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Closing remarks: nineteenth Vertebrate Pest Conference, Robert H. Schmidt; Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference
What can people understand?, Robert H. Schmidt; Wildlife Control Technology
Wildlife damage management in popular culture, Robert H. Schmidt; Wildlife Control Technology
Global Change, History, and Sustainability, Joseph A. Tainter; The Way the Wind Blows: Climate, History, and Human Action
Problem Solving: Complexity, History, Sustainability, Joseph A. Tainter; Population and Environment
Climate, History, and Human Action, Joseph A. Tainter, R. J. McIntosh, and S. K. McIntosh; Earth Affairs
Dynamics in Utah stakeholdersʼrepresentation, interest in wildlife, and evaluation of wildlife-related experiences, 1986-1998, T. L. Teel, Richard Krannich, and Robert H. Schmidt; Human Dimensions of Wildlife
Recreational kayak visitor use, distribution, and economic value in Prince William Sound, Alaska USA, P. Twardock and Christopher Monz; Wilderness science in a time of change conference
Supply-Side Sustainability, T. F. H. Allen, Joseph A. Tainter, and T. W. Hoekstra; System Research and Behavioral Science
Trapping furbearers: an overview of the biological and social issues surrounding a public policy controversy, W. F. Andelt, R. L. Phillips, Robert H. Schmidt, and R. Bruce Gill; The Wildlife Society Bulletin
Health of Idaho’s Forests: A Summary of Conditions, Issues and Implications, D. Atkins, J. Byler, L. Livingston, Paul C. Rogers, and B. Bennett
The Effect of Wetland Mitigation Banking on the Achievement of No-Net-Loss, Phillip H. Brown and Christopher L. Lant; Environmetnal Management
A Sociopolitical Model of Factors Enhancing Rangeland Collaboration, Mark W. Brunson; People and Rangelands: Proceedings of the 6th International Rangeland Congress
Attitudes, and Beliefs about the Great Salt Lake Among Davis County Residents, Mark W. Brunson and B. Nicholson
Converting Tree Diameter at Root Collar (DRC) to Diameter at Breast Height (DBH), D. Chojnacky and Paul C. Rogers; Western Journal of Applied Forestry
Biennial Research and Outreach Workshop in Addis Ababa, D. Layne Coppock; Pages 5, 11-12 in the Fall Issue of Ruminations - article of the Global Livestock Collaborative Research Program
Improving Pastoral Risk Management on East African Rangelands, D. Layne Coppock; Pages 71-97 in 1998 Annual report for the Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program (GL-CRSP)
Improving Pastoral Risk Management on East African Rangelands- First Biennial Research and Outreach Workshop (SR/GL-CRSP), D. Layne Coppock; Improving pastoral risk management on East African rangelands - first biennial research and outreach workshop (SR/GL-CRSP). Held 27-29 July at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Intensification in a Risky Environment: The Case of Improving Private Grazing Land for Livestock Production in Utah, D. Layne Coppock; Intensification in a risky environment: The case of improving private grazing land for livestock production in Utah
Use of Livestock and Range Management Practices in Utah, D. Layne Coppock and A. H. Birkenfeld; Journal of Range Management
Is Supplementation Justified to Compensate Pastoral Calves for Milk Restriction?, D. Layne Coppock and S. Sovani; Journal of Range Management
Opportunities for Asset Diversification in a Livestock System: The Case of Pastoral Boran of Southern Ethiopia, Solomon Desta, D. Layne Coppock, and C. B. Barrett; Proceedings of the VIth International Rangeland Congress, volume 1
Estimating the Spatial Probability of Future Land Development in California's Mojave Desert, M. Gonzales, R. J. Lilieholm, T. C. Edwards, Richard E. Toth, L. Hunter, and M. Stevenson; Estimating the Spatial Probability of Future Land Development in California's Mojave Desert
A Review of Change in Rangeland Vegetation and Livestock Populations for Northern Kenya and Southern Ethiopia, M. J. Jacobs and D. Layne Coppock; GL-CRSP Pastoral Risk Management Project Technical report No. 05/99. Utah State University, Logan
Cultural Heritage Management, N. Johnson, A. P. Sullivan III, Joseph A. Tainter, and D. L. Hardesty; Ecological Stewardship: A Common Reference for Ecosystem Management
AWRA Monograph Series No.20, Christopher L. Lant; Human Dimensions of Watershed Management
Introduction Human Dimensions of Watershed Management, Christopher L. Lant; Journal of the American Water resources Association
Drowning is not euthanasia, J. W. Ludders, Robert H. Schmidt, F. J. Dean, and P. N. Klein; The Wildlife Society Bulletin
U.S. Public Attitudes Regarding Predators and Their Management to Enhance Avian Recruitment, T. A. Messmer, Mark W. Brunson, Douglas Reiter, and D. G. Hewitt; Wildlife Society Bulletin
NOLS Research Program 1999 Progress Report, Christopher Monz
FHM Lichen Community Results from Wyoming, 1997: A Preliminary Summary, P. Neitlich, L. Hasselback, S. Szewczak, and Paul C. Rogers
Public Attitudes Toward Wildlife Damage Management and Policy, Douglas Reiter, Mark W. Brunson, and Robert H. Schmidt; Wildlife Society Bulletin
Public attitudes toward wildlife damagemanagement and policy, Douglas Reiter, Mark W. Brunson, and Robert H. Schmidt; The Wildlife Society Bulletin
Comment, D. Rochleau and Claudia Radel; Current Anthropology
A new dawn for NWCOs, Robert H. Schmidt; Wildlife Control Technology
Chemical immobilization: opportunities, limitations, challenges, Robert H. Schmidt; Wildlife Control Technology
How should we manage pain?, Robert H. Schmidt; Wildlife Control Technology
Maintain the connection!, Robert H. Schmidt; The Probe
Managing personal and professional headaches, Robert H. Schmidt; Wildlife Control Technology
Paper must be accountable, Robert H. Schmidt; The Honolulu Advertiser
The compassionate professional, Robert H. Schmidt; Wildlife Control Technology
Troubling horizon for NADCA?, Robert H. Schmidt; The Probe
Wildlife damage management in Hawai'i, Robert H. Schmidt; Wildlife Control Technology
Changing Natural Resource Paradigms in the United States: Finding Political Reality in Academic Theory, B. Shindler and Mark W. Brunson; Handbook of Global Environmental Policy and Administration.
Historical Science, Heritage Resources, and Ecosystem Management, Joseph A. Tainter; Ecological Stewardship: A Common Reference for Ecosystem Management
Moon Myung ay Bung Geh, Joseph A. Tainter; Daewon Publishing Company, Seoul
Post-Collapse Societies, Joseph A. Tainter; Companion Encyclopedia of Archaeology
Rio Grande Basin and the Modern World: Understanding Scale and Context, Joseph A. Tainter; Rio Grande Ecosystems: Linkin Land, Water, and People
Risk Management Among the Guji of Southern Ethiopia- Lack of Preparedness Indicated High Vulnerability for Next Drought, Yirgu Tihut and D. Layne Coppock; Pages 1, 9-10 in the Fall Issue of Ruminations - article of the Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program
Social Dimensions of Boundaries: Balancing Cooperation and Self-Interest, Mark W. Brunson; Stewardship Across Boundaries
Equilibrium, Non-Equilibrium, or Both? A Proposed Classification of Pastoral Ecosystems Based on Vegetation and Livestock Dynamics, L. Buttolph and D. Layne Coppock; Equilibrium, non-equilibrium, or both? A proposed classification of pastoral ecosystems based on vegetation and livestock dynamics
Utilizing human dimensions information in federal wildlife damage management programs, W. H. Clay and Robert H. Schmidt; Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference
Constraints for Improved Land and Animal Management Among Beef Cattle Producers in Utah., D. Layne Coppock; Ruminant Livestock efficiency Program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C
Constraints for Improved Land and Animal Management Among Beef Cattle Producers in Utah., D. Layne Coppock; Constraints for improved land and animal management among beef cattle producers in Utah
Desta Completes Borana Pastoral Studies in Ethiopia, D. Layne Coppock; Spring Issue of Ruminations - article of the Small Ruminant/Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program
First Outreach Workshop on Improving Pastoral Risk Management on East African Rangelands Held in Addis Ababa, D. Layne Coppock; Page 8 in the Fall Issue of Ruminations - article of the Small Ruminant/Global Livestock Research Support Program (SR/GL-CRSP)
Improving Pastoral Risk Management on East African Rangelands, D. Layne Coppock; Improving pastoral risk management on East African Rangelands
Improving Pastoral Risk Management on East African Rangelands- First Outreach Workshop for Ethiopia (SR/GL-CRSP), D. Layne Coppock; Improving pastoral risk management on East African rangelands - First outreach workshop for Ethiopia (SR/GL-CRSP)
Improving Pastoral Risk Management on East African Rangelands- First Outreach Workshop for Kenya (SR/GL-CRSP), D. Layne Coppock; Improving pastoral risk management on East African rangelands - first outreach workshop for Kenya (SR/GL-CRSP
Improving Pastoral Risk Management on East African Rangelands- First Project Planning Workshop (SR/GL-CRSP), D. Layne Coppock; Improving pastoral risk management on East African rangelands - first project planning workshop (SR/GL-CRSP)
Improving Pastoral Risk Management on East African Rangelands- Year 1 Progress report for the SR/GL-CRSP, D. Layne Coppock; Improving pastoral risk management on East African rangelands - year 1 Progress report for the SR/GL-CRSP
Review of Utah State University's Involvement in the Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program- Headed "East Africa", D. Layne Coppock; page 26 in the Fall Issue of Utah Science
USU PhD Student Wrap-Up Research in Cosapa, Bolivia, D. Layne Coppock; Fall Issue of Ruminations - article of the Small Ruminant/Global Livestock Research Support Program (SR/GL-CRSP)
Viability of Forming Community Credit Unions Among Pastoralists in Southern Ethiopian Assessed., D. Layne Coppock; Summer Issue of Ruminations - article of the Small Ruminant/Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program
Living on the edge: a process forredesigning campgrounds in grizzly bear habitat, M. S. Creachbaum, C. Johnson, and Robert H. Schmidt; Landscape and Urban Planning
Fertility control in coyotes: is it a potential management tool?, T. J. DeLiberto, E. M. Gese, F. F. Knowlton, J. R. Mason, M. R. Conover, L. Miller, Robert H. Schmidt, and M. K. Holland; Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference
Banking Livestock Capital: A Strategy for Pastoral Asset Diversification in Southern Ethiopia, Solomon Desta and D. Layne Coppock; Banking livestock capital: A strategy for pastoral asset diversification in southern Ethiopia
Flavor avoidance learning and itsimplications in reducing strychnine baiting hazards to non-target animals, A. El Hani, J. R. Mason, D. L. Nolte, and Robert H. Schmidt; Physiology and Behavior
A Framework for Understanding Social Science Contributions to Ecosystem Management, Joanna Endter-Wada, Dale Blahna, Richard Krannich, and Mark W. Brunson; Ecological Applications
The Interdisciplinary Natural Resource and Environmental Policy Program at Utah State University, Joanna Endter-Wada and Richard Krannich; Proceedings of the Second biennial Conference on University Education in Natural Resources. Published in Natural Resources and Environmental Issues (NREI)
Preserving natural laboratories, Nat B. Frazer; Issues in Science and Technology
Development of an internet center for wildlife damage management (html.www.ianr.unl/wildlife), S. E. Hygnstrom, Robert H. Schmidt, P. D. Curtis, and G. K. Yarrow; Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference
Hydrologic and Ecologic Impacts of Alternative Uses of Current CRP Lands in the Cache River Watershed-Final Report, S. E. Kraft and Christopher L. Lant
Landowners’ Educational Needs and How Foresters Can Respond to Them, Michael R. Kuhns, Mark W. Brunson, and S. D. Roberts; Journal of Forestry
Editor's Round Table: Copyright Issues in Journal Publications, Christopher L. Lant
Reporter: Plenary Session on Cross Current in Water Policy, Christopher L. Lant
The Changing Nature of Water Management and its Reflection in the Academic Literature, Christopher L. Lant; Water Resources Update
Wetland Mitigation Banking and No-Net-Loss, Christopher L. Lant and P. H. Brown
Lichen Communities for Forest Health Monitoring in Colorado, USA, B. McCune, Paul C. Rogers, A. Ruchty, and B. Ryun
Monitoring recreation resource impacts in two coastal areas of western North America: An initial assessment, Christopher Monz; World Wilderness Congress Proceedings on Research, Management, and Allocation, Vol. I, Proc. RMRS-‐‐P-‐‐4
Coping Strategies of Utah Permittees and Implications for Technology Transfer, R Peterson, D. Layne Coppock, and K. C. Olson; Coping strategies of Utah permittees and implications for technology transfer
Colorado Forest Health Report 1992-95: A Baseline Assessment, Paul C. Rogers, M. Schomaker, W. McLain, and S. Johnson
Technical Reporting Plan: Guidelines for Annual Regional Reports, Paul C. Rogers, K. Stolte, B. Burkman, J. Cummings-Carlson, R. Busing, and M. Schomaker
Defending footholds: reactive or proactive?, Robert H. Schmidt; Wildlife Control Technology
One view of WCT seminar, Robert H. Schmidt; The Probe
Required knowledge, Robert H. Schmidt; Wildlife Control Technology
Solving problems before they occur, Robert H. Schmidt; Wildlife Control Technology
So you think you manage wildlife!, Robert H. Schmidt; Wildlife Control Technology
Take your place at the table... or else, Robert H. Schmidt; Wildlife Control Technology
The devil is in the details, Robert H. Schmidt; Wildlife Control Technology
To relocate or not to relocate -- that is the question, Robert H. Schmidt; Proceedings of the 1998 Joint Fur Resources Workshop and Sixteenth Midwest Furbearer Workshop
Social Acceptability of Ecosystem Management in the Pacific Northwest, B. S. Steel, B. Shindler, and Mark W. Brunson; Ecosystems Management: A Social Science Perspective
Cahokia: the Cost and Meaning of Complexity, Joseph A. Tainter; "Forgotten Cities" at the Asia Society and New York University, New York
Comparative Responses to Climate Change: Comments on the Symposium "The Ancient Mande Landscape: Climate Change and Human Response.", Joseph A. Tainter; Fourth International Conference on Mande Studies, Serrekunda, The Gambia
Competition, Expansion, and Reaction: The Foundations of Contemporary Conflict, Joseph A. Tainter; The Coming Age of Scarcity: Preventing Mass Death and Genocide in the 21st Century
Introduction to the Plenary Session "Archaeology and Contemporary Environmental Change.", Joseph A. Tainter; 63rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Seattle
Surface Archaeology: Perceptions, Values, and Potential, Joseph A. Tainter; The Interpretive Potential of Surface Archaeological Phenomena
Interdependence of Market Type, Season, Cattle Prices, and Numbers Sold in Dasungu, Malawi, J. P. Workman, P. H.W. Phiri, and D. Layne Coppock; Interdependence of market type, season, cattle prices, and numbers sold in Kasungu, Malawi
Cattle Marketing in Malawi, J. P. Workman, P.H. W. Phiri, and D. Layne Coppock; Rangelands
Beyond Wilderness: Broadening the Applicability of Limits of Acceptable Change, Mark W. Brunson; Proceedings — Limits of Acceptable Change and related planning processes: progress and future directions.