Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University.
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“I Neither Omit Aught, Nor Have I Omitted Aught”: Embodying a Sovereign—The Resident Ambassador in the Elizabethan Court, 1558-1560, Sarah M. Gawronski
“Speaking With” the Ravine: Representation and Memory in Five Cultural Productions of Chavez Ravine, Los Angeles, Karl Germeck
Autonomous Aerial Manipulation Using a Quadrotor, Vaibhav Ghadiok
Individualistic Response of Piñon and Juniper Tree Species Distributions to Climate Change in North America's Arid Interior West, Jacob R. Gibson
Low-Thrust Assisted Angles-Only Navigation, Robert W. Gillis
Perching Using a Quadrotor with Onboard Sensing, Jeremy C. Goldin
Three Essays on the Economic Impact of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy in the United States, Rachna Gollamudi
Prediction Models for Estimation of Soil Moisture Content, Swathi Gorthi
Measuring the Differences in Spatial Ability Between a Face-to-Face and a Synchronous Distance Education Undergraduate Engineering Graphics Course, Scott D. Greenhalgh
Outcomes of Rotator Cuff Surgery in Utah Workers’ Compensation Patients, Jennifer R. Grewe
Enhancing Multispectral Imagery of Ancient Documents, Trace A. Griffiths
Ligand and Metal Effects on the CO-Release Reactivity of Metal Acireductone and Flavonolate Complexes, Katarzyna Grubel
A Comparative Study of Three Image Matching Algorithms: Sift, Surf, and Fast, Maridalia Guerrero Peña
Acute Effects of AdvoCare Spark® Energy Drink on Repeated Sprint Performance and Anaerobic Power in NCAA Division I Football Players, Nnamdi I. Gwacham
Ungulate Damage to Safflower in San Juan County, Utah, Michael J. Haney
By-Products: Immigration, Raids, and Meatpacking in Rural Communities, Kevin D. Hanks
Using Mixed-Reality Technology to Teach Techniques for Administering Local Anesthesia, Kami M. Hanson
The Role of Phosphoinositide Signaling in Breast Cancer Metastasis Suppressor 1-Mediated Metastasis Suppression of Human Breast Carcinoma Cells, Sitaram Harihar
Factors Moderating the Association between Multiple Rating Sources of Geriatric Depression: Self, Informant, and Physician, Daniel J. Hatch
Stratigraphic, Microfossil, and Geochemical Analysis of the Neoproterozoic Uinta Mountain Group, Utah: Evidence for a Eutrophication Event?, Dawn Schmidli Hayes
Spatiotemporal Modeling of Threats to Big Sagebrush Ecological Sites in Northern Utah, Alexander J. Hernandez
Relative Importance of Environmental Variables for Spawning Cues and Tributary Use by an Adfluvial Lake Sucker, Brian A. Hines
Determining Profitability Strategies for Various Retained Ownership Enterprises in Utah, Matthew H. Hirschi
Process-Based Management of Downy Brome in Salt Desert Shrublands: Assessing Pre- and Post- Rehabilitation Soil and Vegetation Attributes, Merilynn Carol Hirsch
Live Load Test and Finite Element Model Analysis of a Box Girder Bridge for the Long Term Bridge Performance Program, Dereck J. Hodson
The Relationship Between Coaching Mentors, Age, and Adolescent Problem Behaviors, Derek J. Hoke
Discharge Coefficient Performance of Venturi, Standard Concentric Orifice Plate, V-Cone, and Wedge Flow Meters at Small Reynolds Numbers, Colter L. Hollingshead
Canal Wave Oscillation Phenomena Due to Column Vortex Shedding, Adam M. Howes
Turbulence Modeling of Strongly Heated Internal Pipe Flow Using Large Eddy Simulation, Michal Hradisky
Potential Effects of Altered Precipitation Regimes on Primary Production in Terrestrial Ecosystems, Joanna S. Hsu
Predictive Modeling and Analysis of Student Academic Performance in an Engineering Dynamics Course, Shaobo Huang
Going Solo with Roald Dahl: Life Rewritten Through Memory, Jeannine Huenemann
Successes and Challenges of Family and Consumer Science Extension Agents in the Implementation of Couple and Relationship Education, Stacey A. Huffaker
Evaluation of an Incompressible Energy-Vorticity Turbulence Model for Fully Rough Pipe Flow, Doug F. Hunsaker
Design of a BioBrickTM Compatible Gene Expression System for Rhodobacter sphaeroides, Junling Huo
The Effects of Self-Efficacy on Lower Body Power, Justin E. Jackson
Microbiological, Thermal Inactivation, and Sensory Characteristics of Beef Eye-of-Round Subprimals and Steaks Processed with High-Pressure Needleless Injection, Laura Kahealani Jefferies
Classroom Applications of a Trial-Based Functional Analysis in an Early Childhood Education Setting, Jennifer Laura Jensen
Optimization of a Low Reynold's Number 2-D Inflatable Airfoil Section, Todd A. Johansen
An Evaluation of State-and-Transition Model Development for Ecological Sites in Northern Utah, Jamin K. Johanson
Attitudinal and Experiential Factors of Interethnic Romantic Relationships among Native American Emerging Adults, Merrill L. Jones
Effects of Tannin-Containing Feed on Haemonchous contortus in Sheep and Its Behavioral Implications, Jessica A. Juhnke
Sustainable Management of Duckweed Biomass Grown for Nutrient Control in Municipal Wastewaters, Maureen Kesaano
The Potential for Growth in Foreign Direct Investment in the Horticultural Sector of Armenia, Mikayel Khachatryan
A Linearly and Circularly Polarized Active Integrated Antenna, Ali Khoshniat
For Love or Money: Has Neoliberalism Impacted Fertility? A Historical Comparison, Elizabeth Anne Kiester
Effect of Voluntary Exercise and Diet on the Unfolded Protein Response in the Brain of Mice, Yu Ho Kim
Mormon Mommy Blogs: “There’s Gotta Be Some Women Out There Who Feel the Same Way.”, Whitney L. King
Measuring the Removal of Trichloroethylene from Phytoremediation Sites at Travis and Fairchild Air Force Bases, Heather A. Klein
The Decline and Conservation Status of North American Bumble Bees, Jonathan B. Koch
The Decline and Conservation Status of North American Bumble Bees, Jonathan Berenguer Koch
Under What Conditions Do Community Demographics Influence Aggregate Recycling?, Edward Kotter
An Assessment of Vegetation Metrics and Plot Types to Measure Seasonal Variation and Grazing Effects on Riparian Plant Communities, Caroline M. Laine
Burmese Muslim Refugee Women: Stories of Civil War, Refugee Camps and New Americans, Karen Hunt Lambert
Investigation of the Design and Static Behavior of Cylindrical Tubular Composite Adhesive Joints Utilizing the Finite Element Method and Stress-Based Failure Theories, Michael D. Lambert
Characterizing High School Students' Systems Thinking in Engineering Design Through the Function-Behavior-Structure (FBS) Framework, Matthew D. Lammi
Enhanced Cross Country Running Course Design: A Study of Historic and Recent Courses, Other Landscape-Based Sports, Athlete Psychology, and Course Elements, Audrey B. Lancaster
Effect of Adjunct Cultures, Sodium Gluconate, and Ripening Temperature on Low-Fat Cheddar Cheese Flavor, Rebekah M. Lance
Air Demand in Low-Level Outlet Works, Jason Arthur Larchar
Document Flash Thermography, Cory A. Larsen
Live-Load Testing and Finite-Element Analysis of a Steel Cantilevered Deck Arched Pratt Truss Bridge for the Long-Term Bridge Performance Program, Matthew P. Laurendeau
Micromechanical Simulation for Fatigue Damage Incubation, Tong Li
Coanda-Assisted Spray Manipulation Implementation to Plasma Spray, Katie E. Mabey
Recreation Patterns and Decision Drivers for Hispanics/Latinos in Cache Valley, Utah, Jodie J. Madsen
Effect of Vegetation on the Accumulation and Melting of Snow at the TW Daniels Experimental Forest, Vinod Mahat
Global 4-H Network: Laying the Groundwork Survey, Jennifer Major
The Paradox of Uranium Development: A Polanyian Analysis of Social Movements Surrounding the Piñon Ridge Uranium Mill, Stephanie Ann Malin
Preventative Behavioral Parent Training: A Preliminary Investigation of Strategies for Preventing At-Risk Children from Developing Later Conduct Problems, Jessica L. Malmberg
The Social Validation of Institutional Indicators to Promote System-Wide Web Accessibility in Postsecondary Institutions, Heather Ann Mariger
Prize-Based Contingency Management: A Vehicle Miles of Travel Reduction Intervention, Joshua D. Marquit
Upper-Class Adolescent Delinquency: Theory and Observation, Nick Marsing
A Functional Assessment of the Use of Virtual Simulations to Train Distance Preservice Special Education Teachers to Conduct Individualized Education Program Team Meetings, Lee Landrum Mason
Development of a Beef Flavor Lexicon and Its Application to Compare Flavor Profiles and Consumer Acceptance of Grain- and Pasture-Finished Cattle, Curtis A.J. Maughan
"Struggling" Adolescent Writers Describe Their Writing Experience: A Descriptive Case Study, F. Jean McPherron
Variability of Water Storage and Instream Temperature in Beaded Arctic Streams, Madeline F. Merck
Accelerating Production of Slow-Growing Intermountain West Native Plants by Modifying Their Microclimate, Sam A. Miller
A Two-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Plasma Wake Structure Around a CubeSat, Rajendra Mitharwal
Newlywed to Established Marriage: A Longitudinal Study of Early Risk and Protective Factors that Influence Marital Satisfaction, Daniel Alfred Moen
Quantitative Genetic Analysis of Reproduction Traits in Ball Pythons, Benson H. Morrill
Socioeconomic Status, Women, and HIV: Do the Determinants of Female HIV Vary by Socioeconomic Status in Cameroon?, Joyce Ndueh Mumah
Signal Processing on Digitized Ladar Waveforms for Enhanced Resolution on Surface Edges, Kevin D. Neilsen
Housing Factors Associated with Marital Satisfaction, Samantha J. Nelson
Comprehensive High School Reform: The Lived Experience of Teachers and the Smaller Learning Community Initiative, Richard K. Nye
Pond-Hindsight: Applying Hindsight Optimization to Partially-Observable Markov Decision Processes, Alan Olsen
Fish Passage Through Rehabilitated Culverts Laboratory Study, Amber H. Olsen
The Biogeography of Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa) Populations in North America, Bridget E. Olson
Diet, Density, and Distribution of the Introduced Greenhouse Frog, Eleutherodactylus planirostris, on the Island of Hawaii, Christina A. Olson
The Relationship Between Family Functioning, Family Resilience, and Quality of Life Among Vocational Rehabilitation Clients, Kristi P. Openshaw
Class-Wide Respect and Social Support Skill Training to Increase Peer Interactions of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Melanie Orton
Dislocation Density-Based Finite Element Method Modeling of Ultrasonic Consolidation, Deepankar Pal
Characterization and Application of Dynamic in vitro Models of Human Airway, Hemangkumar J. Patel
A Tale of Two Carlos: An Examination of the Ongoing Battle Between the Marginalized and the Privileged as Exemplified by Carlo Goldoni and Carlo Gozzi During the 18th Century, David Josh Patterson
Community Level Effects of Vegetation Architecture and Prey Availability: A Study of Ground-dwelling Arthropods in a Shrub-Steppe Ecosystem, Mary E. Pendergast