Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University.
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A Study of the Rural Home on the Small Income in Utah, Thelma Huber
Genetic Study of Certain Spike and Floral Characters in Barley, Dwight Koonce
Inheritance of Glume and Kernel Color, of Awnedness, and of Spike Density in a Cross Between Ridit and Sevier Wheat, Leslie W. Nelson
Influence of Clipping on the Yield of Forage in Certain Pastures at North Logan, Utah, Newel Washburn
The Use of Chlorates for the Eradication of Certain Perennial Weeds in Utah, Lionel Harris
A Research Study of Lamb Feeding in Winter Dry Lots at Monroe, Utah, 1928-29, George R. Henderson
Some Economic Aspects of the Silver Fox Industry Including a Brief Study of the Economic Possibilities of the Industry in Northern Utah and Vicinity, Duncan Wayne Henrie
A Study of Bull Associations, Arthur J. Morris
Principles of Irrigation Farming as Developed by American Field Experiments, Prabh Dyall Sikka
The Spruce Gall Aphid Adelges cooleyi (Gill) in Utah., LaGrande Stirland
Correlated Inheritance in a Cross of F 22 X Dicklow Wheat, R. Kenneth Bischoff
Bionomics of the Clover Leaf Weevil, Hypera punctata (Fabr.), in Utah, Lorin C. Fife
Municipal Lighting of Logan City, Maya M. Fonnesbeck
The Devonian of the Bear River Range, Utah, I. Lavell Cooley
Should the Utah Law as it Applies to Inheritance be Modified?, Lorenzo H. Hatch
Correlated Inheritance in Wheat III Federation X III C 18 (Dicklow X Sevier Hybrid), D. E. Heywood
Inheritance of Awns in a Cross Between Hard Federation and Kota Wheats, B. Ira Judd
A Study of the Economic Relationship of the International Smelter to Agriculture in Tooele Valley, Harvey A. Kirk
The Status of Teacher Rating in Utah, Charles P. McGregor
Irrigation Expansion on the Sevier River, Utah, With Special Reference to the Piute Project, O. W. Monson
A Study of the Seasonal History of Alfalfa Flowers as Related to Seed Production, John W. Carlson
The Need of Public Junior Colleges in Utah, Evan B. Murray
The Effect of Alternate Freezing and Thawing on Impermeable Alfalfa and Dodder Seeds, A. R. Midgley
Correlation Studies in Wheat, Joseph Reed
Correlated Inheritance in Wheat, George Stewart
A Study of the Flow of Water Over Triangular Weirs and the Determination of Coefficients of Discharge for Small Heads, J. Milton Barrett
Qualitative Mendelian Inheritance in Wheat Hybrids, Aaron F. Bracken
Inheritance Studies in Kanred x Martin and in G-149 x Ridit, Myron T. Hansen
A Study to Determine the Feasibility of Irrigating the Lands Included in the Cache Valley Water Conservation District No. 1, I. Donald Jerman
A Contribution to Our Knowledge of the Aphididae of Utah, George Knowlton
A Study of Size Inheritance in Wheat, Peter Nelson
The Effect of Dry Heating on Alfalfa Seed and Adulterants, Ernest V. Staker
Inheritance of Chaff Color, Head Shape, and Grain Texture in Wheat, Delmar C. Tingey
Hybridization of Wheat, Floyd M. Beach
Mendelian Inheritance in Wheat Hybrids, J. Leo Mortensen
Effect of Root-Rot Upon Sugar-Beet Seed Production, Louis F. Nuffer