Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University.
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Analysis of Selected Problems of Home Management House Students, Alta Geniel McConkie
A Political Study of Federal Aid to Education at Utah State University, Richard Yates Merrell
How the Curricula of the Special Navajo Programs Meet the Needs of the Students at the Intermountain School in Regard to Their Use of Alcoholic Beverages, C. Stewart Munz
Studies Into Some Physiological Relationships Between Dodder (Cuscuta, SPP.) and Alfalfa, Harold Edward Pattee
Studies in Iron Chlorosis of Leaves, Narayan Gunderao Perur
Limnological Studies on Hyrum Reservoir, in Northern Utah, Royal A. Rich
Studies on the Relationship of Moisture Content to Threshability and Viability of Pea Seeds, Filixberto Roquia Y Dulalas
The Effect of Feeding Various Levels of Fluoride to Dairy Cattle on Their Pepsin Activity, Hassan Sabeti-Rahmati
Self Evaluation of a Selected Group of Teen Marriages, Margaret L. Stone
A Diallelic Study of Six Chaff Variations in Wheat, Royal Jay Swenson
Fluctuations of the Clover Seed Chalcid, Bruchophagus gibbus (BOH.), and Other Alfalfa Insect Populations in Cache Valley, Utah During the Summer of 1958, Keith C. Tilley
Interaction of Riboflavin with Molybdenum, Jacques Tocatlian
Influence of Moisture and Nitrogen Levels and Harvest Interval on Water Requirement of Two Genotypes of Orchardgrass, William W. Wagner
The Temperature Dependence of the Drying of Horizontal Soil Columns, Craig Loren Wiegand
The Inhibition of Germination Caused by the Lemma and Palea on Phalaris arundinacea Seed, Nard Vee Allen
Problems of Navajo Male Graduates of Intermountain School During Their First Year of Employment, Joe E. Baker
A Study for the Purpose of Ascertaining the Basic Units of Instruction for a Unified Drafting Program in Utah High Schools, ElMont L. Bingham
Effects of Gamma-Radiation on the Quality and Shelf-Life of Certain Fruits, Diane Weber Box
A Study of the Clover Seed Chalcid Infestation of Various Alfalfa Varieties in Utah, Reed Charles Bunker
A Comparison of Internal Bicarbonate of Some Chlorosis-Resistant and Chlorosis-Susceptible Plants, Ralph Barlow Clark
The Effect of Various Chelates and Chelated Cations on the Availability of Phosphorus to Tomato Plants, Edgar Dale Deremer
Starch Grain Characters, Amylose, and Amylo-Pectin Contents in Relation to Pollination Time and Formation of Cotyledons in Phaseolus lunatus L. and Phaseolus polystachyus L., Amrik Singh Dhaliwal
The Effect of Various Levels of Bicarbonate, Phosphorus, and pH on the Translocation of Iron in Plants, Ronald Conrad Doney
A Physico-Chemical Study of Weathering Products in the Payson Soil Series, Lowell A. Douglas
Streamflow Forecasting for Blacksmith Fork River, Utah, Yu-Si Fok
The Use of Protease Enzymes in the Manufacture of Cheddar Cheese, Osamu Fujiwara
Resistance to and Transmission of Witches' Broom and Comparative Yields of Alfalfa Varieties in the Uintah Basin, Utah, David Val Glover
A History of General Obligation Bonding in Logan City, Kenneth W. Godfrey
Motor Truck Transportation of Cattle in Utah, Loren H. Grover
The Influence of Age on the Cation Exchange Capacity of Plant Roots, Einard S. Haniuk
A Survey of the Utah Public School Superintendent's Methods for Selecting Elementary and Secondary School Principals, Keith D. Hansen
The Effect of Nutritional Education on the Food Habits of High School Students, Gladys C. Hyer
A Survey of the Use of Standardized Tests in the Junior High Schools of Weber County, Ashlaug J. Jackson
A Study of Detachment of Soil by Artificial Rainfall and Its Relation to the Dispersion Ratio and Water Stable Aggregates for Nine Utah Soils, Pundlik N. Kalbhor
Artificial Pothole and Level Ditch Development as a Means of Increasing Waterfowl Production, Charles H. Lacy
Ferrilegoglobin as an Oxidizing Agent for Hydrazine, Donald B. Larson
An Inheritance and Linkage Study of 19 Factor Pairs in Barley, Francis Cheney LeBaron
The Effect of Nutrient Levels in Nutrient Cultures on the Translocation of Foliar Applied Nutrients, David D. Neher
A Study of Delayed Gas Formation in Cheddar Cheese, Mark E. Oldham
Feeding Protein, Phosphorus and Energy Supplements to Beef Cows on Utah Desert Ranges, Robert Hyrum Olsen
The Biology of the Utah Chub, Gila atraria (Girard), of Scofield Reservoir, Utah, Harold F. Olson
Studies on the Sampling Methodology of Peas for Yield and Quality, Pratapsinha Chintamani Pendse
A Manometric Method for the Determination of Soil Carbonates in the Field, N. A. Polyzopoulos
A Method for Determining Proteinase Activity, Bhupendra V. Randeria
Effects of Gamma Radiation on Asparagus and Tomatoes, Arthur L. Rivers
An Evaluation of the Salt Tolerance of Selected Clones of Agropyron elongatum, Jordan G. Smith
A Historical Study of Plain City, Weber County, Utah: Community Background as an Influence on Education, Fern Olsen Taylor
The Selection of Superior Alfalfa Varieties for Utah Conditions, Richard M. Taylor
Development and Evaluation of Laboratory Methods for Determining the Nitrogen Supplying Power of the Irrigated Soils of Northern Utah, Jerald Ross Wight
Surficial Geology of Bear Lake Valley, Utah, Allen D. Willard
Lethal Concentrations and Detoxification Time of Toxaphene For Goldfish, Gambusia and Rainbow Trout, Gar W. Workman
Characteristics of Manila and Related Soil Series, Flayeh H. Altaie
Linkage Relationships of Located and Unlocated Genetic Testers in Certain Normal and Translocation Stocks of Barley, William Ralph Andersen
Analysis of Selected Factors Contributing to Decrease in Post-High School Programs in Agriculture Education in Utah, Dean P. Barton
Geology of the Northern Part of Wellsville Mountain, Northern Wasatch Range, Utah, Stanley S. Beus
A History of the Athletic Career of E. L. "Dick" Romney, Ray Merrill Boothe
Bryce Canyon Silhoettes, M. David Chugg
Church and State Relationships in Education in Utah, James R. Clark
The Phytoplankton of the Logan River, Utah, A Mountain Stream, William J. Clark
A Study of the Sequence of the Professional Education Program for Elementary School Teachers at Utah State University, Christopher Lee Colston
A Critical Survey of Elementary School Playgrounds in Cache and Box Elder Counties, Thomas Cracas
A Study of Two Groups of Superior Students at the Logan Junior High School, Rudgar H. Daines
The Effect of Variety, Harvest Time, and Brine Separation on Thiamine, Riboflavin, and Niacin Contents of Green Lima Beans, Prasertsri Dee-Ananta
The Effect of Soil Moisture and Fertilizers on Seed Germination, Stephen Dubetz
The Agricultural Phase of the Technical Assistance Program of the United States in Iran, With Special Reference to the Role of Utah State University, Malek Mansour Esfandiary
Geology of the Southern Part of Wellsville Mountain, Wasatch Range, Utah, Ronald H. Gelnett
Some Chemical Properties of the Profiles of Two Soil Series as Shown by Horizons and by Increments, Verle Q. Hale
A Series of Five Graded Selections for String Ensemble (Representing Development at the End of Each Year for Five Years), Raymond M. Haslam
Linkage and Inheritance Studies in Barley (Hordeum), Robert E. Heiner
A Study on the Phenotypic Stability of Selected Eastern Forage Synthetics Grown Under Utah Conditions, Don J. Heinz
A Study of Drop-Out Students Who Failed to Respond to the Follow-Up Study of Former High School Students of Logan, Utah, J. T. Herrod Jr.
The Peltier Effect and its Use for Measuring Relative Activity of Soil Water, Hans C. Korven
A Critical Appraisal of Methods of Sucrose Analysis in Sugar Beets, Homer M. Lebaron
Absorption of C14 Labeled Sucrose by Nectaries, Cecil Wright LeFevre
The Development of a Dietary Manual for the Small Hospital, Blanche Z. Madsen
Morphological, Chemical, Histological, and Sensory Quality Changes in Gamma Irradiated Carrots and Potatoes, Keith Andrew Madsen
The Effects of Various Nitrogen and Moisture Levels on the Production of Silage Corn, Grain Corn, and Sweet Corn, Donald M. May
Chlorophyll and Productivity in a Mountain River, William J. McConnell
Community Utilization of School Plants in Weber County School District From 1955 to 1957, R. Glen Miller
An Evaluation of the Salt Tolerance of Particular Varieties, Strains, and Selections of Three Grasses and Two Legumes, Farrel John Olsen Jr
The Natural Reproduction of the Cutthroat Trout, Salmo clarki Richardson, in Strawberry Reservoir, Utah, William S. Platts
Horizontal Movement of Moisture in Soil, D. W. L. Read
The Effect of 2 Soil Fertility Levels on 5 Potato Varieties in Relation to Yield, Specific Gravity and Chipping Quality, Gayland D. Robison
Quality Evaluation of Deep-Fat Fried Peas, Wattana Sathiraswasti
An Ecological Study of the Bottom Fauna of Bear Lake Idaho and Utah, Earl W. Smart
An Application of a Thermodynamic Flow Equation to Water Movement in Unsaturated Soil, Brennan Derry Soane
A Study of Cheese Spreads and Dips, Grant M. Steed
A Historical Study of the Utah State Elementary School Principles Association, 1936-1957, Wheatly John Taylor
A Study of the Holding Power of Utah State University With Respect to a Selected Group of Superior Entering Freshmen, Dan J. Workman
Cost of Marketing Utah Lambs at Alternative Markets, Norman E. Wright
Effect of Hay or Rate of Grain Supplementation on Performance of Lactating Dairy Cows Fed Clipped Pasture Forage, Clive Wendell Arave
A Comparative Analysis of School Reorganization of Bear Lake County Idaho, Morris B. Athay
Thermodynamics of Phosphate Absorption on Several Charcoals, James Duncan Beaton
A Study of the Relative Importance of Items Discussed in Parent-Teacher Conferences as Rated by Parents and Educators in the Logan City Schools, Robert W. Bickmore
A Survey to Determine the Incidence of Antibodies Against Q Fever in Persons in Utah, Carl H. Blank
The Use of Branchiostegal Rays to Determine Age of Lake Trout Salvelinus namaycush Walbaum, Ross Vivian Bulkley
A Survey of Supervisory Practices of Junior High School Principals and Teachers in the Field of Industrial Arts in the State of Utah, Calvin R. Bybee
Relationship of Bicarbonate Concentration of Plant Tissue to that of the Growth Media as a Factor in Chlorosis, Gary H. Carlsen
The Alkali Tolerance of Tall Wheatgrass, David L. Carter