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See, Anchor, and Frame Math With Coding, Beverly Sanders, Brittany Wall, Debi Alexander, and Jessica Shumway; Utah Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference 2025
Facilitating Mathematics and Computer Science Connections: A Cross-Curricular Approach, Kimberly E. Beck, Jessica F. Shumway, Umar Shehzad, Jody Clarke-Midura, and Mimi Recker; International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology
Expansive Framing of Mathematics and Computer Science: Supporting Educators in Cross-Curricular Teaching, Kimberly Evagelatos Beck, Jessica F. Shumway, Patrick Ocran, Jody Clarke-Midura, and Mimi Recker
Characterizing Teacher Support of Debugging With Physical Computing: Debugging Pedagogies in Practice, Colin Hennessy Elliott, Jessie Nixon, Alexandra Gendrau Chakarov, Jeffrey B. Bush, Michael J. Schneider, and Mimi Recker; ACM Transactions on Computing Education
Negotiating Inherent Asymmetries of Co-Design: A Case of Integrative Elementary Mathematics and Computer Science Instruction, Victor R. Lee, Stephanie Robillard, Mimi Recker, Jody Clarke-Midura, and Jessica Shumway; The Journal of Applied Instructional Design
Using Student Experience Reports as a Window for Teacher Reflections on Inquiry Science Instructional Practices, Jessie Nixon and Mimi Recker; Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the Learning Sciences
Examining the Role of Parental Support on Youth's Interest in and Self-Efficacy of Computer Programming, Umar Shehzad, Jody Clarke-Midura, and Mimi Recker; ACM Transactions on Computing Education
Exploring Practical Measures as an Approach for Measuring Elementary Students’ Attitudes Towards Computer Science, Umar Shehzad, Mimi M. Recker, and Jody E. Clarke-Midura; 2024 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association
Geometry and Coding: Introducing an Interactive and Integrated Mathematics-Computer Science Unit, Kimberly Beck and Jessica F. Shumway; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 5
Toward a Debugging Pedagogy: Helping Students Learn to Get Unstuck With Physical Computing Systems, Colin Hennessy Elliott, Alexandra Gendreau Chakarov, Jeffrey B. Bush, Jessie Nixon, and Mimi Recker; Information and Learning Sciences
Examining Teachers' Beliefs About 3D Learning: The Importance of Analyzing Multiple Data Sources, Jessie Nixon, Colin Hennessy Elliott, Jefferey B. Bush, and Mimi Recker; 2023 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting
When is an Owl More Than an Owl? An Interaction Analysis of a Computer Science Co-design Conversation on Cultural Relevance, Stephanie M. Robillard, Victor R. Lee, Jody Clarke-Midura, and Jessica F. Shumway; International Society of the Learning Sciences
Modeling Elementary Students' Computer Science Outcomes With In-School and Out-of-School Factors, Umar Shehzad
Co-Designing Elementary-Level Computer Science and Mathematics Lessons: An Expansive Framing Approach, Umar Shehzad, Jody Clarke-Midura, Kimberly Beck, Jessica Shumway, and Mimi Recker; International Society of the Learning Sciences
Rethinking Integrated Computer Science Instruction: A Cross-Context and Expansive Approach in Elementary Classrooms, Umar Shehzad, Jody E. Clarke-Midura, Kimberly Beck, Jessica F. Shumway, and Mimi M. Recker; 2023 American Educational Research Association’s Annual Meeting (AERA 2023)
A Literature Review Examining Broadening Participation in Upper Elementary CS Education, Umar Shehzad, Mimi Recker, and Jody Clarke-Midura; Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education
An Exploration of Computational Text Analysis of Co-Design Discourse in a Research-Practice Partnership, Mei Tan and Victor R. Lee; 2023 American Educational Research Association’s Annual Meeting (AERA 2023)
Math and Coding Connections in Elementary, L. E. Welch Bond, K. Beck, M. Basham, J. Kozlowski, and J. F. Shumway; Utah Council of Teachers of Mathematics (UCTM)
Applying Expansive Framing to an Integrated Mathematics-Computer Science Unit, Kimberly Evagelatos Beck and Jessica F. Shumway; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference
Mathematics from Scratch: Learning with Coding, Kimberly Beck, Jessica F. Shumway, and Jody Clarke-Midura; Utah Council of Teachers of Mathematics (UCTM) Conference
Co-Designing a Rural Research Practice Partnership to Design and Support STEM Pathways for Rural Youth, Srinjita Bhaduri, Quentin Biddy, Colin Hennessy Elliott, Jennifer Jacobs, Melissa Rummel, John Ristvey, Tamara Sumner, and Mimi Recker; Theory & Practice in Rural Education
"Design for Co-Design" in a Computer Science Curriculum Research-Practice Partnership, Victor R. Lee, Jody Clarke-Midura, Jessica F. Shumway, and Mimi Recker; International Society of the Learning Sciences
A Student’s Access to Practice-Linked Resources in an Elementary Unplugged-to-Plugged Computer Science Unit, Umar Shehzad, Jody Clarke-Midura, Victor R. Lee, and Mimi Recker; Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2022