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Facilitating Mathematics and Computer Science Connections: A Cross-Curricular Approach, Kimberly E. Beck, Jessica F. Shumway, Umar Shehzad, Jody Clarke-Midura, and Mimi Recker; International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology


Expansive Framing of Mathematics and Computer Science: Supporting Educators in Cross-Curricular Teaching, Kimberly Evagelatos Beck, Jessica F. Shumway, Patrick Ocran, Jody Clarke-Midura, and Mimi Recker


Negotiating Inherent Asymmetries of Co-Design: A Case of Integrative Elementary Mathematics and Computer Science Instruction, Victor R. Lee, Stephanie Robillard, Mimi Recker, Jody Clarke-Midura, and Jessica Shumway; The Journal of Applied Instructional Design


Examining the Role of Parental Support on Youth's Interest in and Self-Efficacy of Computer Programming, Umar Shehzad, Jody Clarke-Midura, and Mimi Recker; ACM Transactions on Computing Education


Exploring Practical Measures as an Approach for Measuring Elementary Students’ Attitudes Towards Computer Science, Umar Shehzad, Mimi M. Recker, and Jody E. Clarke-Midura; 2024 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association



Geometry and Coding: Introducing an Interactive and Integrated Mathematics-Computer Science Unit, Kimberly Beck and Jessica F. Shumway; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 5


Toward a Debugging Pedagogy: Helping Students Learn to Get Unstuck With Physical Computing Systems, Colin Hennessy Elliott, Alexandra Gendreau Chakarov, Jeffrey B. Bush, Jessie Nixon, and Mimi Recker; Information and Learning Sciences


When is an Owl More Than an Owl? An Interaction Analysis of a Computer Science Co-design Conversation on Cultural Relevance, Stephanie M. Robillard, Victor R. Lee, Jody Clarke-Midura, and Jessica F. Shumway; International Society of the Learning Sciences


Modeling Elementary Students' Computer Science Outcomes With In-School and Out-of-School Factors, Umar Shehzad


Co-Designing Elementary-Level Computer Science and Mathematics Lessons: An Expansive Framing Approach, Umar Shehzad, Jody Clarke-Midura, Kimberly Beck, Jessica Shumway, and Mimi Recker; International Society of the Learning Sciences


Rethinking Integrated Computer Science Instruction: A Cross-Context and Expansive Approach in Elementary Classrooms, Umar Shehzad, Jody E. Clarke-Midura, Kimberly Beck, Jessica F. Shumway, and Mimi M. Recker; 2023 American Educational Research Association’s Annual Meeting (AERA 2023)


A Literature Review Examining Broadening Participation in Upper Elementary CS Education, Umar Shehzad, Mimi Recker, and Jody Clarke-Midura; Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education


An Exploration of Computational Text Analysis of Co-Design Discourse in a Research-Practice Partnership, Mei Tan and Victor R. Lee; 2023 American Educational Research Association’s Annual Meeting (AERA 2023)


Math and Coding Connections in Elementary, L. E. Welch Bond, K. Beck, M. Basham, J. Kozlowski, and J. F. Shumway; Utah Council of Teachers of Mathematics (UCTM)



Applying Expansive Framing to an Integrated Mathematics-Computer Science Unit, Kimberly Evagelatos Beck and Jessica F. Shumway; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference


Mathematics from Scratch: Learning with Coding, Kimberly Beck, Jessica F. Shumway, and Jody Clarke-Midura; Utah Council of Teachers of Mathematics (UCTM) Conference


"Design for Co-Design" in a Computer Science Curriculum Research-Practice Partnership, Victor R. Lee, Jody Clarke-Midura, Jessica F. Shumway, and Mimi Recker; International Society of the Learning Sciences