Aspen Bibliography

Aspen Bibliography

As the most widespread tree species in North America, Quaking Aspen systems provide an array of natural resource products and uses. Often among the most biologically diverse systems in a given landscape, the condition of aspen forests affects the status of numerous floral and faunal associates. Concern over the health, sustainability, aesthetics, and economic value of aspen has spawned a large body of literature in both basic and applied research. The Aspen Bibliography, sponsored by the Western Aspen Alliance and the Quinney Natural Resources Research Library and available from the Merrill-Cazier Digital Commons portal, provides a comprehensive and searchable database of published and unpublished aspen references. Your feedback and participation in updating this database is important to us. If there are items you are aware of related to aspen ecology that are not found in this database, please contact the Aspen Bibliography administrator at with the citation or mail a hardcopy of the document to Aspen Bibliography - Quinney Library, 5260 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322. All information is provided as-is. While every effort is being made to ensure that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date, errors may occur. Also, we provide many links to external web sites. Sometimes the links provided are moved or removed creating a broken link. If you think you have discovered a broken link or an error please notify us at

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The impact of aspen harvesting on site productivity, David H. Alban; Aspen Management for the 21st Century: Proceedings of a Symposium


Aspen ecosystem properties in the Upper Great Lakes, David H. Alban, D.A. Perala, M.F. Jurgensen, M.E. Ostry, and J.R. Probst; Research Paper North Central Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service

The importance of seasoning and barking in the kraft pulping of aspen, L.H. Allen, B.B. Sithole, J.M. MacLeod, C.L. Lapointe, and F.J. McPhee; Journal of Pulp and Paper Science

Wood quality differences between aspen and balsam poplar. Balsam poplar as potential raw material for waferboard and oriented strandboard production, M. Antal and M.M. Micko; Holzforschung und Holzverwertung

Brightening of thermomechanical pulp produced from sound and stained aspen logs, D. Araki and C.L. Lee; Technical Note Forest Engineering Research Institute of Canada. Point Claire, Quebec

Aspen timber value and ruffed grouse habitat : economic trade-offs considering spatial and temporal dimensions, G.J. Arthaud


Relative impact of interactions within and between trophic levels during an insect outbreak, M. Auerbach; Ecology


Regeneration of aspen by suckering on burned sites in Western Wyoming, D.L. Bartos; W.F. Mueggler; and R.B. Campbell, Jr.


Forage Crops in the Aspen Parklands of Western Canada, S. E. Beacom


Aspen Strip-Thinning Research Project: Summary Report, William Berguson and Daniel Buchman; Technical Report Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota. V


Natural selection for ozone tolerance in Populus tremuloides: an evaluation of nationwide trends, P. Berrang, D.F. Karnosky, and J.P. Bennett; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Nutrient dynamics in decomposing leaf litter of four tree species on a sandy soil in northwestern Wisconsin, J.G. Bockheim, E.A. Jepsen, and D.M. Heisey; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Analytical methodology for biomass pretreatment. Part 2: characterization of the filtrates and cumulative product distribution as a function of treatment severity, J. Bouchard, T.S. Nguyen, S. Chornet, and R.P. Overend; Bioresource Technology


Long-term control of aspen poplar and western snowberry with dicamba and 2,4-D, G.G. Bowes; Canadian Journal of Plant Science

Protecting understory white spruce when harvesting aspen, L.G. Brace; FRDA


Bioconversion of acid-hydrolyzed poplar hemicellulose to acetic acid by Clostridium thermoaceticum, J.E. Brownell and J.P. Nakas; Journal of Industrial Microbiology


Carbon dioxide enrichment accelerates the decline in nutrient status and relative growth rate of Populus tremuloides seedlings, K.R. Brown; Tree Physiology


cDNA cloning sequence analysis and seasonal expression of lignin-bispecific caffeic acid/5-hydroxyferulic acid O-methyltransferase of aspen, R.C. Bugos, V.L.C. Chiang, and W.H. Campbell; Plant Molecular Biology

Seasonal Expression of a Lignin Specific O Methyltransferase Cloned From Aspen Developing Xylem, R.C. Bugos, V.L.C. Chiang, and W.H. Campbell; Plant Physiology Rockville

Seasonal Expression of a Lignin Specific O Methyltransferase Cloned From Aspen Developing Secondary Xylem, W.H. Campbell, R.C. Bugos, and V.L.C. Chiang; Journal of Cellular Biochemistry Supplement


Visitation of high mountain bogs by golden eagles in the northern Great Basin, D.A. Charlet and R.W. Rust; Journal of Field Ornithology

Aspen management in northwestern Wyoming a multiple-use challenge, S. Christy and J. Vessels; Proc. Soc. Am. For. Natl. Conv.


Long-term and short-term induction in quaking aspen: related phenomena?, T.P. Clausen, P.B. Reichardt, J.P. Bryant, and R.A. Werner; John Wiley & Sons, Inc

Conifer release treatments for aspen control in subarctic spruce forests, E.C. Cole and M. Newton; Res. Prog. Rep.West Soc.Weed Sci.


Distribution of ruffed grouse southeast of the range of quaking aspen, J. Chris Cole and Ralph W. Dimmick; Proceedings of the Annual Conference Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies

Photosynthetic Characteristics in Aspen Clones of Varying Ozone Sensitivities Response to Episodic Exposures, M.D. Coleman, R.E. Dickson, J.G. Isebrands, and D.F. Karnosky; Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America


Aspen harvesting: a government perspective, D.W. Darrah; Aspen Management for the 21st Century: Proceedings of a Symposium


Identification of a specific manganese peroxidase among ligninolytic enzymes secreted by Phanerochaete chrysosporium during wood decay, A. Datta, A. Bettermann, and T.K. Kirk; Applied and Environmental Microbiology

Reinforcement and Enhancement of Aspen Strand Panels With Flax Straw, K.W. Domier, P.H. O'Neill, and L. Bach; Canadian Agricultural Engineering

An analysis of the acetone extractives of the wood and bark from fresh trembling aspen [Populus tremuloides]: implications for deresination and pitch control, Jones N. Dunlop, J.L. Huang, and L.H. Allen; JPPS Journal of Pulp and Paper Science


Purification and characterization of S-adenosyl-L-methionine: caffeic acid 3-O-methyltransferase from suspension cultures of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), R. Edwards and R.A. Dixon; Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics


Bud exudate composition of Populus tremuloides, S. English, W. Greenway, and F.R. Whatley; Canadian Journal of Botany

Moisture sorption and accelerated weathering of acetylated and methacrylated aspen, W.C. Feist, R.M. Rowell, and W.D. Ellis; Wood and Fiber Science J. Soc. Wood Sci. Technol


Mixed conifer and aspen regeneration in small clearcuts within a partially harvested Arizona mixed conifer forest, P.F. Ffolliott and G.J. Gottfried; Research Paper Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service


Weathering and finish performance of acetylated aspen fiberboard, William C. Fiest, Roger M. Rowell, and John A. Youngquist; Wood and Fiber Science


The power function as a simple stem profile examination tool, R.R. Forslund; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


An Aspen Bark Factor Equation for Michigan, Gary W. Fowler; Northern Journal of Applied Forestry


Provisioning Time and Central-Place Foraging in Beavers, J.M. Fryxell and C.M. Doucet; Canadian Journal of Zoology

Structural analysis of acid-catalyzed organosolv lignins by a combination of nucleus exchange reaction and nitrobenzene oxidation, M. Funaoka, V.L. Chang, and H.L. Chum; Bulletin of the Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University


Genetics of isozyme variants in Populus tremula, P. tremuloides and their hybrids, L.A. Gallo and T.H. Geburek; Euphytica


Structural flakeboards from aspen-red maple mixtures, S.E. Girschner and D.D. Stokke; Forest Products Journal


Identification of sex pheromone components for two Lepidopteran defoliators, the oak olethreutid leafroller, Pseudexentera spoliana (Clemens), and the aspen leafroller, Pseudexentera oregonana (Walsingham), G.G. Grant, B. Pendrel, K.N. Slessor, X.Z. Meng, and W.E. Miller; Canadian Entomologist


Chemotaxonomy of section Leuce poplars by GC-MS of bud exudate, W. Greenaway, S. English, J. May, and F.R. Whatley; Biochemical Systematics and Ecology


Clonal variation of Populus tremuloides responses to diurnal drought stress., D.H. Griffin, M. Schaedle, M.J. DeVit, and P.D. Manion; Tree Physiology


Clonal Variation in Amino Acid Contents of Roots Stems and Leaves of Aspen Populus-Tremuloides Michx. As Influenced by Diurnal Drought Stress, D.H. Griffin, M. Schaedle, P.D. Manion, and M. Devit; Tree Physiology


A Bayesian Belief Network advisory system for aspen regeneration, Timothy C. Haas; Forest Science


Bark consumption by voles in relation to mineral contents, L. Hansson; Journal of Chemical Ecology

Importance of Heartrot Fungi in Aspen in Creating Potential Nesting Sites for Picids, J.H. Hart and D.L. Hart; Phytopathology


Fractionation of Populus tremuloides at the pilot plant scale: optimization of steam pretreatment conditions using the STAKE II technology, M. Heitz, E. Capek Menard, P.G. Koeberle, J. Gagne, E. Chornet, R.P. Overend, J.D. Taylor, and E. Yu; Bioresource Technol


Abundance and Activity of Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria in Decaying Wood, O.Q. Hendrickson; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Competition indices for mixed species northern hardwoods, M.J. Holmes and D.D. Reed; Forest Science


Breeding biology of American crows in Saskatchewan parkland habitat, J.B. Ignatiuk and R.G. Clark; Canadian Journal of Zoology


Fungi associated with sprout mortality in aspen clearcuts in Colorado and Arizona, W.R. Jacobi and W.D. Shepperd; Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, Colo


Use of quaking aspen flower buds by ruffed grouse: Its relationship to grouse densities and bud chemical composition, W.J. Jakubas and G.W. Gullion; Condor


Spatial variability in the nutrient composition of Populus tremuloides: clone-to-clone differences and implications for cervids, D.E. Jelinski and L.J. Fisher; Oecologia


Soil respiration of five aspen stands in northern lower Michigan, T.W. Jurik, G.M. Briggs, and D.M. Gates; American Midland Naturalist


Red Squirrel Population Dynamics I. The Effect of Supplemental Food on Demography, W. Klenner and C.J. Krebs; Journal of Animal Ecology


Secondary Forest Succession in New Hampshire USA, W.B. Leak; Forest Ecology and Management


Nutrient status of bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) following whole-tree harvesting in Upper Michigan, K.A. Lederle and G.D. Mroz; Forest Ecology and Management

Effects of Seasonal Ozone Exposure on Populus-Tremuloides Leaf Initiation and Growth, F. Li, R.E. Dickson, M.D. Coleman, J.G. Isebrands, and D.F. Karnosky; American Journal of Botany


Biochemical ecology of aspen--Lepidoptera interactions, R.L. Lindroth; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society


Biochemical ecology of the forest tent caterpillar: responses to directory protein and phenolic glycosides, R.L. Lindroth and M.S. Bloomer; Oecologia


Genetic variation in response of the gypsy moth to aspen phenolic glycosides, R.L. Lindroth and A.V. Weisbrod; Biochemical systematics and ecology


Effects of compression on parenchyma cell viability, initial heating, and microflora of aspen fuel chips, Y.L. Lin and E.L. Schmidt; Wood and Fiber Science


Nest-site selection and nesting success of cavity-nesting birds in high elevation forest drainages, Pingjun Li and T.E. Martin; Auk


Acid Neutralizing Abilities of Leaf Surfaces and Leaf Homogenates of Sugar Maple Largetooth Aspen Paper Birch and Balsam Fir, G. Liu and Cote; Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America


Habitat shifts by mule deer: The influence of cattle grazing, E.R. Loft, J.W. Menke, and J.G. Kie; Journal of wildlife management


Cattle-Deer Interactions in the Sierra Nevada: A Bioeconomic Approach, John B. Loomis, Eric R. Loft, Douglas R. Updike, and John G. Kie; Journal of Range Management


Studies on the preparation and properties of particle boards made from bagasse and PVC: II. Influence of the addition of coupling agents, D. Maldas and B. V. Kokta; Bioresource Technology


Stomatal response to certain environmental factors: a comparison of models for subalpine trees in the Rocky Mountains, W.J. Massman and M.R. Kaufmann; Agricultural and Forest Meteorology


Woody plant grazing systems: North American outbreak folivores and their host plants, W.J. Mattson, D.A. Herms, J.A. Witter, and D.C. Allen; Forest Insect Guilds: Patterns of Interaction with Host Trees

Breeding Bird Census 1990 51. Young Aspen Forest With Scattered Mature Pines, M. McDonald; Journal of Field Ornithology


Determination of nitrogen, lignin, and cellulose content of decomposing leaf material by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy, T.M. McLellan, J.D. Aber, M.E. Martin, J.M. Melillo, and K.J. Nadelhoffer; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Breeding Bird Populations in a Grazed and Ungrazed Riparian Habitat in Nevada, D.E. Medin and W.P. Clary; Research Paper Intermountain Research Station, USDA Forest Service


Aspen Management for the 21st Century: Proceedings of a Symposium, S. Navratil and P.B. Chapman


Distribution and abundance of an exotic ground-beetle (Carabidae): a test of community impact, J. Niemela and J.R. Spence; Oikos


The elastic moduli and mechanics of Populus tremuloides (Salicaceae) petioles in bending and torsion, K.J. Niklas; American Journal of Botany

Economics of 15 options for industrial utilization of poplar, W.J. Ondro; Information Report Northwest Region, Forestry Canada


Present trends and future prospects for poplar utilization in Alberta, W.J. Ondro; Forestry Chronicle


The Impact of Insect and Disease Damage and Harvest Method on Stand Stocking and Growth of Juvenile Aspen, Michael E. Ostry and K.T. Ward; Phytopathology


The relative influence of establishment time and height-growth rates on species vertical stratification during secondary forest succession, B.J. Palik and K.S. Pregitzer; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Plonski's (metric) yield tables formulated, B. Payandeh; Forestry Chronicle


Airborne permethrin and off-target deposits from an aerial ultra-low volume silvicultural spray, N.J. Payne, K.M. Sundaram, and B.V. Helson; Crop Protection

Deja vu: Does it pay to thin young aspen, Donald A. Perala; Jt. Rep.


Renewing decadent aspen stands, Donald A. Perala; Aspen Management for the 21st Century: Proceedings of a Symposium

Breeding Bird Census 1990 15. Mature Aspen Forest With Young Maple Understory, G.J. Peterson; Journal of Field Ornithology


Behavior of predrilled aspen studs during drying and subsequent treating, K.L. Powell and R.W. Erickson; Proc. West Dry Kiln. Ass.

Spring fires in a semimature trembling aspen stand in central Alberta, D. Quintilo, M.E. Alexander, and R.L. Ponto; Forestry Canada, Northwest Region, Northern Forestry Centre, Edmonton


Woody tissue analysis using an element ratio technique (DRIS), K.H. Riitters, L.F. Ohmann, and D.F. Grigal; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Survival, Development Time, and Pupal Weights of Larvae of Gypsy Moth Reared on Foliage of Common Trees of the Upper Great Lakes Region, David B. Roden and Gordon A. Surgeoner; Northern Journal of Applied Forestry


The tetrapod "DNA fingerprinting" M13 repeat probe reveals genetic diversity and clonal growth in quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides, Salicaceae), S.H. Rogstad, H. Nybom, and B.A. Schaal; Plant Systematics and Evolution

The effect of soil water on aspen litter moisture content, R.L. Rothwell, P.M. Woodard, and S. Samran; Society of American Foresters


Dimensional stability of aspen fiberboard made from acetylated fiber, R.M. Rowell, J.A. Youngquist, J.S. Rowell, and J.A. Haytt; Wood and Fiber Science


Effect of wood particle size on fungal growth in a model biomechanical pulping process, I.B. Sachs, R.A. Blanchette, K.R. Cease, and G.F. Leatham; Wood and Fiber Science


Quantification of Armillaria Rhizomorphs in Wisconsin Usa Aspen Sucker Stands, G.R. Sanosz and R.F. Patton; European Journal of Forest Pathology


Duckling Mortality in Barrow's Goldeneye and Bufflehead Broods, J.P.L. Savard, G.E.J. Smith, and J.N.M. Smith; Auk

A technical and economic analysis of acid-catalyzed steam explosion and dilute sulfuric acid pretreatments using wheat straw or aspen wood chips, D.J. Schell, R. Torget, A. Power, P.J. Walter, K. Grohmann, and N.D. Hinman; Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology

A resin-compatible copper naphthenate to preserve aspen composites, E.L. Schmidt; Forest Products Journal


Interrelationships of black bears to moose and forest succession in the northern coniferous forest, C.C. Schwartz and A.W. Franzmann; Wildlife Monographs


Toxic phenolic glycosides from Populus: physiological adaptations of the western North American tiger swallowtail butterfly, Papilio rutulus (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae), J.M. Scriber, R.L. Lindroth, and J.K. Nitao; Great lakes entomologist