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Effects of Prescribed Burning on Bison- Prairie Dog Interactions in a Mixed-Grass Prairie, D. Layne Coppock and J. Bock; Effects of prescribed burning on bison- prairie dog interactions in a mixed-grass prairie


Regional Landslide Susceptibility Assessment for Wildland Management: A Matrix Approach, J. V. DeGraff and H. Charles Romesburg; Thresholds in Geomorphology: Papers


CLUSTAR and CLUSTID: Computer Programs for Hierarchical Cluster Analysis, H. Charles Romesburg and Kim Marshall; The American Statistician


NGD-A FORTRAN IV Program for Fitting the Normal Generated Distribution, H. Charles Romesburg, Kim Marshall, and Jerome V. DeGraff; Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation


Behavior and Status in a Middle Woodland Mortuary Population from the Illinois Valley, Joseph A. Tainter; American Antiquity



Topothermal climatic zones on the surface of the Pacific Northwest in Oregon and Washington, Ted J. Alsop


Social Status Signaling in Winter Flocking Birds: An Examination of a Current Hypothesis, Martha Hatch Balph, David F. Balph, and H. Charles Romesburg; The Auk

Bison/Prairie Dog/Plant Interactions in Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota, D. Layne Coppock, J. K. Detling, J. L. Dodd, and M. I. Dyer; Bison/prairie dog/plant interactions in Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota


Integrated Review of Seven Books on Cluster Analysis, H. Charles Romesburg; Journal of Leisure Research

Review of S. Chatterjee and B. Price's "Regression Analysis by Example", H. Charles Romesburg; BioScience


Simulating Scientific Inquiry with the Card Game Eleusis, H. Charles Romesburg; Science Education


Use of Cluster Analysis in Leisure Research, H. Charles Romesburg; Journal of Leisure Research


Fitting the Geometric Distribution to Capture Frequency Data, H. Charles Romesburg and Kim Marshall; The Journal of Wildlife Management

A Cultural Evolution in the Jornada Mogollon Area, Joseph A. Tainter; Jornada Mogollon Archaeology: Proceedings of the First Jornada Conference

A Functional Analysis of the Croton Creek Lithic Scatter, Roger Mills County, Oklahoma, Joseph A. Tainter; Bulletin of the Oklahoma Anthropological Society


The Mountainair Lithis Scatters: Settlement Patterns and Significance Evaluation of Low Density Surface Sites, Joseph A. Tainter; Journal of Field Archaeology

All Things Flow, Richard E. Toth; All Things Flow



EXACTFIT: Computer Program for Exact Chi-square Goodness-of- Fit, H. Charles Romesburg; Decision Line

Integrated Review of Three Books on Cluster Analysis, H. Charles Romesburg; Decision Line

Review of J. H. Austin's "Chase, Chance and Creativity", H. Charles Romesburg; Decision Line


Review of P. H. A. Sneath and R. R. Sokal's "Numberical Taxonomy", H. Charles Romesburg; Decision Line

Archaeological Analysis of the Cedar Creek Site, Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico, Joseph A. Tainter; Miscellaneous Paper

Excavations at the Mayhill Administrative Site: Implications for Jornada Mogollon Social Organization, Joseph A. Tainter; Miscellaneous Paper


Mortuary Practices and the Study of Prehistoric Social Systems, Joseph A. Tainter; Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory

Environmental Analysis - Master Plan for Cache Valley, Richard E. Toth; Cache Valley Envirionmental Project



Training practical instructors (programmed patients) to teach basic physical examination, Nat B. Frazer and R. H. Miller; Journal of Medical Education

Modeling Change in Prehistoric Social Systems, Joseph A. Tainter; For Theory Building in Archaeology

Population Dynamics on the Santa Barbara Coast, Joseph A. Tainter; Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly

Woodland Social Change in West-Central Illinois, Joseph A. Tainter; Mid-Continental Journal of Archaeology


Indroduction to Clinical Medicine I, L. Adler, Nat B. Frazer, E. Loschen, R. Miller, S. Ross, H. Rubin, P. Smalley, and C. Toewe; Curricular Objectives: Southern Illinois School of Medicine

Behavioral and Social Sciences and Humanities, Nat B. Frazer; Curricular Objectives: Southern Illinois School of Medicine


Estimation of Parameters in the Beta Distribution: Comment, H. Charles Romesburg; Decision Sciences


Use of the Normal Generated Distribution for Estimating Population Survival, H. Charles Romesburg; Journal of Theoretical Biology

Review of "Archaeological Investigations at Molpa, San Diego County, California", by D. L. True, Joseph A. Tainter; American Antiquity

Spatial Organisation and Social Patterning in the Kaloko Cemetery, North Kona, Hawaii, Joseph A. Tainter; Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania


Hunter-Gatherer Territorial Organization, Joseph A. Tainter; Pacific Coast Archaeological Quarterly

Social Inference and Mortuary Practices: an Experiment in Numerical Classification, Joseph A. Tainter; World Archaeology


Scheduling Models for Wilderness Recreation, H. Charles Romesburg; Journal of Environmental Management

A Planning and Design Methodology, Richard E. Toth; A Planning and Design Methodology


The Social Correlates of Mortuary Patterning at Kaloko, North Kona, Hawaii, Joseph A. Tainter; Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania


Simulation Modelling of Inland Chumash Economic Interaction, Joseph A. Tainter; Archaeological Survey Annual Report


Climatic Fluctuations and Resource Procurement in the Santa Ynez Valley, Joseph A. Tainter; Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly

Criteria in Land Planning and Design, Richard E. Toth; Landscape Architecture


Honey Hill: A Systems Analysis for Planning and the Multiple use of Controlled Water Areas, T. Murry, P. Rogers, D. Sinton, C. Steinitz, Richard E. Toth, and D. Way; Report to the Army Corps of Engineers


Comprehensive Highway Planning: A Study of Qualitative Factors in Rural Highway Location, P. Hornbeck, A. Schmidt, Richard E. Toth, A. Veri, and T. Vint; Report to the U.S. Departmnet of Transportation


Criteria for Evaluating the Valuable Natural Resources of the Tirac Region, Richard E. Toth; Prepared for the Tocks Island Regional Advisory Council


An Archaeological Analysis of Social Ranking and Residence Groups in Prehistoric Hawaii, Joseph A. Tainter; World Archaeology