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Quantitative Ethology of Social Wasps: Time-Activity Budgets and Caste Differentiation in Ropalidia Marginata (Lep.) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), Raghavendra Gadagkar and N. V. Joshi; Animal Behaviour
Bumblebee Foraging and Floral Scent Dimorphism: Bombus kirbyellus Curtis (Hymenoptera: Apidae) and Polemonium viscosum Nutt. (Polemoniaceae), Candace Galen and Peter G. Kevan; Canadian Journal of Zoology
Nesting Biology and Flower Relationships of Xylocopa sonorina Smith in Hawaii (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae), Dan Gerling; Pan-Pacific Entomologist
Comparative Behavioral Biology of Two Middle East Species of Carpenter Bees (Xylocopa Latreille) (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), Dan Gerling, Paul D. Hurd Jr., and Abraham Hefetz; Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Genetic Kin Recognition: Honey Bees Discriminate Between Full and Half Sisters, Wayne M. Getz and Katherine B. Smith; Nature
New Taxa of Bembicine Sphecidae (Hymenoptera), James E. Gillaspy; The Southwestern Entomologist
Gram-Positive Cocci from Apiarian Sources, Martha Gilliam and Brenda J. Lorenz; Journal of Invertebrate Pathology
Examination of Floral Nectar of Citrus, Cotton, and Arizona Desert Plants for Microbes, Martha Gilliam, Joseph O. Moffett, and N. M. Kauffeld; Apidologie
Chalkbrood Disease and Hygienic Behavior of Honey Bees, Martha Gilliam, Stephen Taber III, and Gary V. Richardson; Gleanings in Bee Culture
Hygienic Behavior of Honey Bees in Relation to Chalkbrood Disease, Martha Gilliam, Stephen Taber III, and Gary V. Richardson; Apidologie
Taxonomic Notes on the Bee Genus Hexepeolus (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae), Sandra Shanks Gingras; The Wasmann Journal of Biology
Foraging Ecology of Bees in an Old Field, Howard S. Ginsberg; Ecology
The Zoogeography of Andrena Fabricus (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae) of the Western Hemisphere, Wallace E. LaBerge; Proceedings of the Ninth North American Prairie Conference
Proposal to Suppress the First Designation of a Type Species for the Generic Name Megilla fabricius, 1805, and to Place Macropis klug, 1809, on the Official List of Generic Hames (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Z.N.(S.) 2401, Charles D. Michener; Bull. Zool. Nom
The Classification of the Lithurginae (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), Charles D. Michener; Pan-Pacific Entomologist
The Parasitic Australian Allodapine Genus Inquilina (Hymenoptera, Anthophoridae), Charles D. Michener; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
Ancistroceroides Saussure, 1855: Proposed Change of Type Species in Order to Preserve the Well-Established Name Paralastor Saussure, 1856 (Hymenoptera, Vespoidea, Eumenidae). Z.N.(S.)2280, J. van der Vecht; Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature
Sexual Selection, Social Competition, and Speciation, Mary Jane West-Eberhard; The Quarterly Review of Biology
Food-Foraging Behavior of Male Euglossini (Hymenoptera: Apidae): Vagabonds or Trapliners?, James D. Ackerman, Michael R. Mesler, Karen L. Lu, and Arlee M. Montalvo; Biotropica
Flagellar Sensilla of Sphecodes Bees (Hymenoptera, Halictidae), Lennart Agren and Bo G. Svensson; Zoologica Scripta
Gynandromorphs of Megachile Rotundata (Fab.) (Hymenoptera:Megachile), Roger D. Akre, E. Paul Catts, Richard S. Zack, and E. C. Klostermeyer; Entomological News
Thrips and Pollination Biology, T N. Ananthakrishnan; Current Science
A Revision of the Subgenus Rugovespula nov. of the Genus Vespula (Hymenoptera, Vespidae), Michael E. Archer; Kontyû
The Mason Wasps (Hymenoptera: Eumenidae) of Yorkshire, Michael E. Archer; Naturalist
Pollinator Research Progress Report - 1982, W. Harold Arnett
Leafcutter Bee Management in Spain: Problems of Parasitism, E. Asensio; Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Alfalfa Leafcutting Bee Management
Effect of Pesticides on Apiculture: Maximizing the Effectiveness of Honey Bees as Pollinators, E. L. Atkins and D. Kellum
Wystepowanie I Liczebnosc Pszczol (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) Na Rzepaku Ozimym, Jozef Banaszak; Badania Fizjograficane Nad Polska Zachodnia
Biological Control in Agroecosystems, Suzanne W. T. Batra; Science
The Hornfaced Bee for Efficient Pollination of Small Farm Orchards, Suzanne W. T. Batra
On Social Regulation in Nannotrigona (Scaptotrigona) Postica Latreille, with Special Reference to the Male Production Cycles (Hym., Apidae, Meliponinae), Luci Rolandi Bego; Bolm. Zool. Univ. S. Paulo
Differences in Quantity of Food in Worker and Male Brood Cells of Scaptotrigona Postica (Lart. 1807) (Hymenoptera, Apidae), D. Beig, O. Correa Bueno, R. Alves da Cunha, and H. Jorge de Morales; Insectes Sociaux
Agapostemon Angelicus Cockerell and Other Wild Bees as Potential Pollinators of Male-Sterile Cotton on the Texas High Plains, Lori A. Berger
Multicomponent Mandibular Gland Secretions in Three Species of Andrena Bees (Hym., Apoidea), Gunnar Bergström and Jan Tengö; Z. Naturforsch
Proteins in Venoms of Two Wasps, Polistes Comanchus Navajoe and Vespa Orientalis, Alan W. Bernheimer, Lois S. Avigad, Justin O. Schmidt, and Jacob S. Ishay; Comp. Biochem. Physiol.
Kiwifruit Production in California, James A. Beutel
The Pollination Ecology of Orchis Galilaea (Bornm. Et Schulze) Schltr. (Orchidaceae), R. J. Bino, A. Dafni, and D. J. Meeuse; New Phytol.
The Pollination Ecology of Orchis Galilaea (Bornm. Et Schulze) Schltr. (Orchidaceae), R. J. Bino, A. D. J. Meeuse, and A. Dafni; New Phytol.
Exocrine Secretions of Bees IX. Aliphatic Esters in the Dufour's Gland of Synhalonia hamata, F. Birmingham, E. W. Riddick, W. E. LaBerge, J. W. Wheeler, and R. M. Duffield; Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences
Notes on the Biology of Odynerus Dilectus [Hym.: Eumenidae], A Predator of the Alfalfa Weevil, Hypera Postica [Col.: Curculionidae], George E. Bohart, F. D. Parker, and V. J. Tepedino; Entomophaga
New Species of Stictiella (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae), Richard M. Bohart; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
The Ecology of Mutualism, Douglas H. Boucher, Sam James, and Kathleen H. Keeler; Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst.
Andrena haynesi Viereck and Cockerell in Illinois: A Sunflower Bee New to the Eastern United States (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), John K. Bouseman; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
Coelioxys bisoncornua Hill Illinois: a Sunflower-associated Cleptoparasitic Bee New to the Eastern United States (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), John K. Bouseman; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
Note on the Rediscovery of Xeromelecta interrupta (Cresson) in Illinois (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), John K. Bouseman; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
Recent Collections of Nomia triangulifera Vachal on Sunflowers in Illinois (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), John K. Bouseman; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
Triepeolus Mesillae (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) in Illinois: A Cleptoparasitic Bee New to the Eastern United States, John K. Bouseman; The Great Lakes Entomologist
Pollination Biology, Distribution, and Chemotaxonomy of the Echinocereus enneacanthus Complex (Cactaceae), F. G. Breckenridge III and John M. Miller; Systematic Botany
A Bonanza-Blank Pollinator Reward Schedule in Delphinium nelsonii (Ranunculaceae), Don Brink; Oecologia (Berl.)
Two New Species of Mutillidae Associated with Halictus hesperus (Halictidae) in Panama (Hymenoptera), Denis J. Brothers; Sociobiology
The Energetics of Wax Production in Apis mellifera and its Importance for the Evolution of Eusociality in Apis, Stephen L. Buchmann, Justin O. Schmidt, and Robert L. Schmalzel; The Biology of Social Insects. Proceedings of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects, Boulder, Colorado, August 1982.
Differentiation of Queens and Nestmate Interactions in Newly Established Colonies of Lasioglossum zephyrum (Hymenoptera: Halictidae), Gregory R. Buckle; Sociobiology
Queen-Worker Behavior and Nestmate Interactions in Young Colonies of Lasioglossum zephyrum, Gregory R. Buckle; Insectes Sociaux, Paris
Pollination and Fruit Set of Star Ruby Grapefruit, David W. Burger; Journal Rio Grande Valley Horticultural Society
La Parthenogenese Thelytoque et Arrhenotoque Chez la Fourmi Cat Aglyphis Cursor Fonscolombe (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) Etude Des Ceufs Pondus Par Les Peines et les Ouvrieres: Morphologie, Devenir, Influence Sur le Determinisme de la Caste Reine, H. Cagniant; Insectes Sociaux
On the Bionomics of Xylocopa Frontalis (Oliver) and Xylocopa Grisescens (Lepeletier) in Southern Brazil. I - Nest Construction and Biological Cycle, Evandro Camillo and Carlos Alberto Garofalo; Revista Brasileira de Biologia
Hymenoptera Associated With Sunflower in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas With Notes On Relative Abundance, Visitation Times and Foraging, Leland D. Chandler and M. D. Heilman; The Southwestern Entomologist
Temperature Regulation of Carpenter Bees (Xylocopa Californica) Foraging in the Colorado Desert of Southern California, Mark A. Chappell; Physiol. Zool.
Why Do Bumble Bees Work Crownvetch Flowers Faster Than Honey Bees?, Jae Chun Choe; Melsheimer Entomol. Ser.
Les Zones D'Identification des Insectes Pollinisatrices Dans la République Socialiste de Roumanie (le Genre Eucera scopolii— Apidae, Hymenoptera), G. Ciurdărescu; Bulletin de L'Academie des Sciences Agricoles et Forestieres
Eficacitatea Unor Fungicide în Combaterea Bolilor Inului, G. Ciurdărescu and N. Csep; Analele Institutului de Cercetări Pentru Cereale și Plante Tehnice Fundulea
Combaterea Fusariozei Inului Prin Tratamentul Seminței, G. Ciurdărescu, N. Csep, and Grazziella Ioan; Analele Institutului de Cercetări Pentru Cereale și Plante Tehnice Fundulea
Behavior Genetics of Honey Bee Alarm Communication, Anita M. Collins; The Biology of Insects
Colony Defense by Africanized and European Honey Bees, Anita M. Collins; Science
Bioassay of Compounds Derived from the Honeybee Sting, Anita M. Collins and Murray S. Blum; Journal of Chemical Ecology
Are Electrostatic Forces Involved in Pollen Transfer?, Sarah A. Corbet, James Beament, and D. Eisikowitch; Plant, Cell and Environment
Pollen carried for long periods by butterflies, S. P. Courtney, C. J. Hill, and A. Westerman; Oikos
Wasps of the Genus Trypoxylon Subgenus Trypargilum in North America (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), Rollin E. Coville; Entomology
Evolution of Eusociality by Kin Selection: the Effect of Inbreeding Between Siblings, Robin Craig; J. theor. Biol.
Pollination Ecology of Sternbergia Clusiana (Ker-Gawler) Spreng. (Amaryllidaceae), Amots Dafni and Ella Werker; New Phytol.
Hylaeus pubescens and Associated Arthropods at Kilauea, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (Hymenoptera: Apoidea and Chalcidoidea: Mesostigmata: Ameroseiidae), Howell V. Daly and Rollin E. Coville; Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society
Computer-Assisted Measurement and Identification of Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Howell V. Daly, Kim Hoelmer, Penelope Norman, and Tracy Allen; Annals of the Entomological Society of America
Flowering and Nectar Secretion as they Relate to Honeybee Foraging Activity in Birdsfoot Trefoil (Lotus Corniculatus), Gloria DeGrandi-Hoffman and Clarence H. Collison; Journal of Apicultural Research
Sclerogibba Transitoria, n. sp., Male de Somalie (Hymenoptera Bethyloidea Sclerogibbidae), Paul Dessart; Bull. Ann. Soc. R. Belge Ent.
Bees (Hymenoptera. Apoidea) Pollinators of Alfalfa in the Region of Pleven. IV. Rate of Pollination, B. Dochkova, N. Atanassov, and E. Vassileva; Rasteniev'd Nauki
Introduction and Propagation of the Leafcutting Bee Megachile Rotundata (F.) in New Zealand, B. J. Donovan, P. E. C. Read, S. S. Wier, and R. P. Griffin; Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Alfalfa Leafcutting Bee Management
Biology of the Orchid Bees (Euglossini), Robert L. Dressler; Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst.
New Species of Euglossa. II. (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Robert L. Dressler; Revista de Biologia Tropical
New Species of Euglossa. III. The Bursigera Species Group (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Robert L. Dressler; Revista de Biologia Tropical
New Species of Euglossa. IV. The Cordata and Purpurea Species Groups (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Robert L. Dressler; Revista de Biologia Tropical
Exocrine Secretions of Bees–IV. Macrocyclic Lactones and Isopentenyl Esters in Dufour's Gland Secretions of Nomia Bees (Hymenoptera: Halictidae), R. M. Duffield, W. E. LaBerge, J. H. Cane, and J. W. Wheeler; Journal of Chemical Ecology
Auf den Spuren der Wildbienen, Andreas Werner Ebmer; Nachrichien Panorama
Zur Bienenfauna der Mongolei die Arten der Gattungen Halictus Latr. und Lasioglossum Curt. (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) Ergebnisse der Monglolisch Deutschen Biologischen Expeditionen seit 1962, Nr. 108, Andreas Werner Ebmer; Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin
"A New View of Life-history Evolution"? — A Response, William J. Etges; Oikos
Nesting and Territorial Behavior of Philanthus barbatus Smith (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), Howard E. Evans; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
The Anxius Group of the Genus Rhabdepyris Kieffer (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae: Epyrinae), Howard E. Evans; Journal of the Australian Entomological Society
The "Collaris" Complex of Australian Mimetic Pompilidae (Hymenoptera), Howard E. Evans; Pacific Insects
The Genus Cerceris in Eastern Australia (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), Howard E. Evans; Transactions of the American Entomological Society
Two New Species of Australian Bembix Sand Wasps, with Notes on Other Species of the Genus (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae), Howard E. Evans; Aust. ent. Mag.
Observations on the Nests and Prey of Australian Bembix Sand Wasps (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), Howard E. Evans, Mary Alice Evans, and Allan W. Hook; Australian Journal of Zoology
Communal Nesting in Australian Cerceris Digger Wasps, Howard E. Evans and Allan W. Hook; Proceedings of the Ninth Cogress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects
Communal Nesting in the Digger Wasp Cerceris australis (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), Howard E. Evans and Allan W. Hook; Australian Journal of Zoology
The Genus Euryglossella Cockerell (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), Elizabeth M. Exley; International Journal of Entomology
Experience Gained When Using Honeybees for Pollen Dispersion in Hybrid Sunflower Seed Production, F. Farkas and J. Frank; Acta Agronomica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Observations on the Natural History and Population Ecology of the Social Wasp Ropalidia marginata (Lep.) from Peninsular India (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), Raghavendra Gadagkar, Madhav Gadgil, N. V. Joshi, and A. S. Mahabal; Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences (Animal Sciences)
A Comparative Study of Social Structure in Colonies of Ropalidia, Raghavendra Gadagkar and N. V. Joshi; The Biology of Social Insects. Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects, Boulder, Colorado, August 1982
Behaviour of the Indian Social Wasp Ropalidia cyathiformis on a Nest of Separate Combs (Hymenolptera: Vespidae), Raghavendra Gadagkar and N. V. Joshi; J. Zool., Lond.
Comportamiento de Desecho de Presas en Rubrica Nasuta (Christ) y Revision de Esta Actividad en Sphecidae (Insecta, Hymenoptera), Jorge Fernando Genise; Physis (Buenos Aires), Sección C
Estudios Sobre el Comportamiento de Bembicini Neotropicales I. Bicyrtes Simillima (Smith) y Bicyrtes Discisa (Tasch.) (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae), con una Revision de los Tipos de Aprovisionamiento en Bembicini, Jorge Fernando Genise; Physis (Buenos Aires), Sección C
Estudios Sobre el Comportamiento de Bembicini Neotropicales III. Stictia Flexuosa (Taschenberg), y Algunas Reflexiones Sobre la Diferenciacion de Nichos Ecologicos en Bembicini (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae), Jorge Fernando Genise; Physis (Buenos Aires), Sección C