Aspen Bibliography
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Effects of Alternate Prey on Skunk Predation of Waterfowl Nests, Robert L. Crabtree; Wildlife Society Bulletin
Study of lignin in forages and wood by 13C CP/MAS NMR. 1. Some evidence of polymerization and depolymerization, N. Cyr, R.M. Elofson, J.A. Ripmeester, and G.W. Mathison; Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Comparison of balsam and aspen poplar trees in Alberta, N. Cyr and J.K. Laidler; Catalogue No. FO 42-91-35-1988E
Sulfur, carbon, and nitrogen relationships in forest soils across the northern Great Lakes States as affected by atmospheric deposition and vegetation, M.B. David, D.F. Grigal, L.F. Ohmann, and G.Z. Gertner; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Sulfur Carbon and Nitrogen Relationships in Forest Soils Across the Northern Great Lakes States Usa as Affected by Atmospheric Deposition and Vegetation, M.B. David, D.F. Grigal, L.F. Ohmann, and G.Z. Gertner; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
A field guide for identification of seral aspen ecosystems of the BWBSc1, Prince George Forest Region, C. DeLong; Land Management Handbook Ministry of Forests and Lands, British Columbia
A new Sesia clearwing moth from Michigan (Sesiidae), T.D. Eichlin and W.H. Taft; Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society
Competition effects in juvenile jack pine and aspen as influenced by density and species ratios, Robert Edward Farmer, D.M. Morris, K.B. Weaver, and K. Garlick; Journal of Applied Ecology
Economic returns to private woodlots utilizing aspen for sale in pulping, R. Fautley; FRDA Rep.
Correction Equations for Dendrometer Band Measurements of Five Hardwood Species, Leslie G. Fuller, Peter J. Cattelino, and David D. Reed; Northern Journal of Applied Forestry
Comparison of constant and variable allometric ratios for predicting foliar biomass of various tree genera, C.D. Geron and G.A. Ruark; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Fungal pathogens of defoliated aspen, J. Hart; Ext. Bull E. Coop. Ext. Serv. Mich. State Univ.
Silvicultural Use of Wastewater Sludge, J.B. Hart, P.V. Nguyen, D.H. Urie, and D.G. Brockway; Journal of Forestry
Managing aspen in the mixedwood forest, C.J. Henderson
Biomass and nutrients in regenerating woody vegetation following whole-tree and conventional harvest in a northern mixed forest, O.Q. Hendrickson; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Large aspen tortrix, Edward H. Holsten
Laminated veneer lumber from aspen, W.E. Hsu; Proc. Wash. State Univ. Int. Symp. Part
Propagation of interior British Columbia native plants from seed, S. Hudson and M. Carlson
Final report to the Ford Foundation and the Rural Economic Policy Program of the Aspen Institute : economic development and business cycle effects on income and welfare of rural households, Wallace E. Huffman and Marta Tienda
Soil temperatures and suckering in burned and unburned aspen stands, Roger D. Hungerford; Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station
Comparison of colorimetric and HPLC techniques for quantitating the carbohydrate components of steam-treated wood, T.J. Irick, K. West, H.H. Brownell, W. Schwald, and J.N. Saddler
Aboveground biomass and production from 1938 to 1984 for four aspen plots in northern lower Michigan, T.W. Jurik, G.M. Briggs, and D.M. Gates; Mich. Bot.
Growth and premature leaf fall in American aspen as bioindications for ozone, T. Keller; Environmental Pollution
Factors affecting the utilization of steam- and explosion-decompressed [SED] aspen wood by cellulolytic anaerobes, A.W. Khan; Biomass
Aspen management in Michigan, R.P. Kidd and M.R. Koelling; Ext. Bull. E. Coop. Ext. Serv. Mich. State Univ. East Lansing, Mich.: The Service
Hurricane-induced modification of nitrogen and phosphorus resorption in an aspen clone: an example of diffuse disturbance, K.T. Killingbeck; Oecologia
Alcohol dehydrogenase and ethanol in the stems of trees. Evidence for anaerobic metabolism in the vascular cambium, T.W. Kimmerer and M.A. Stinger; Plant Physiology
Brightening of ultra-high-yield explosion aspen pulp, B.V. Kokta, R. Chen, D. Barrette, and H.Y. Zhan; Pulping Conf. Proc.
Adventitious rooting of four Salicaceae species in response to a flooding event, M.E. Krasny, J.C. Zasada, and K.A. Vogt; Canadian Journal of Botany
A Biological System for Indexing Air Quality and Assessing Effects on Vegetation Minnesota Bioindicator Study, K.W. Kromroy, P.S. Teng, M.F. Olson, D.R. French, and D.S. Lang; Environmental Pollution
The role of ingested fungal enzymes in cellulose digestion in the larvae of cerambycid beetles, J.J. Kukor, D.P. Cowan, and M.M. Martin; Physiological Zoology
The optical properties of eight eastern Canadian wood species. Part 1: the inherent optical properties of wood, J. Lee, J.J. Balatinecz, and P. Whiting; JPPS Journal of Pulp and Paper Science
Chemical Ecology of the Tiger Swallowtail: Mediation of Host Use by Phenolic Glycosides, Richard L. Lindroth, J. Mark Scriber, and M.T. Stephen Hsia; Ecology
Effects of the Quaking Aspen Compounds Catechol, Salicin and Isoniazid on Two Subspecies of Tiger Swallowtails, Richard L. Lindroth, J. Mark Scriber, and M.T. Stephen Hsiz; American Midland Naturalist
Chemical ecology of the tiger swallowtail: mediation of host use by phenolic glycosides, R.L. Lindroth, J.M. Scriber, and M.T.S. Hsia; Ecology
Effects of the quaking aspen compounds catechol, salicin and isoniazid on two subspecies of tiger swallowtails, R.L. Lindroth, J.M. Scriber, and M.T.S. Hsia; American Midland Naturalist
Vapor-phase cooking of aspen with recycling of spent impregnation liquor, S.N. Lo and J.L. Valade; Pulp. Pap. Can.
Relationships of aspen (Populus tremuloides) to foraging patterns of beaver (Castor canadensis) in the Strawberry Valley of central Utah, W.J. Masslich, J.D. Broterson, and R.G. Cates; Great Basin Naturalist
Changes in levels of foliar minerals and phenolics in trembling aspen, Populus tremuloides, in response to artificial defoliation, W.J. Mattson and S.R. Palmer; Springer Verlag
Is managing aspen density worthwhile, H.T. Mowrer; Gen. Tech. Rep. INT U.S. Dep. Agric. For. Serv. Intermt. Res. Stn
Aspen community types of the Intermountain Region, Walter F. Mueggler
Alkaline hydrogen peroxide treated aspen as a ruminant feed, K.H. Myung, J.J. Kennelly, K.C. Chung, and Y.S. Kim; Asian Australasian J. Anim. Sci.
A mass propagation method of aspen (Populus Davidiana Dode) using tissue culture and juvenile cutting techniques, E.R. Noh, S.K. Lee, Y.V. Koo, and K.H. Chung; Yon'gu Pogo Res. Rep. Inst. For Genet
Notes on British Agarics Ix., P.D. Orton; Transactions of the British Mycological Society
A guide to insect, disease, and animal pests of poplars, Michael E. Ostry, L.F. Wilson, McNabb Jr, and S.L.M. Moore; Department of Agriculture; Forest Service
Chemical characterization of hydrocarbons produced by vacuum pyrolysis of aspen poplar wood chips, H. Pakdel, C. Roy, K. Zeidan, A.V. Bridgwater, and J.L. Kuester; Research in thermochemical biomass conversion
Ethanol and butanol production by fermentation of enzymatically saccharified SO2-prehydrolysed lignocellulosics, S.R. Parekh, R.S. Parekh, and M. Wayman; Enzyme and Microbial Technology
Comparison of measured C-band scattering coefficients with model predictions as a function of leaf area index and biomass, D.E. Pitts, G.D. Badhwar, and A.H. Feiveson; Remote sensing: moving towards the 21st century. in: Proceedings of the 1988 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
The use of a helicopter mounted ranging scatterometer for estimation of extinction and backscattering properties of forest canopies. Part II: experimental results for high-density aspen, D.E. Pitts, G.D. Badhwar, and E. Reyna; IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
The use of a helicopter mounted ranging scatterometer for estimation of extinction and backscattering properties of forest canopies. Part I: experimental approach and calibration, D.E. Pitts, G.D. Badhwar, E. Reyna, F.T. Ulaby, and D.R. Brunfeldt; IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Aspen community types of the Pike and San Isabel National Forests in south-central Colorado, David C. Powell; U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region
Influence of white-tailed deer browsing on mortality and growth of regenerating aspen, R.E. Prachar and D. Samuel; Transactions of the Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference
Seasonal fluxes of some ions through the overstory, underbrush and organic soil horizons of an aspen-birch forest, A.G. Price and R.J. Watters; Water Resources Research
Lignin and related compounds, XII. Catalytic degradation of proto and isolated aspen lignins under initially alkaline conditions, M.D. Rahman and J.M. Pepper; Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology
STEMS Model Projection Capability With Incomplete Tree List Input Data, Bryan L. Randall, Alan R. Ek, Jerold T. Hahn, and Roland G. Buchman; Northern Journal of Applied Forestry
Seasonal quality of forages used by moose in the aspen-dominated boreal forest, central Alberta, L.A. Renecker and R.J. Hudson; Holarctic Ecology
Structural changes in aspen lignin during steam explosion treatment, D. Robert, M. Bardet, C. Lapierre, and G. Gellerstedt; Cellulose Chemistry and Technology
Vegetation variation among mesic successional forest stands in northern lower Michigan, M.R. Roberts and N.L. Christensen; Canadian Journal of Botany
Strength tests on acetylated aspen flakeboards exposed to a brown-rot fungus, R.M. Rowell, J.A. Youngquist, and Y. Imamura; Wood and Fiber Science
Biomass, net primary production and nutrient distribution for an age sequence of Populus tremuloides ecosystems, G.A. Ruark and J.G. Bockheim; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Recovery of plants from leaf protoplasts of hybrid-popular and aspen clones, J.A. Russell and B.H. McCown; Plant Cell Rep
Clonal growth of male and female bigtooth aspen (Populus grandidentata), Ann K. Sakai and Terri L. Sharik; Ecology
Graft Compatibility in Woody Plants: An Expanded Perspective, F.S. Santamour, Jr.; Journal of Environmental Horticulture
Pilodyn evaluation of treated waferboard in field exposure, E.L. Schmidt and M.G. Dietz; Wood and Fiber Science
Trials of two powdered preservatives for phenol-formaldehyde-bonded and polymeric-isocyanate-bonded aspen structural composite board, E.L. Schmidt and R.O. Gertjejansen; Forest Products Journal
Enzymatic hydrolysis of steam treated aspen wood: influence of partial hemicellulose and lignin removal prior to pretreatment, W. Schwald, H.H. Brownell, and J.N. Saddler; Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology
Estimates of digestibility of birch, willow, and aspen mixtures in moose, C.C. Schwartz, W.L. Regelin, and A.W. Franzmann; Journal of Wildlife Management
Breeding birds in uncut aspen and 6- to 10-year-old clearcuts in southwestern Colorado, V.E. Scott and G.L. Crouch; Research Note Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service
Summer birds and mammals of aspen-conifer forests in west-central Colorado, V.E. Scott and G.L. Crouch; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station
Breeding birds and small mammals in pole-sized lodgepole pine and small inclusions of aspen in central Colorado, V.E. Scott, G.L. Crouch, and USDA For. Serv. Rocky Mt. For. Range Exp. Stn.; Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment-Station, USDA Forest Service
Evidence for formae speciales in poplar leaf rust fungus Melampsora medusae, L. Shain; Mycologia
Aspen Management Programs at the National Elk Refuge, Bruce L. Smith and Roxane Rogers
Density of suitable wood duck nest cavities in a northern hardwood forest, G.J. Soulliere; Journal of Wildlife Management
Progress in Bleaching Pulps With the Sulfite-Air System, E. L. Springer and J. D. McSweeny; TAPPI proceedings of the 1988 pulping conference
Use of soil horizons as ecological sampling units, W.L. Strong and G.H. La Roi; Canadian Journal of Soil Science
Digestion of pretreated aspen substrates: Hydrolysis rates and adsorptive loss of cellulase enzymes, K. Tatsumoto, J.O. Baker, M.P. Tucker, K.K. Oh, A. Mohagheghi, K. Grohmann, and M.E. Himmel; Applied biochemistry and biotechnology
A new microcosm approach to litter decomposition studies, Barry R. Taylor and D. Parkinson; Canadian Journal of Botany
Annual differences in quality of leaf litter of aspen (Populus tremuloides) affecting rates of decomposition, Barry R. Taylor and D. Parkinson; Canadian Journal of Botany
Aspen and pine leaf litter decomposition in laboratory microcosms. II. Interactions of temperature and moisture level, Barry R. Taylor and D. Parkinson; Canadian Journal of Botany
Does repeated wetting and drying accelerate decay of leaf litter?, Barry R. Taylor and D. Parkinson; Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Patterns of water absorption and leaching in pine and aspen leaf litter, Barry R. Taylor and D. Parkinson; Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Respiration and mass loss rates of aspen and pine leaf litter decomposing in laboratory microcosms, Barry R. Taylor and D. Parkinson; Canadian Journal of Botany
Increasing the feed value of forestry waste by ammonia freeze explosion treatment, R.P. Tengerdy and J.G. Nagy; Biological Wastes
Preparation of pulps from sound Alberta aspen and balsam poplar by various processes, P.R. Thomas
Initial design of a dilute sulfuric acid pretreatment process for aspen wood chips, R. Torget, M. Wright, J.D. Wright, and K. Grohmann; Applied biochemistry and biotechnology
Deoxygenating Effect and Toxicity of Ground-up Dried Coniferous Needles and Deciduous Leaves of Canadian Trees in Water a Preliminary Study in Comparison With Litter of European Trees, M. Tremolieres; Water Research
Screening for resistance to Hypoxylon mammatum in Populus tremuloides clones and micropropagated plantlets, F. Valentine, S. Baker, R. Belanger, P. Manion, D. Griffin, and M.R. Ahuja; Somatic cell genetics of woody plants. Proc. IUFRO Working Party S2.04-07, held in Grosshansdorf, W. Germany, 10-13 Aug. 1987
Aspen, Jared Verner; California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
The influence of stemflow from standing dead trees on the fluxes of some ions in a mixed deciduous forest, R.J. Watters and A.G. Price; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Utilization and marketing opportunities for Alberta aspen solid wood products, E. M. Wengert; Canadian Forestry Service, Northern Forestry Centre [Edmonton, Alta.]
A tutorial for grading aspen, birch and other Canadian hardwoods, E.M. Wengert; National Hardwood Lumber Association
Effect of fire-retardant treatment and redrying on the mechanical properties of Douglas-fir and aspen plywood, J.E. Winandy, S.L. LeVan, E.L. Schaffer, and P.W. Lee; Research Paper Forest Products Laboratory, USDA Forest Service
Deer and Forestry in Germany: Half a Century After Aldo Leopold, Michael L. Wolfe and Friedrich-Christian V. Berg; Journal of Forestry
Proceedings of the workshop on aspen pulp, paper and chemicals, A. Wong and T. Szabo; Canadian Forestry Service : Alberta Forest Service
Genetic variation of extractives in the wood of trembling aspen, A.D. Yanchuk, I. Spilda, and M.M. Micko; Wood Science and Technology
In vitro propagation of poplar and aspen, M.R. Ahuja; Nijhoff, The Hague
Competition, resource partitioning and species richness in the phytophagous insects of red oak and aspen in Canada and the U.K., S.R.C. Ashbourne and R.J. Putman; Acta Oecologica Oecologia Generalis
Variability in ice nucleation strains of Pseudomonas syringae isolated from diseased woody plants in Pacific Northwest nurseries, S. Baca, M.L. Canfield, and L.W. Moore; Plant disease
Age-density distributions of tall shrubs in Minnesota, J.C. Balogh and D.F. Grigal; Forest Science
Spruce Budworm Damage in Aspen/Balsam Fir Stands Affected by Cutting Methods, Harold O. Batzer, John W. Benzie, and Michael P. Popp; Northern Journal of Applied Forestry