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Redefining "Multiple Use": Agency Responses to Changing Social Values, Mark W. Brunson and J. J. Kennedy; A New Century for Natural Resources Management.
Break-Out Session 3: the Northern Rockies, Mark W. Brunson and R. Reese; Natural Resources and Environmental Issues
Identifying Issues, Concerns, and Opportunities for Utah's Privately Owned Rangelands Under Ecosystem Management, Mark W. Brunson, K J. Richardson, and G. A. Rasmussen
Possibilities for Pastoralism: The Case of Southern Ethiopia, D. Layne Coppock; Possibilities for pastoralism: The case of southern Ethiopia. Invited paper (no abstract) presented in a session entitled "Growing Food to Meet Future Needs
Utah Private Grazing Lands: New Roles for Improved Pastures, D. Layne Coppock; Utah Private Grazing Lands: New Roles for Improved Pastures
Population Models and Structure, D. T. Crouse and Nat B. Frazer; Biology and Conservation of Sea Turtles (Revised Edition)
Introduction: Ecosystem Research in a Human Context, D. M. Finch and Joseph A. Tainter; Ecology, Diversity, and Sustainability of the Middle Rio Grande Basin
Loggerhead Sea Turtle, Caretta caretta, Nat B. Frazer; National Marine Fisheries Service and U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Status Review for Sea Turtles Listed under the Endangered Species Act of 1973
Preface: herpetological research at a national environmental research park, Nat B. Frazer; Herpetologica
Sea Turtles, Nat B. Frazer; Conservation and Environmentalism: an Encyclopedia
Clear Lake deer herd assessment, G. A. Giusti and Robert H. Schmidt; University of California Cooperative Extension and California Department of Fish and Game
The Role of NIMBY Groups in 22 Sanitary Landfill Sitings in Illinois, Christopher L. Lant; Environmental Professional
Urban vs. Rural Interests in the 1990 Missoury Natural Streams Act, Christopher L. Lant and J. D. Corbin
The Potential of the 1990 Farm Bill to Conserve and Restore Wetlands in Cornbelt Watersheds, Christopher L. Lant and S. E. Kraft; Versatility of Wetlands in the Agricultural Landscape
Enrollment of Filter Strips and Recharge Areas in the CRP and USDA Easement Programs, Christopher L. Lant, Steven E. Kraft, and Keith R. Gillman; Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
The 1990 Farm Bill and Water Quality in Corn Belt Watersheds: Conserving Remaining Wetlands and Restoring of Farmed Wetlands, Christopher L. Lant, Steven E. Kraft, and Keith R. Gillman; Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
NOLS Research Program 1995 Progress Report, Christopher Monz
Trampling impacts on different ground surfaces: Preliminary results, Christopher Monz; LNT Master Network
Public Attitudes Toward Predators in Texas, Douglas Reiter, Mark W. Brunson, and Robert H. Schmidt; Proceedings, Coyotes in the Southwest: a compendium of our knowledge.
Public attitudes toward predators in Texas, Douglas Reiter, Mark W. Brunson, and Robert H. Schmidt; Coyotes in the Southwest: A Compendium of our Knowledge
Gender effects on views of wildlife professionals about wildlife management, W. A. Sanborn and Robert H. Schmidt; The Wildlife Society Bulletin
Academic lessons, Robert H. Schmidt; Wildlife Control Technology
Animal welfare considerations, Robert H. Schmidt; Wildlife Control Technology
Management complexities - birds, Robert H. Schmidt; Wildlife Control Technology
The professional touch: wildlife damage assessment - a critical step in management, Robert H. Schmidt; ADC: The Magazine for Animal Damage Control Professionals
The professional touch: wildlife damage management - an enduring profession, Robert H. Schmidt; ADC: The Magazine for Animal Damage Control Professionals
The public is not our enemy, Robert H. Schmidt; Wildlife Control Technology
Whoʼs in charge? Sharing duties with the public, Robert H. Schmidt; Wildlife Control Technology
Wildlife relocation impacts both animals and humans, Robert H. Schmidt; The Probe
Excavation of Site PL 3A, Joseph A. Tainter; Archeology of the Albuquerque Sector of the Elena Gallegos Project
Introduction and Research Design, Joseph A. Tainter; Archeology of the Albuquerque Sector of the Elena Gallegos Project
Sustainability of Complex Societies, Joseph A. Tainter; Futures
Synthesis and Evaluation, Joseph A. Tainter; Archeology of the Albuquerque Sector of the Elena Gallegos Project
Testing Site of PL 1A, Joseph A. Tainter; Archeology of the Albuquerque Sector of the Elena Gallegos Project
Fragile rivers: current knowledge regarding minimum impact use and identification of significant research gaps, J. Williams and Christopher Monz
Role of Plant Defense in the Utilization of Native Browse in Southern Ethiopia, A. Woodward and D. Layne Coppock; Agroforestry Systems
Forest Mensuration, W. Bechtold, Paul C. Rogers, V. LaBau, and W. McLain; Forest Health Monitoring 1994 Field Methods Guide
Adoption of Range Innovations in Utah II: Influence of System, Personal, and Innovation Attributes, A. H. Birkenfeld and D. Layne Coppock; Adoption of range innovations in Utah. II: Influence of system, personal, and innovation attributes
Adoption of Range Innovations in Utah I: Production System Structure and Producer Diversity, A. H. Birkenfeld and D. Layne Coppock; Adoption of range innovations in Utah. I: Production system structure and producer diversity
Effects of Information and Post- Harvest Recovery Time on Perceived Scenic Quality of Managed Forest Stands, Mark W. Brunson and Douglas Reiter
National Public Attitudes Toward Federal Rangeland Management, Mark W. Brunson and B. S. Steel; Rangelands
Conservation of turtles: the Chelonian dilemma, V. J. Burke, Nat B. Frazer, and J. W. Gibbons; Proceedings of the 13th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation
The Borana Plateau of Southern Ethiopia: Synthesis of Pastoral Research, Development and Change, D. Layne Coppock; International Livestock Centre for Africa, Addis Ababa
Factors Influencing Adoption of Ranch and Range Management Innovations in Utah and Possible Relationships to Sustainability, D. Layne Coppock and A. H. Birkenfeld; Proceedings of a Symposium entitled "Sustainability of Range Livestock Production Systems in the West
Technology Transfer: Attitudes and Values of Ranchers/Landowners, D. Layne Coppock, G. A. Rasmussen, and A. H. Birkenfeld; Technology transfer: Attitudes and values of ranchers/landowners
The effect of CRP enrollment on sediment loads in two southern illinois streams, D. Kevin Davie and Christopher L. Lant; Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
Unwanted guests: evicting bats from human dwellings, V. DePaepe and Robert H. Schmidt; Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference
Terrestrial Carbon Pools in Grasslands and Agricultural Soils: Preliminary Data From the Corn Belt and Great Plains Regions, E. T. Elliot, I. C. Burke, Christopher Monz, S. B. Frey, K. Paustian, H. P. Collins, E. A. Paul, C. V. Cole, R. L. Belvins, D. J. Lyon, W. W. Fry, A. D. Halverson, D. R. Huggins, R. F. Turco, and M. Hickman; Soil Science Society of America
Sea turtle headstarting and hatchery programs, Nat B. Frazer; Principles of Conservation Biology
Growth and estimated age at maturity of Queensland loggerheads, Nat B. Frazer, C. J. Limpus, and J. L. Greene; Proceedings of the 14th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation
Diet, Nutrition, and the Pastoral Strategy, K. A. Galvin, D. Layne Coppock, and P. W. Leslie; African Pastoralist Systems: An Integrated Approach
Using Image Capture Technology to Assess Scenic Value at the Urban/Forest Interface: A Case Study, R. L. Johnson, Mark W. Brunson, and T. Kimura; Journal of Environmental Management
Agricultural Policy Tools to Protect Water Quality in Corn Belt Watersheds, S. E. Kraft and Christopher L. Lant; Research on Agricultural Chemicals in Illinois Groundwater: Status and Future Directions IV
WQIP as Environmental Policy--An Assessment for the 1995 Farm Bill, S. E. Kraft and Christopher L. Lant; Agricultural Conservation Alternatives: The Greening of the Farm Bill
WQIP: Factors Influencing the Successful Implementation of Policy, Steven E. Kraft, Christopher L. Lant, and K. Gillman
The Role of Property Rights in Economic Research on U.S. Wetlands Policy, Christopher L. Lant; Ecological Economics
The Plans of CRP Contract Holders for the Post-Contract Use of their CRP Land, Christopher L. Lant, S. E. Kraft, and K. Munyoka; Proceedings of the NCT-163 Post CRP Land Use Conference
Water Quality Policies for Corn Belt Watersheds: The Plans of CRP-Contract Holders for Post-Contract Use of Their CRP Land and the WQIP: An Assessment of its Chances for Acceptance by Farmers-Survey Results, Christopher L. Lant and Steven E. Kraft
Illinois Household's Attitudes Toward Wetlands, Illinois Department of Conservation, Christopher L. Lant and P. J. Massey
Fruit Production of Acacia Tortilis and A. Nilotica in Semi-Arid Ethiopia, Atsedu Menwyelet, D. Layne Coppock, and J. K. Detling; Agroforestry Systems
Knowing the Wind River Mountains, Christopher Monz; The Leader
NOLS Research Program 1994 progress report; Project summaries and papers, Christopher Monz
Vegetation response to trampling in five native plant communities in the Wind River Range, Wyoming, USA, Christopher Monz and D. N. Cole; Bull Ecol Soc Am
Perspectives on the integration of Wilderness research, education and management, Christopher Monz, C. Henderson, and R. A. Brame; 6th National Wilderness Conference proceedings; The Spirit Lives
Response of Mycorrhizal Colonization to Elevated CO2 and Climate Change in Pscopyrum smithii and Boutelouagracilis, Christopher Monz, H. W. Hunt, B. R. Reeves, and E. T. Elliot; Plant and Soil
Consequences of Long-Term Growth at Various [CO2] and Temperatures on Gas Exchange of Western Wheatgrass (C3) and Blue Grama (C4), J. Morgan, H. W. Hunt, Christopher Monz, and D. R. LeCain; Plant Cell and Environment
Revised Draft Community Histories: Igiugig, Kokhanok, Levelock, and South Naknek, J. M. Morris
Community Ethnographic Summaries: Igiugig, Kokhanok, Levelock, and South Naknek, J. M. Morris, S. P. Keenan, and M. Hanewald
The Plans of CRP-Contract Holders for the Post-Contract Use of their CRP Land, K. Munyoka, Steven E. Kraft, and Christopher L. Lant
Foxes, R. L. Phillips and Robert H. Schmidt; Prevention and Control of Wildlife Damage
Policy considerations for contraception in wildlife management, W. A. Sanborn, Robert H. Schmidt, and H. C. Freeman; Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference
A new philosophy, Robert H. Schmidt; Wildlife Control Technology
Closing comments, Endangered Species "Pesticide" Protection Programs, Robert H. Schmidt; Endangered species “pesticide” protection programs
Does the wildlife damage management profession need a code of ethics?, Robert H. Schmidt; The Probe
How many people are involved in wildlife management?, Robert H. Schmidt; The Probe
More on a new philosophy for wildlife damage management, Robert H. Schmidt; Wildlife Control Technology
Teaching wildlife damage management, Robert H. Schmidt; Wildlife Control Technology
The professional touch: emerging challenges - AVMAʼs criteria for euthanasia, Robert H. Schmidt; ADC: The Magazine for Animal Damage Control Professionals
The professional touch: emerging challenges - euthanasia, Robert H. Schmidt; ADC: The Magazine for Animal Damage Control Professionals
The “video test” mentality, Robert H. Schmidt; Wildlife Control Technology
WDAMAGE: announcing a new resource for wildlife damage managers, Robert H. Schmidt; The Probe
What is wildlife damage management?, Robert H. Schmidt; Wildlife Control Technology
Who should educate the public?, Robert H. Schmidt; Wildlife Control Technology
A Perspecitve on Systems Modeling in Southwestern Archaeology, Joseph A. Tainter; Understanding Complexity in the Prehistoric Southwest
Are Complex Societies Sustainable? Perceiving Fundamental Issues, Joseph A. Tainter; Third International Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics, San Jose, Costa Rica
Explaining Why Complex Societies Collapse, Joseph A. Tainter; Director's Lecture Series, Getty Research Center, Santa Monica
Forces of Reaction and Changes of Scale in the World System of States, Joseph A. Tainter; "The State Under Seige: Politicial Disintegration in the Post-Cold War Era," New York Academy of Sciences, New York
LaFine Dell'Amminsistrazione Centrale: II Callaso Dell'imero Romano in Occidente, Joseph A. Tainter; Storia d'Europa
Review of "Anthropogenic Climate Change", Joseph A. Tainter; American Antiquity
Southwestern Contribution to the Understanding of Core-Peripery Relations, Joseph A. Tainter; Understanding Complexity in the Prehistoric Southwest
Strong and Weak Patterning in Southwestern Prehistory: the FormationofPuebloan Archaeology, Joseph A. Tainter and Fred Plog; Themes in Southwest Prehistory
Seasonal variation in clutch size of the turtle, Dermochelys coriacea, A. D. Tucker and Nat B. Frazer; Journal of Herpetology
Calf Feeding Ecology and Resource Management by Boran Pastoralists in the Southern Ethiopian Rangelands, Menwyelet Atsedu, J. K. Detling, and D. Layne Coppock; Calf feeding ecology and resource management by Boran pastoralists in the southern Ethiopian rangelands
A plannerʼs guide for oak woodlands, C. Bleier, C. Bolsinger, L. Huntsinger, D. McCreary, P. Muick, Robert H. Schmidt, T. Scott, R. Standiford, T. Swiecki, and W. Tietje; Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program
Public Acceptability of Management Practices and Conditions in Pacific Northwest "Matrix" Forests, Mark W. Brunson
"Social Acceptability" Component of Ecosystem Management: Synthesis and Problem Analysis, Mark W. Brunson
"Socially Acceptable" Forestry: What Does It Imply for Ecosystem Management?, Mark W. Brunson; Western Journal of Applied Forestry
Recreation Substitutability: A Research Agenda, Mark W. Brunson and B. Shelby; Leisure Sciences
Written Standards vs. User Norms in the Design of Wilderness Permit Systems, Mark W. Brunson, B. Shelby, and J. Goodwin
Co-Moderator for a Technical Session on "History-Sociology", D. Layne Coppock; Co-moderator for a technical session on "History-Sociology"