Aspen Bibliography

Aspen Bibliography

As the most widespread tree species in North America, Quaking Aspen systems provide an array of natural resource products and uses. Often among the most biologically diverse systems in a given landscape, the condition of aspen forests affects the status of numerous floral and faunal associates. Concern over the health, sustainability, aesthetics, and economic value of aspen has spawned a large body of literature in both basic and applied research. The Aspen Bibliography, sponsored by the Western Aspen Alliance and the Quinney Natural Resources Research Library and available from the Merrill-Cazier Digital Commons portal, provides a comprehensive and searchable database of published and unpublished aspen references. Your feedback and participation in updating this database is important to us. If there are items you are aware of related to aspen ecology that are not found in this database, please contact the Aspen Bibliography administrator at with the citation or mail a hardcopy of the document to Aspen Bibliography - Quinney Library, 5260 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322. All information is provided as-is. While every effort is being made to ensure that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date, errors may occur. Also, we provide many links to external web sites. Sometimes the links provided are moved or removed creating a broken link. If you think you have discovered a broken link or an error please notify us at

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Changes in bird populations during succession following fire in the northern Great Lakes wilderness, S.I. Apfelbaum and A. Haney; General Technical Report, Intermountain Research Station, USDA Forest Service


Growth of two stream caddisflies (Trichoptera) on leaves colonized by different fungal species, T.L. Arsuffi and K. Suberkropp; Journal of the North American Benthological Society

Woodland to grassland: fire and grazing versus mechanical clearing in the Canadian aspen parkland, A.W. Bailey; Rangelands: a resource under siege. Proceedings of the 2nd International Rangeland Congress, Adelaide, Australia, 13-18 May 1984


Logging practices and subsequent development of aspen stands in east-central Saskatchewan, I. E. Bella; Forestry Chronicle


Tree growth response along seismic lines in Alberta, I.E. Bella; Forestry Chronicle


Gradient analysis in assessing differences in community pattern of three adjacent sectors within Abitibi, Quebec, Y. Bergeron, A. Bouchard, and G. Massicotte; Vegetatio


Natural selection for ozone tolerance in Populus tremuloides, P. Berrang, D.F. Karnosky, R.A. Mickler, and J.P. Bennett; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Ultrastructural aspects of wood delignification by Phlebia (Merulius) tremellosus, R.A. Blanchette and I.D. Reid; Applied and Environmental Microbiology


Quantification of residual polymeric families present in thermo-mechanical and chemically pretreated lignocellulosics via thermal analysis, J. Bouchard, S. Leger, and E. Chornet; Biomass


A comparison of rates of aboveground growth and carbon dioxide assimilation by aspen on sites of high and low quality, G.M. Briggs, T.W. Jurik, and D.M. Gates; Tree Physiology


Streamline Herbicide Release of Red Pine (Pinus resinosa), L.S. Brooks and B.S. Jones; Proceedings, North Central Weed Control Conference

Steam pretreatment of aspenwood for enhanced enzymatic hydrolysis, H.H. Brownell, M. Mes-Hartree, J.N. Saddler, Murrary Moo-Young, Sadiq Hasnain, and Jonathan Lamptey; London : Elsevier Applied Science Publishers


Steam-explosion pretreatment of wood: effect of chip size, acid moisture content and pressure drop, H.H. Brownell, E.K.C. Yu, and J.N. Saddler; Biotechnology and Bioengineering


Appraising Fuels and Flammability in Western Aspen: A Prescribed Fire Guide, J.K. Brown and D.G. Simmerman


Effects of Carbon Dioxide Enrichment and Nitrogen Supply on Growth of Boreal Tree Seedlings, K. Brown and K.O. Higginbotham; Tree Physiology


Greenhouse production of quaking aspen seedlings, K.E. Burr; Rocky Mtm. For. Range Exp. Sta., USDA For. Serv.


Nitrogen transformations in four sludge-amended Michigan forest types, A.J. Burton; D.H. Urie; J.B. Hart, Jr.; D.W. Cole; C.L. Henry; and W.L. Nutter; The forest alternative for treatment and utilization of municipal and industrial wastes

Maximizing aspen poplar residue utilization for waferboard production, L.R. Calve, J.A. Shields, and M.C. Gravel; Forest Products Journal


Deer and elk use of forages treated with municipal sewage sludge, H. Campa, D.K. Woodyard, J.B. Haufler, D.W. Cole, C.L. Henry, and W.L. Nutter; The forest alternative for treatment and utilization of municipal and industrial wastes


Isolation of Pseudomonas syringae from 40 cultivars of diseased woody plants with tip dieback in Pacific Northwest nurseries, M.L. Canfield, S. Baca, and L.W. Moore; Plant Disease


Relationship of ion absorption to growth rate in taiga trees, F.S. Chapin, K. Van Cleve, and P.R. Tryon; Oecologia


Aspen regeneration in 6- to 10-year-old clearcuts in southwestern Colorado, Glenn L. Crouch; Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, Colo.

Biological and financial rotation age of established aspen stands, J.C. Culhane and J.E. Gunter; Res. Rep. Mich. State Univ. Agric. Exp. Stn. East Lansing, Mich.: The Station


Comparison of leaf and canopy reflectance of subarctic forests, K.G. Dean, Y. Kodam, and G. Wendler; Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing


Production of xylanases by Chaetomium cellulolyticum during growth on lignocelluloses, H. Debeau, D.S. Chahal, and M. Ishaque; Biotechnology Letters

Wildlife in transition: Man and nature on Yellowstone’s northern range, D. Despain, D. Houston, M. Meagher, and P. Schullery


Reproduction of the winter tick, Dermacentor albipictus, under field conditions in Alberta, Canada, M.L. Drew and W.M. Samuel; Canadian Journal of Zoology

Rate of weight loss in piled pulpwood, T. Droessler, J.L. Bowyer, T. Burk, E. Jamrock, and R. Antilla; Station Bulletin Minnesota, Agricultural Experiment Station


Production of xylanases by Chaetomium cellulolyticum during growth on lignocelluloses, H. Dubeau, D.S. Chahal, and M. Ishaque; Biotechnology Letters


A Simulation Analysis of Mallard Reproductive Behavior in Relation to Breeding Habitat, G.R. Dudderar


Evaluation of the Hydrolytic Potential of a Crude Cellulase From Mixed Cultivation of Trichoderma-Reesei and Aspergillus-Phoenicis, S.J.B. Duff, D.G. Cooper, and O.M. Fuller; Enzyme and Microbial Technology


Summer Habitat Use by Adult Female and Juvenile Sage Grouse Centrocercus-Urophasianus, P.O. Dunn and C.E. Braun; Journal of Wildlife Management


Fire in taiga communities of interior Alaska, C.T. Dyrness, L.A. Viereck, and K. Van Cleve; Forest ecosystems in the alaskan taiga. A synthesis of structure and function


Prehistoric Settlement Response to the Harris Sand Hills Saskatchewan Canada, H.T. Epp; Plains Anthropologist

Handbook of plant cell culture. Volume 4. Techniques and applications, D.A. Evans, W.R. Sharp, and P.V. Ammirato; Collier Macmillan Publishers

Effect of Inhibitors of Polyamine Biosynthesis on Seed Development in Red Pine Pinus-Resinosa and Aspen Populus-Tremuloides, R.P. Feirer and G.W. Wyckoff; Plant Physiology Rockville

Western Aspen seedling production and establishment techniques for fuel breaks around high use recreation areas : final technical report, James T. Fisher


Grazing preferences of cattle in regenerating aspen forest, R.D. Fitzgerald, R.J. Hudson, and A.W. Bailey; Journal of Range Management


Revision of Prodiplosis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) with descriptions of three new species, R.J. Gagne; Annals of the Entomological Society of America


Seasonal and annual variation in nitrogen mineralization and nitrification along an elevational gradient in New Mexico, J.R. Gosz and C.S. White; Biogeochemistry


Leaf morphology plasticity in response to light environment in deciduous tree species and its implication on forest succession, F. Goulet and P. Bellefleur; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Light-Induced Bleaching of High-Yield Pulps Part I. Sensitized Bleaching of Pulp Sheets, J.D. Green; Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology


Ordination, a multivariate method for estimating relative resistance of Populus tremuloides and virulence of Hypoxylon mammatum, D.H. Griffin and P.D. Manion; Phytopathology


Regulation of hyphal growth rate of Hypoxylon mammatum by amino acids: Stimulation by proline, D.H. Griffin, K. Quinn, and B. McMillen; Exp. Mycol.

Dilute acid pretreatment of biomass at high solids concentrations, K Grohmann, R Torget, and M Himmel; Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium


Effect of Steam Explosion Pretreatment on Pore Size and Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Poplar Populus-Tremuloides, W.R. Grous, A.O. Converse, and H.E. Grethlein; Enzyme and Microbial Technology

Prescribed fire opportunities in grasslands invaded by Douglas-fir: state-of-the-art guidelines, G.E. Gruell, J.K. Brown, and C.L. Bushey; General Technical Report Intermountain Research Station, USDA Forest Service


Impact of aspen management on Rocky Mountain wildlife, Gordon W. Gullion; Thorne Ecological Institute


Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Wood, L.D. Hall, V. Rajanayagam, W.A. Stewart, and P.R. Steiner; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Detection of hidden morphology of wood by magnetic resonance imaging, L.D. Hall, V. Rajanayagam, W.A. Stewart, P.R. Steiner, and S. Chow; Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Heavy metal storage in soils of an aspen forest fertilized with municipal sludge, A.R. Harris and D.H. Urie; University of Washington Press

Interaction Among Elk Fungi and Aspen in Rocky Mountain Usa Ecosystems, J.H. Hart; Phytopathology

Aspen mortality following sludge application in Michigan, J.H. Hart, J.B. Hart, and P.V. Nguyen; University of Washington Press


Relationships Among Aspen, Fungi, and Ungulate Browsing in Colorado and Wyoming, John H. Hart


Effects of the collembolan Onychiurus subtenuis on decomposition of Populus tremuloides leaf litter, M. Hassall, D. Parkinson, and S. Visser; Pedobiologia


Vertical migration of Onychiurus subtensis (Collembola) in relation to rainfall and microbial activity, M. Hassall, S. Visser, and D. Parkinson; Pedobiologia


Vertical migration of Onychiurus subtenuis (Collembola) in relation to rainfall and microbial activity, M. Hassall, S. Visser, and D. Parkinson; Pedobiologia

Ecological Recovery of Minimally-Reclaimed Strip Mines in Northwestern Pennsylvania USA, B. Hedin; Bulletin New Jersey Academy of Science

Mixed grazing systems of the aspen boreal forest, R.J. Hudson and C. Blyth

A Flora of the Wights Lake Area, Judy L. Hutchison and G. Ledyard Stebbins


Late-glacial and early holocene vegetational history at the Kolarik Mastodon Site, Northwestern Indiana, S.T. Jackson and D.R. Whithead; American Midland Naturalist

Winter habitat and niche relationships of sympatric cervids along the North Fork of the Flathead River, Montana, K.J. Jenkins; Dissertation Abstracts International


Seasonal Patterns of Leaf Photosynthetic Capacity in Successional Northern Hardwood Tree Species, T.W. Jurik; American Journal of Botany


Temporal and spatial patterns of specific leaf weight in successional northern hardwood tree species, T.W. Jurik; American Journal of Botany


Encoelia pruinosa on Populus tremuloides in Minnesota: occurrence, pathogenicity, and comparison with Colorado isolates, J. Juzwik, D.W. French, and T.E. Hinds; Canadian Journal of Botany


Optical and chemical characterization of solid residues obtained from vacuum pyrolysis of wood (aspen poplar), W. Kalkreuth, D. Brouillard, and C. Roy; Biomass


Physiographic, stand, and environmental effects on individual tree growth and growth efficiency in subalpine forests, Merrill R. Kaufmann and M.G. Ryan; Tree Physiol. Victoria, [B.C.] : Heron Publishing


Soil invertebrate and microbial populations under three tree species on the same soil type, M. Kienzler, D.H. Alban, and D.A. Perala; Research Note, North Central Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service


Tree Form Height Growth and Susceptibility to Wind Damage in Acer-Saccharum, David A. King; Ecology


Structure and change in herbaceous communities of four ecosystems in the Front Range, Colorado, U.S.A., M. Kooiman and Y.B. Linhart; Arctic and Alpine Research

A photographic technique for estimating browse growth and use, Charles J. Krebs, A.R.E. Sinclair, R. Boonstra, and James N. Smith; Wildlife Society Bull


A natural feeding experiment on a declining snowshoe hare population, C.J. Krebs, S. Boutin, and B.S. Gilbert; Oecologia

A lignin adhesive system for flakeboard production, A. Krzysik and R.A. Young; A lignin adhesive system for flakeboard production


The transformation of Saperda calcarata (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) into a cellulose digester through the inclusion of fungal enzymes in its diet, J.J. Kukor and M.M. Martin; Oecologia

Fracture behavior of adhesive joints in poplar, B. Kyokong, F.J. Keenan, and S.J. Boyd; Wood and Fiber Science

Fagaceae: Dicotyledones, Angiospermae, Spermatophyta, Plantae, Salicaceae: Dicotyledones, Angiospermae, Spermatophyta, Plantae, Angiosperms, Dicots, Plants, Spermatophytes, Vascular Plants, Aspen Oak Alcohol Peroxide Reactivity Pulping Paper Industry, K.S. Lawrence; University Press of Kansas


Growth and physiological responses of aspen and jack pine to intermittent SO2 fumigation episodes, S.J. L'Hirondelle, P.A. Addison, and D.B. Huebert; Canadian Journal of Botany


Differential responses of tiger swallowtail subspecies to secondary metabolites from tulip tree and quaking aspen, R.L. Lindroth, J.M. Scriber, and M.T.S. Hsia; Oecologia

Interaction of cattle and deer on mountain rangland, E.R. Loft, J.W. Menke, and J.G. Kie; Calif. Agric. Calif. Agric. Exp. Stn.

Testing basal applications of triclopyr in conjunction with conifer spacings, D. Maass and D. Arsenault; Proceedings, 40th annual meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society


Application of a geometrical volume equation to species with different bole forms, G.B. MacDonald and R.R. Forslund; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Abilities of organic horizons under some eastern Canadian forest stands to alter the acidity of rainwater, M.K. Mahendrappa; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Sixty-five years of research on Hypoxylon canker of aspen, P.D. Manion and D.H. Griffin; Plant Disease

Evaluation of aspen as a feedstuff for ruminants, G.W. Mathison and L.P. Milligan; Agriculture and Forestry Bulletin, University of Alberta

Ruminant feed evaluation unit: evaluation of aspen as a feedstuff for cattle, G.W. Mathison, L.P. Milligan, and R.D. Weisenburger; Agric For Bull Alberta Univ Fac Ext


The effect of elemental sulfur on certain chemical and biological properties of surface organic horizons of a forest soil, D.G. Maynard, J.J. Germida, and P.A. Addison; Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Densities of red-tailed hawk nests in aspen stands in the Piceance Basin, Colorado, M. McGovern and J.M. McNurney; Raptor Research

Habitat analysis of breeding bird territories and nest sites in aspen stands in the eastern Sierra Nevada and Toiyabe Range, Central Nevada, Elizabeth McGraw; Humbolt State College

Long-term effects of grass seeding and cattle grazing on a lodgepole pine clearcut, A. McLean, S.J. Wikeem, and M.B. Clark; Research Note British Columbia Ministry of Forests


Epinotia nisella : An unrecorded host and mode of feeding (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), W.E. Miller; Great lakes entomologist


Management and use of aspen poplar in North America, P.M. Morley; Forestry Chronicle


ASPNORM: a normal diameter distribution growth and yield model for aspen in the central Rocky Mountains, H.T. Mowrer; USDA For Serv Res Pap RM US Rocky Mt For Range Exp Stn. Fort Collins, Colo. : The Station


Site productivity estimates for aspen in the central Rocky Mountains, H.T. Mowrer; Western Journal of Applied Forestry


Aspen community types of Utah, Walter F. Mueggler and R.B. Campbell; Research Paper, Intermountain Research Station, USDA Forest Service

Electron microscopy study of hardboards, L. Murmanis, J.A. Youngquist, and G.C. Myers; Wood and Fiber Science

A comparison of hardboards manufactured by semidry-, dry-, and wet-formed processes, G.C. Myers; Forest Products Journal


Feasibility of manufacturing hardboard from short-rotation intensively cultured Populus, G.C. Myers and J.B. Crist; Forest Products Journal

Effect of spring-applied sulfometuron and imazapyr on newly planted tree seedlings in northern Wisconsin, D.A. Netzer; Proceedings North Central Weed Control Conference

An economic assessment of mechanical clearing versus spray and burn in aspen parklands, F.S. Novak and M.L. Lerohl; Agric For Bull Alberta Univ Fac Ext

Guidelines for Providing Furbearer Habitat in Timber Management, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources; Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources