasi; Abstracts of Papers American Chemical Society
Populus problems: how to identify and cope with leaf spot diseases of aspen, cottonwood and popular, W.R. Jacobi; Am-Nurseryman
Ruffed grouse feeding behavior and its relationship to secondary metabolites of quaking aspen flower buds, W.J. Jakubas, G.W. Gullion, and T.P. Clausen; Journal of Chemical Ecology
Fermentation of woods by rumen anaerobic fungi, K.N. Joblin and G.E. Naylor; FEMS Microbiology Letters
An antifeedant in balsam poplar inhibits browsing by snowshoe hares, M.K. Jogia, A.R.E. Sinclair, and R.J. Andersen; Oecologia
Phytogeographic study of the Arrastre Creek aspen grove, San Bernardino National Forest, California, William Jones
Variation in and natural selection for air pollution tolerances in trees, D F. Karnosky, P C. Berrang, F Scholz, and J P. Bennett
Gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) larval susceptibility to a baculovirus affected by selected nutrients, hydrogen ions (pH), and plant allelochemicals in artificial diets, S.T. Keating, W.J. McCarthy, and W.G. Yendol; J. Invertebr. Pathol
Antelope Island Bison Studies, John F. Kimball, Jr. and Michael L. Wolfe; Buffalo !
Influence of growth form on ecophysiological responses to variable sunlight in subalpine plants, A.K. Knapp and W.K. Smith; Ecology
Nutritional quality of cattle summer diets from Aspen communities in northeastern Nevada, L. Krysl, R.C. Torell, and V.R. Bohman; Fact Sheet Coll. Agric. Univ. Nev. Reno. Nev. Coop Ext.
Population density and height distribution of Corylus cornuta in undisturbed forests of Minnesota: 1965-1984, V. Kurmis and E. Sucoff; Canadian Journal of Botany
Sulphite chemi-mechanical pulp from mixtures of aspen and larch, S.N. Lo and J.L. Valade; Pulp and Paper Canada
Postglacial Paleoecology of the the Subalpine Forest Grassland Ecotone of Southwestern Alberta Canada New Insights on Vegetation and Climate Change in the Canadian Rocky Mountains and Adjacent Foothills, G.M. Macdonald; Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology
Decay levels in mature aspen stands: Whitecourt, Alberta, G.B. Maier and D. Darrah
Small Mammal Populations in a Grazed and Ungrazed Riparian Habitat in Nevada, D. E. Medin and W. P. Clary; Res. Pap. INT U.S. Dep. Agric. For. Serv. Intermt. Res. Stn. Ogden, Utah : The Station
Impact of bark stripping by moose on aspen-spruce communities, D.G. Miquelle and Van Ballenberghe; Journal of Wildlife Management
Isoprene emission from aspen leaves. Influence of environment and relation to photosynthesis and photorespiration, R.K. Monson and R. Fall; Plant Physiology
Age Distribution and Reproduction of Intermountain Aspen Stands, Walter F. Mueggler; Western Journal of Applied Forestry
Evaluation of simple competition indices for the prediction of volume increment of young jack pine and trembling aspen trees, A.G. Mugasha; Forest Ecology and Management
Validation of an index system for estimating fireline production with handtools, P.J. Murphy, D. Quintilio, and P.M. Woodard; Forestry Chronicle
Leaf area measurements based on hemispheric photographs and leaf litter collection in a deciduous forest during autumn leaf-fall, H.H. Neumann, G. Hartog, and R.H. Shaw; Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Utilization and Market Potential of Poplar in Alberta, W. J. Ondro; Information Report Northern Forestry Centre, Forestry Canada
Lignin degradation capabilities of Pleurotus ostreatus, Lentinula edodes and Phanerochaete chrysosporium, T.P. Oriaran; P. Labosky, Jr.; and D.J. Royse; Wood and Fiber Science
Ethanolic fermentation of wood-derived cellulose hydrolysates by Zymomonas mobilis in a continuous dynamic immobilised biocatalyst bioreactor, S.R. Parekh, R.S. Parekh, and M. Wayman; Process Biochem
Regenerating Paper Birch in the Lake States With the Shelterwood Method, Donald A. Perala and Alvin A. Alm; Northern Journal of Applied Forestry
Growth of nitrogen-fertilized and thinned quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.), Donald A. Perala and P.R. Laidly; Research Paper North Central Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service
Erynia crustosa zygospore germination, D.F. Perry and R.A. Fleming; Mycologia
Effects of heavy- metal and sulphur dioxide pollution the concentrations of carbohydrates and nitrogen in tree leaves, A.M. Balsberg Plhlsson; Can. J. Bot.
The influence of the overstory, understory and upper soil horizons on the fluxes of some ions in a mixed deciduous forest, A.G. Price and R.J. Watters; Journal of Hydrology Amsterdam
Optimization of solid-state fermentation for selective delignification of aspen wood with Phlebia tremellosa, I.D. Reid; Enzyme and microbial technology
Ecological Metabolism of Moose in Aspen-Dominated Boreal Forests Central Alberta Canada, L.A. Renecker and R.J. Hudson; Canadian Journal of Zoology
Seasonal activity budgets of moose in aspen-dominated boreal forests, Lyle A. Renecker and Robert J. Hudson; Journal of Wildlife Management
Multiphase materials with lignin. VI. Effect of cellulose derivative structure on blend morphology with lignin, T.G. Rials and W.G. Glasser; Wood and Fiber Science
Light microscope observations of histological changes induced by Ophiostoma ulmi in various nonhost trees and shrubs, D. Rioux and G.B. Ouelette; Canadian Journal of Botany
Differential toxicity of a phenolic glycoside from quality aspen to Papilio glaucus butterfly subspecies, hybrids and backcrosses, J.M. Scriber, R.L. Lindroth, and J. Nitao; Oecologia
Detection of temperature ramps and flow structures at a deciduous forest site, R.H. Shaw, U.K.T. Paw, and W. Gao; Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Natural Disturbance and the Activity of Trichoderma-Viride Cellulase Complexes, R.L. Sinsabaugh and A.E. Linkins; Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides), S. Stead and R.L. Post; Fact Sheet Coll. Agric. Univ. Nev. Reno. Nev. Coop. Ext. [Reno, Nev.] : The Colleg
Properties of compression dewatered and baled aspen wood chip fuels, P.G. Steklenski, E.L. Schmidt, and J.G. Haygreen; Forest Products Journal
Nitrogen and lignin content as predictors of litter decay rates: a microcosm test, Barry R. Taylor, Dennis Parkinson, and William F.J. Parsons; Ecology
Decomposition of Populus tremuloides leaf litter accelerated by addition of Alnus crispa litter, Barry R. Taylor, W.F.J. Parsons, and D. Parkinson; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Use of track transects to measure the relative occurrence of some boreal mammals in uncut forest and regeneration stands, I.D. Thompson, I.J. Davidson, S. O'Donnell, and F. Brazeau; Canadian Journal of Zoology
Effect of Transient Variation of Temperature on Acid Hydrolysis of Aspen Hemicellulose Scientific Note, L.M. Tillman, A.E. Abaseed, Y.Y. Lee, and R. Torget; Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Effects of Prescribed Fire on Biomass and Plant Succession in Western Aspen, United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service
Female black bear habitat use in west-central Idaho, J.W. Unsworth, J.J. Beecham, and L.R. Irby; Journal of wildlife management
Environmental variation and habitat separation among small mammals, W.L. Vickery, S.L. Iverson, S. Mihok, and B. Schwartz; Canadian Journal of Zoology
Contrasting windstorm consequences in two forests, Itasca State Park, Minnesota, S.L. Webb; Ecology
ASPENEX: An Expert System Interface to a Geographic Information System for Aspen Management, W.B. White and B.W. Morse; National Silviculture Workshop 1987
Comparative fermentability of enzymatic and acid hydrolysates of steam-pretreated aspenwood hemicellulose by Pichia stipitis CBS 5776, J.J. Wilson, L. Deschatelets, and N.K. Nishikawa; Appl. Microbiol Biotech
Comparison of red maple (Acer rubrum L.) and aspen (Populus grandidentata Michx) 3-layered flakeboards, M.E. Wojcik, P.R. Blankenhorn, and P. Labosky; Wood and Fiber Science
Small mammals associated with even-aged aspen and mixed-oak forest stands in central Pennsylvania, R.H. Yahne; Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science
Effects of edge contrast on depredation of artificial avian nests, R.H. Yahner, T.E. Morrell, and J.S. Rachael; Journal of wildlife management
Growth response of white spruce to release from trembling aspen, R.C. Yang; Information Report Northern Forestry Centre, Forestry Canada
Identification of two distinct Bacillus circulans xylanases by molecular cloning of the genes and expression in Escherichia coli, R.C.A. Yang, C.R. MAcKenzie, D. Bilous, and S.A. Narang; Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Population sturcture of Quaking Aspen (Populus tremuloides) in the San Bernardino Mountains, Scott Zona; Rancho Santa Ana Botantic Garden
Comparative water relations of three successional hardwood species in central Wisconsin, M.D. Abrams; Tree Physiology
Differential growth response of aspen clones stored at sub-zero temperatures, M.R. Ahuja; Somatic cell genetics of woody plants : proceedings of the IUFRO Working Party S2.04-07 Somatic Cell Genetics, held in Grosshansdorf, Federal Republic of Germany, 10-13 August 1987 / edited by M.R. Ahuja. Boston : Kluwer Academic
Pitch control during the production of aspen kraft pulp, L.H. Allen; Pulp and Paper Canada
Liquid Hexazinone Application Over Red Pine Seedlings, Alvin A. Alm and James M. Whorton; Northern Journal of Applied Forestry