Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University.
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Comparison of Two Plans for Administration Organization of the School Districts of Sanpete County, Leon F. Christiansen
A Descriptive Analysis of Teaching Social Attitudes at Intermountain School, John C. Cockrill
Controlled Cross Pollination and Hot Water Emasculation of Crested Wheatgrass, Agropyron desertorum (Fisch.) Shult, James Hansen
The Worm Creek Quartzite Member of the St. Charles Formation, Utah-Idaho, Anthon V. Haynie Jr.
Vending and Dispensing Milk and Related Products in the State of Utah, Douglas S. Huber
Temperature Forecasting at Logan, Utah, for the Snowmelt-Runoff Season, Clifton Johnson
Banding and Marking Methods in Studying Seasonal Movements of the Sharp-Tailed Grouse in Morton County, North Dakota, Albert T. Klett
Cost and Efficiency in Producing Sugar Beets in Utah County, Utah, 1951, Randolph LaMar Larsen
Courses for Managerial Training as Recommended by Managers of Selected Utah Industries, B. Edward Lepper
An Evaluation of Selfing Techniques for Agropyron elongatum, Keith I. Matheson
Evidence Against the Transmission of Staphylococci by the Mosquito Culex tarsalis, John R. Molenda
Comparative Study of the Composition and Quality of Bulk Tank Milk, Kay M. Nilson
Reed Canarygrass Germination at Five Seed Maturity Stages and Sixteen Seed Treatments, Richard N. Peaden
A History of the Oneida Stake Academy, Floyd W. Peterson
Geology of the East-Central Part of the Malad Range, Idaho, Prapath Prammani
The Effects of Hunting Season Length on Comparable Pheasant Populations, Temple A. Reynolds
The History of Montpelier From 1864 to 1925, A. McKay Rich
The Measurement of Physical Properties of Field Soil, Wilbur Sloat
Breakfast Habits of Some Utah School Children, Marlene M. Stegelmeier
The Effect of Temperature on the Tension of Water in the Soil, Gordon Stewart
A Study of the Root Rot-Nematode Complex and the Comparative Yield of 17 Varieties of Alfalfa in Washington County, Utah, J. Clair Theurer
An Evaluation of the Pupil Progress Reporting System of the Elementary Schools of Ogden, Utah, Glenn Thomas
A Comparative Study of Milk Solids and Corn Syrup Solids in the Manufacture of Sherbets, George C. Walker
The Relative Saponin Content of Alfalfa Varieties in Utah as Measured by Chick Growth Depression, Morris Dean Wilding
Factors Causing Non-Completion of Registration at Utah State Agricultural College During the School Year 1955-56, Richard J. Barney
On the Kinetics of Moisture Flow in Unsaturated Soils, James Wellington Biggar
A Comparative Study of Teacher Opinion With Respect to the Mathematics Program in Grades Seven, Eight, and Nine in the Schools of Utah and California, Sidney W. Bingham
A Study of the Feasibility of Creating a Unified Public Health Department in Weber County, Utah, Laurence J. Burton
A Comparison of Devices for Measuring Soil Moisture Tension and their Effectiveness in Predicting Irrigation Requirements in the Field, Modesto Capiel
An Evaluation of Methods of Concentrating and Counting the Phytoplankton of Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho, William J. Clark
Streamflow Forecast of Bear River at Harer, Idaho, J. M. Crook
Salt Tolerance Studies of Selected Crop Plants, Cyril Reed Funk Jr.
Ecology of Plant Distribution on the Salt-Deserts of Utah, Dillard H. Gates
The Economic Impact of the Geneva Steel Company (United States Steel Subsidiary) on Utah County, Utah, Charles H. Holmes
Marketing Sheep and Lambs in Utah, 1954-55, Lloyd I. Holmes
Banking and Finance in Cache Valley, 1856-1956, Patricia Kaye Hurren
Retail Merchandising Practices for Eggs and Poultry Products in Utah, 1955, M. Vincent Jorgensen
The Thermodynamics and Some Practical Aspects of Zinc Adsorption on Calcite, Dolomite, and Calcian-Magnesite Minerals, Jerome J. Jurinak
The Economics of Turkey Production in Utah, 1954, Richard W. Kearl
Growth and Nutrition of Plants as Affected by Different Osmotic Concentrations of Calcium Chloride and Sodium Chloride in the Substrate, Mumtaz Ali Khan
Management Development in Selected Small Manufacturing Industries in the State of Utah, Louis Klein Jr.
The Airplane in Unit Sampling of Mule Deer Populations in Harding County, South Dakota, Karl B. Kuhlmann
A Comparison of L.D.S. With Non-L.D.S. In Regard to Organizational Participation in Clearfield, Utah, Merlin C. Leonhardt
A Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations Concerning Utah or the Mormons Written Outside the State of Utah, Ida-Marie Clark Logan
A Follow-Up Study of Utah State Agricultural College Graduates in 1948, 1951, and 1954, Who Obtained Secondary Teaching Certificates, Wendell Blair Low
Seasonal Distribution of Mosquitoes in a Mile-Square Area West of Logan, Utah, Takeshi Miura
The Effect of Bicarbonate on the Uptake of Zinc by Plants, Lawrence G. Morrill
A Study of the Variability of Distichlis Stricta Selections from Several Geographical Locations in the Western United States, Arlan Kent Nielson
Land Fragmentation and Water Utilization in Relation to Their Social Milieu, Paragonah, Utah, Robert G. Painter
A History of Finance in the Star Valley Public Schools From 1925 to 1955, Harold R. Papworth
Red Raspberry Root Rot in Northern Utah, Robert L. Powelson
The Inheritance of Certain Morphological Characters of the Barley Spike, Donald C. Rasmussen
An Evaluation of the Social Dance Program at the Box Elder Junior Division, Howard Dale Rasmussen
A History of the Rambouillet Breed of Sheep in Utah, Edwin M. G. Seely
Non-Return Conception Rate of Artificially Inseminated Cows as Affected by Dilution Rate, Grade, Bull Source, and Age of Semen Shipped by a Utah Artificial Breeding Association, William Lloyd Smith
Differences in Frustration Reactions of a Group of Preschool Children, Lorraine Storey
A Course of Study in Aviation Education Including a Survey of Utah High Schools, Lowell P. Summers
The Effect of the Water Extracting Requirement Upon the Fertilizer, Yield and Growth Response of Sweet Corn, Roberto Vazquez
A Study of the Supervisory Activities and Recommendations of Fifty-Eight Secondary School Principals in the State of Utah, Elmer W. Wahlstrom
An Economic Analysis of Merchandising Fluid Milk in Utah, E. Boyd Wennergren
A Study of the Problems of Teaching Health in Selected High Schools of Utah, Frank R. Williams
A Comparison of Fluid Milk Processing 6 and 3 Days Per Week in One Small Plant, Utah 1953, John L. Willis
Root Yields, Sucrose, and Glutamic Acid Content of Sugar Beets as Influenced by Soil Moisture, Nitrogen Fertilization, Variety, and Harvest Date, Donald G. Woolley
A Study of the Farm Mechanics Program as Being Taught in the Vocational Agriculture Shops in the State of Utah, Daniel R. Zohner
The Salt Lake Group in Cache Valley, Utah and Idaho, Robert D. Adamson
The Response of Barley to Soil Moisture Tension and Fertilization, Mahmood Agah
Parent Participation at Central School of Brigham City, Utah, Elbert J. Anderson
A Cytological Study of the Induced Octoploid of an Agropyron-Hordeum Hybrid, R. Bruce Ashman
A Comparison of Starters, Temperatures of Warm Room and Salt Concentration in the Manufacture of Danish Type Swiss Cheese, Darab Assaad
Educational Adjustment of Ute Indians as Compared to the Mixed-Bloods, and Native Whites at Union High School Roosevelt, Utah, Darrell D. Atkinson
Phenotypic Variations of Kochia scoparia, Kenneth Malcolm Benson
The Iranian Student in Logan, An Exploratory Study of Foreign Student Social Experience and Adjustment, Ruth C. Busch
Attitudes of Ogden City Teachers Toward Merit Rating, Russell W. Carruth
The Employers' Opinions on Navajo Student Employees During the Summer of 1954, William V. Christiansen
An Economic Analysis of Finishing Beef Cattle in the Major Feeding Areas of Utah in the 1953-54 Season, Ross K. Clements
An Evaluation of the Health and Physical Education Programs for Boys in Selected Utah Junior High Schools, Claude R. Cowley
Detection of Coumarin in Seeds Involving Crosses Between Two Species of Melilotus, William H. Davis
The Influence of Soil Moisture Conditions on the Absorption of Phosphorus by Plants from Calcareous Soils, T. J. Denman
A Comparison of Over-Snow Vehicles Produced at Utah State Agricultural College, Ross W. Eskelson
A Study of the Winter Foraging Habits of Mule Deer in Enclosures in Northern Utah With a Test of the Half-And-Half Sampling Technique, Donald R. Flook
Seedling Establishment of Alfalfa Comparing Four Varieties, Three Fungicides and Two Inoculums, Ronald Brown Foster
The Impact of Foreign Trade on the Western States Wool Industry, Wayne T. Frank
Evaluation of Sprinkler Systems in Northern Utah, Murray J. Gavel
The Use of Lactic Acid in the Manufacture of Cheddar Cheese from Milk Containing an Antibiotic, Elmer George Jr.
An Economic Analysis of Alfalfa Seed Production Costs and Returns in Utah, 1952, Jack B. Goodwin
Evaluation of Stream Bottom Fauna Sampling Techniques as Used in the Logan River, Donald C. Hales
A Management Study of the Cache Elk Herd, Norman V. Hancock
Chemical Thinning Studies on Peaches in Utah, Ramzi Mustafa Khalidy
Seeds in the Forest Floor of the Ponderosa Pine Type, James T. Krygier
A Study and Evaluation of the Automotive Program at the Utah State Agricultural College, Ivan E. Lee
The Economic Impact of Hill Air Force Base on the Ogden Area, John D. McConahay
An Analysis of Factors in Reading Achievement Scores of the Third and Sixth Grades of Garfield County, Harvey D. Moore
A Study of Aquatic Insects of Logan River, Utah, Daood Salman Mutlag
Factors in the Development and Restoration of Waterfowl Habitat at Ogden Bay Refuge Weber County, Utah, Noland F. Nelson
The Biology and Seasonal Distribution of Eucalliphora lilaea (Walker) in Cache County, Utah, Robert P. Olson
Lactation Curves of Holstein Cows as Influenced by Age, Gestation, and Season of Freshening, George Edward Patterson
A Study of Instructional Practices and Recommendations of Thirty-Five Successful Biological Science Teachers in the Secondary Schools of Utah, Gerald H. Raat Jr.