Scanning Electron Microscopy
Scanning Electron Microscopy is an international journal of Scanning Electron Microscopy, Related Techniques, and Applications. Each volume includes the proceedings of that year's Pfefferkorn Conference.
Current Issue: Volume 1986, Number 4 (1986) Part IV
High Sensitivity Ion Microscopy: A Tool for Material Science Research
N. A. Thorne, A. Dubus, and F. Degrève
A New Surface Analytical Technique with Ion and Laser Beams
Christopher H. Becker
Matrix Effects in Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Biological Tissue
Margaret S. Burns, David M. File, Vaughn Deline, and Pierre Galle
Surveying Battery Cell Sections to Determine the Composition and Spatial Distribution of Discharge Products using an Automated Microprobe
B. M. England, M. T. Frost, I. R. Harrowfield, C. M. MacRae, D. A. J. Swinkels, K. E. Turner, and C. B. Ward
Cathodoluminescence Study of Defects in III-V Substrates and Structures
M. Cocito, P. Franzosi, G. Salviati, and F. Taiariol
Influence of Ion Implantation and Gas Exposure on the Charge in Silicon Oxide Created by Electronic Excitation
J. P. Vigouroux, F. Jollet, J. P. Duraud, and C. Le Gressus
Glow Discharge Effects on Polytetrafluoroethylene Polymers Investigated by Secondary Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
A. Le Moël, J. P. Duraud, C. Le Gressus, and H. Okuzumi
Characterization of Clay Fabric using Critical Point Drying to Preserve Clay Texture and Morphology
B. E. Wawak and W. L. Campbell
Solder Characterization on Ancient Gold Artifacts with the Electron Microprobe
A. R. Duval and C. Eluere
Preparation Methods for Light Microscopic and Ultrastructural Studies of Fetal Rat Bladder
M. Cano, S. L. Johansson, R. B. Wilson, L. B. Ellwein, T. Sakata, and S. M. Cohen
Scanning Electron Microscopy of Thebesian Ostia (Microdissection by Ultrasonication: Enzymatic Digestion)
F. A. Rosinia and F. N. Low
Chromatid Behavior in Late Mitosis: A Scanning Electron Microscopy Analysis of Mammalian Cell Lines with Various Chromosome Numbers
D. A. Welter, D. A. Black, and L. D. Hodge
Hormonal Regulation of Capillary Fenestrae in the Rat Adrenal Cortex: Quantitative Studies using Objective Lens Staging Scanning Electron Microscopy
R. P. Apkarian and J. C. Curtis
Basal Lamina at the Epithelial-Connective Tissue Junction in the Rat Forestomach, Esophagus, Tongue and Palate: Scanning Electron Microscopic Study
Merideth T. Hull and K. A. Warfel
Some Thoughts about the Conservation of Scanning Electron Microscopic Preparations of Diatoms in a Museum Repository
J. J. Lee, C. W. Reimer, and R. Mahoney
Cryoultramicrotomy and Immunocytochemistry in the Analysis of Muscle Fine Structure
L. -E. Thornell, G. S. Butler-Browne, E. Carlsson, H. M. Eppenberger, D. O. Fürst, B. K. Grove, B. Holmbom, and J. V. Small
Visualization of Cytoskeletal Elements and Associated Retroviral Antigens by Immunogold Transmission Electron Microscopy of Detergent Extracted Cells
E. J. Basgall, M. M. Soong, and W. A. F. Tompkins
The Motile Behavior of Virus-Transformed 3T3 Cells
Guenter Albrecht-Buehler
Surface Ultrastructure of Human Megakaryocytes Sorted on the Basis of DNA Content
M. A. Weller, J. Szela, M. I. Barnhart, and A. Nakeff
The Microvascular Architecture of the Vestibule and the Endolymphatic Duct and Sac of the Rat in Vascular Corrosion Casts
Takuya Ohmichi, Ryuske Saito, Kiyoshi Matsubara, Kazutaka Terazawa, Shuji Tasaka, and Yoshio Ogura
Permanent Noise-Induced Damage to Stereocilia: A Scanning Electron Microscopic Study of the Lizard's Cochlea
Michael J. Mulroy
Dissection Technique for Cochleas Prepared for Scanning Electron Microscopy
Sven Rydmarker, D. E. Dunn, P. Nilsson, and C. Lindqvist
Anatomy and Morphometry of Myocardial Capillaries Studied with Vascular Corrosion Casting and Scanning Electron Microscopy: A Method for Rat Heart
F. E. Hossler, J. E. Douglas, and L. E. Douglas
The Gill Arch of the Striped Bass, Morone Saxatilis. II. Microvasculature Studied with Vascular Corrosion Casting and Scanning Electron Microscopy
Judy A. C. King and F. E. Hossler
The Role of Marrow Architecture and Stromal Cells in the Recovery Process of Aplastic Marrow of Lethally Irradiated Rats Parabiosed with Healthy Litter Mates
Keiki Hayashi, Koichi Kagawa, Michiyasu Awai, and Shozo Irino
The Capillary Bed in the Choroid Plexus of the Lateral Ventricles: A Study of Luminal Casts
Enrico D. F. Motti, Hans-Georg Imhof, Robert C. Janzer, Klaus Marquardt, and Gazi M. Yasargil
Unique Scanning Electron Microscopic Features of Hairy Cells in Hairy-Cell Leukemia. A Review and Current Status
Haim Gamliel and Harvey M. Golomb
Phorbol Ester (TPA)-Induced Surface Membrane Alterations in B-Type Hairy Cell and Lymphocytic Leukemia Cells
Aaron Polliack, Dorit Gurfel, Rachel Leizerowitz, Helena Feinstein, and Yair Gazitt
Scanning Electron Microscopy in Bone Pathology: Review of Methods, Potential and Applications
A. Boyde, E. Maconnachie, S. A. Reid, G. Delling, and G. R. Mundy
The Interface of Cells and Their Matrices in Mineralized Tissues: A Review
S. J. Jones, A. Boyde, and N. N. Ali
Variation in the Sizes of Resorption Lacunae made in Vitro
S. J. Jones, A. Boyde, N. N. Ali, and E. Maconnachie
Scanning Electron Microscopy of Eggshells of Contemporary Reptiles
Mary J. Packard and Karl F. Hirsch
The Enamel Ultrastructure of Multituberculate Mammals: A Review
D. W. Krause and S. J. Carlson
The Biomineralization in Social Wasps (Vespinae): The Presence of Statoliths
J. S. Ishay, T. Shimony, and L. Arcan
Development of the Otolith in Embryonic Fishes with Special Reference to the Toadfish, Opsanus Tau
Bernd H. A. Sokolowski
Review of Statoconia Formation in Birds and Original Research in Chicks (Gallus domesticus)
Cesar D. Fermin and Makoto Igarashi
Studies of Otoconial Development in a “Giant-Crystal” Strain of Chicks using Scanning Electron Microscopy, Polarized Light Microscopy, and X-Ray Crystallography
Joanne Ballarino and Howard C. Howland
Genes, Manganese, and Zinc in Formation of Otoconia: Labeling, Recovery, and Maternal Effects
L. C. Erway, N. A. Purichia, E. R. Netzler, M. A. D'Amore, D. Esses, and M. Levine
Otoconia as Test Masses in Biological Accelerometers: What Can We Learn About Their Formation from Evolutionary Studies and from Work in Microgravity?
Muriel D. Ross and Kathleen M. Donovan
Analysis of Canine Urinary Stones using Infrared Spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy
A. Hesse, G. Sanders, and D. B. Leusmann
Experimental Investigation of the Genesis of Struvite Stones in Cats
G. Sanders, A. Hesse, and D. B. Leusmann